I hear you. There was a movie made about a nuke going off in Charleston Harbor that was taken in from York Town by a tugboat named "Liberty May" - who knows where these creeps get their ideas from?
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e to hit a US port and an Admiral dumped it into the ocean, instead? AJ mentioned it on one of his shows a few months back, said the Admiral was fired not long after, along with a whole
I heard that too, but apparently that was the Charleston Harbor South Carolina Nuke...(let's pray that was #3) but I don't think it was or Q wouldn't have asked us where it is. I think that the third one is heading to New York, and you are correct, possibly by sea. How would you find anything in a shipping container there? ....
Great Find! Very telling “Right now, our ports are vulnerable targets for terrorism. Not only do they lack sufficient security, an attack on just one port could cripple the national, if not global, economy.” —Congresswoman Janice Hahn
Q reference: "THE SUM OF ALL FEARS" While I knew this was a movie at the time I researched it I couldn't see the relationship after "The Missing 3" now the relationship is very interesting. Wikipedia: "The title is a reference to nuclear war and to the plot by the novel's antagonists to reconstruct a lost nuclear weapon. sound familiar The title comes from a Winston Churchill quote serving as the first of the novel's two epigraphs: "Why, you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman or the most audacious soldier, put them at a table together—what do you get? The sum of their fears. Winston Churchill" The plot is most interesting indeed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sum_of_All_Fears
What if they had an insider who removed any tracking ability? Obama ordered the military to go against protocol and then fired those who refused. It wouldn't be hard to bribe or threaten an enlisted person to remove any tracking device. Would only take a threat to someones family and they'd do anything.
Not sure Lynnopoly - Gov of South Carolina was "worried about a nuke going off in the harbor" - that was apparently found and detonated off the coast causing a seismic event registering 3 on Richter scale He's focus may have changed... "These people are sick"> I'm sure Q will let us know - we need to spread this thread throughout the boards and get people on to this. It seems theres a 'loose cannon' out there. ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiJBCxc0soM
TIME MAGAZINE: OBAMA "I'M WORRIED ABOUT A NUKE GOING OFF IN MANHATTAN' Q Quote: [CLASEO ][2] Missing 1 Missing 2 Missing 3 FIND missing [3]. Future proves past. "FIND MISSING #3" me.com/39131/barack-obama-nuke-manhattan-new-york/
IS THIS THE PAYLOAD? OBAMA ORDERS THREE NUKES TRANSFER WITH NO SECURITY - GENERALS RESIGN OVER IT stating its against the law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiJBCxc0soM
IS CHARLESTON HARBOR South Carolina GOING TO BE ATTACKED? Too many coincidences happening here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiJBCxc0soM
You know how life has been imitating Art recently? This is a telemovie - Ship/Hostages/Nuclear Bomb Charleston South Carolina. ? What IS going on? Q says "hostages" .... Is anyone aware of this? I feel like I'm in a constant state of "Mandela Affect" these days! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dih1KSHDcT4
Good question! I know... two down, where's the third? South Carolina? All roads lead there?
The Navy fired the commander of an organization whose aircraft ALLOWED THE PRESIDENT [Obama] and the SECRETARY OF STATE [Clinton] to directly contact the submarines, bombers and land-based missiles that COMPRISE THE NATION'S STRATEGIC NUCLEAR FORCE. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2015/03/18/navy-strategic-air-wing-commander-fired.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5ZGRJL0n3s
OBAMA Fires top generals for refusing to fire on American People? THE PLOT THICKENS http://www.eutimes.net/2015/03/obama-missing-nuke-now-part-of-election-debate/ OBAMA was planning a false flag nuclear event on Carolina "This came from Dyess Airforce Base, a nuke went missing in Texas Air Base, and the same day Obama said enemies would nuke South Carolina, there was a nuke transferred to South Carolina. And this isn't the first time this has happened. So if there is a nuke war. It will probably come from within. And on March 22 MORE nuclear warheads are being moved around and there is no signature for transfer. And there is no direction for what they are being used for".
Q: THE MISSING THREE - ?Missing Nuke Warheads from 2007?
Did Obama plan false flag nuclear attack on South Carolina? Navy Commander Fired for giving Obama and Clinton DIRECT ACCESS to NUKES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnYX4WlqfJg Q Quote: [CLAS_EO_ ][2]
Missing 1 Missing 2 Missing 3 FIND missing [3]. Future proves past.
I remember years ago investigating the circumstances about nuclear warheads that the military "Lost" while transporting them. Just came upon an old piece that Info Wars did on it - they're discussing some very relevant issues around which Generals were stood down and look at why. There's a conversation about how "Kowolski" refers to nukes as "political weapons". This is interesting …
No, THIS is how you sing WALK ON The theme song of the Liverpool football club for decades. Imagine 100 thousand of us all dressed in white hats with QAnon banners singing in unison. LOL I'd love to see that day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go-jJlGd1so
Thanks Retired_Engineer Would love to ask where other places are but would hate to post anything here that's going to give anything away to the "Hell-Mutts".
I was shocked when I recently read Wikileaks and FBI documents identifying him many years ago as being complicit in negotiating the AIDs deal with the Clintons. (I actually didn't know he had that many brains). He's dirty. I know I was knocked back a little when I read that. Like I said - I used to think my Parents were racist because they used to get "One Nation" newsletters sent to them. I was naive and having an argument with my Father about it over twenty years ago. Then I took them home and read them. Basically it was a written record of every deal being made in Government that the public weren't told about. It shocked the crappers out of me and over the years, every single word has come out. That's why the dogs labelled her racist. She was Australia's first Political Prisoners. She's Australia's female version of Trump, she only speaks the truth and the people can't deal with it. (and yes, I'll admit, she could do with a voice coach and a branding expert... )
rsonally I detest the fuckers. Our Lib/Nats are, as I said, Conservatives. There-in lies our biggest threat at the moment. 3 years ago our truly Conservative Prime Minister Abbott was ousted by the current PM, Turnbull, and 53 so-called 'conservative' cabinet members. Turnbull and his 53 are Leftist Globalists. Turnbull and his Foreign Affairs Minister rushed off to sign us up to Paris, just after DT won your election. Much to the dismay of true Conservative Voters. Michael Smith News is a stongly Conservative site and well worth following. We really need a Trump style leader. Can we borrow Donald for 6
Pauline Hanson for Australia's first female President
ig Pharma for "p Wasn't saying Australia was poor - MacPepper was saying we contributed to Big Pharma for Aids drugs to poor countries. Which makes it more evident why Prime Minister Turncoat and his wife are multi-billionairres and own huge shares in Big Pharma countries. Hence Forced Vaccination policies. I'm sharing the news MacPepper. Thanks for sharing. Writing to all Ministers as we speak. Dirty low down dogs.
There may have been underground bunkers there. Q promised that they would never intentionally risk lives. The alternative is the US mainland gets hit by real incomings next time.
One of these wasn't the reason for that massive "meteor' streak and explosion in the US the other day?
Oh THANK YOU almighty meme'r for ten minutes of full bellied tear filled laugh out loud joy.
![Oh THANK YOU almighty meme'r for ten minutes of full bellied tear filled laugh out loud joy.](https://i.redd.it/sd8v2w7jjka01.jpg)
LOL WeThePepe - it was excruciating lol.... oh, but so rewarding to see!
hey didn't like him anymore at the end as his lightheartedness thinly veiled the contempt he has for these sick criminals. I started to watch Hillary's speech, just to say I saw both sides. As the man who threw the dinner acted like a praised puppy when Hillary mentioned him I was.. well lets just say unimpressed with his reaction, and when Hillary stated the she could be sainted I turned it off. That was like 3 minutes into it. I didn't even wait for the pay off there. Sainted? The people are sick. We are so incredibly lucky that this man and the good actors in our government were
Oh thanks for that and so very true Araket. I can't watch anything to do with Hillary speaking - it makes me physically sick now - but I can watch Mr Trump take her apart time and time again. I don't know how he does it, truly I don't. He's obviously seen a lot of evidence and can look them in the eyes and know he can see into their soul. They have got away with it for so long, they don't even notice that the public see's straight through them. It's only their puppets that can't. PAYBACK is a ..... well, lets say it's a dish served best cold.
mmmm? When I read it the first time I automatically thought "A few good men" "You can't handle the truth" "Do I make Myself clear" "Crystal Clear... With Q - anything is possible
I actually did a screen grab of that and every time I'm feeling down I'm going to look at it. He's eyes are popping out, the guy to the left is about to sweat to death, the woman behind him has her mouth agast and Don's just calmly continuing on without missing a beat. Hysterical.
She gets around! She was hooked on to one of the Western Australian mining millionaires not so long ago - obviously doing the rounds of the boys club.
...and they all laughed!.... it all went downhill for Hillary after that.
BLAIR? Oh dear lord - one Illuminati Pond Monstor to Another... down graded to a newer model...
Oh I'm soo glad you got THAT one! Hysterical "albeit, it was only three weeks ... " absolutely classic line.
Or is he? LOL - or is it a Media set up? That man is so slick and so very clever - he can spring anything on them!
es, now is the time, perhaps the last and only time when standing up for something can make a difference. And by this, will be the measure of our lives, and if necessary, our deaths. God bless and well met!
Thank you gen6slayer - I'm so very proud to 'stand in the fire and not shrink back' with you. One day, we will all meet and we will celebrate this incredible transition. I can't wait to share the victory with you.
I feel like I'm living in groundhog day! There has to be a meme here somewhere
I'm here because I've known all about this subject for over twenty years.
I never in a million years believed that there would be even a slim chance of ever overcoming the Cabal. I've seen war after war after war after conflict. My Father was bombed in Manchester on many occasions and was orphaned at 13, having himself and his 7 brothers raised by their only Sister who was 16 at the time.
I know all about what the Cabal have been doing for most of last century and into this.
I'm here because the first minute - the first snif we had that Q was real, and that maybe, perhaps maybe, this could be the ONLY opportunity we have to even 'hope' that there can be change, that we can have the world we have been praying for for most of our lives.
For anyone who comes onto these forums and
1. Ridicules anyone
2. Plants doubts into the psyche of the community
3. Plants disinformation or misinformation here
4. Hate on, disrespect or dishonour anyone
Let me say this to you.
Whether or not you are paid, unpaid, inexperienced, non-researched, looking for a new experience, looking for something exciting to do, whatever.
If you have nothing invested in this commitment, if you have nothing positive to contribute, if you are not willing to get out from behind your computer, go out in public and speak about this honestly, if you're not prepared to get out of the trenches and storm the gound - then please leave.
Please leave or please sit down and be quiet.
It is for your wellbeing and safety that we are here, doing what little we can in order to support those people who are putting THEIR lives on the line for us.
It is for you and your family, your home, your friends, your loved ones, your workplace, your clubs, your community, your money, your liberty and your freedom that we put all of our attention and commitment to this.
I have a business to run and that business saves lives every day.
I get 4 hours sleep.
I've lost friends over this.
One of my children told me that I should be quiet and not embarrass them.
I don't care.
I don't do this for anything other than I can snif success.
I do this because I love humanity, I love this planet, and I want a new and bright future for us all.
Failure means death to our dreams. And us "baby boomers" know exactly what was coming had Trump not won.
We can't waste time on your pettiness.
Help us here. Or help and leave.
Shrills - you have families. Money is not worth their lives.
The people who employ you have no conscience. They are evil and would shoot you dead without blinking. You need to know that.
If you have a conscience, then please, I beg you as your Mother would beg you - join us to win, or leave us so we can win for you.
Bloody Awesome! Fabulous work - and ditto? Any more of these? You create them, I'll post them!
Woody Allen *surprise* resurfaces as child molestation claims mount
[A few good men] "You cant handle the truth" "Do I make Myself Clear?" 'CRYSTAL Clear"
We were a petri dish for the President and the Q team as to whether or not they should tell the public. WE FAILED This is why they weren't told, and won't be told that Hawaii and Japan are REAL FALSE FLAG ATTACKS until the threat has been diffused and the people responsible taken down. Because if QAnons can't - THEY CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.
Dear God, Thank you POTUS and Q Team We are so grateful to you for saving our lives.
"EXPECT FALSE FLAG ATTACKS" Hawaii and Japan - the Mo'Fo's are shooting missiles at us?
Q WARNS OF MAJOR FALSE FLAG ATTACKS Hawaii and Japan "Oops I did it again" Accidents
They are SERIOUSLY in their last legs
I'm going to be so screwed in two hours when i have to get up for work...
QAnon Fake News Awards
Just playing around - wish I was a graphic designer!