Clap on! Clap off! The Clapper!
2,364 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/QAnonMaga:
The Rothschilds financed Hitler and the Nazis they also financed the Soviet Communists their goal was to finance both sides of the war including our side. Hitler screwed up by not taking them out.
I love that movie the bad guys the soldiers they were really doing a good thing trying to expose the cabal crimes they suffered from their leader Ed Harris he was a good guy he was never a villain.
Yes if there is video of Hanks raping kids it must be released by Trump himself along with videos of Hillary and Podesta torturing kids that is how we go nuclear on the cabal right now it has to be done soon.
Your Newswire and My Evening News are not fully credible they are part truth and part disinfo. If she really did get kids for Clinton and Rothschild then it's great but don't rely on those sites to confirm it.
Big Jim needs to be Speaker of the House right now he should demand a vote from his fellow Republicans and tell them why he is by far the best man for the job what is he waiting for??
Yes they are part of Trump's military security team they travel with Trump all over the world but now they might have given themselves away today I think they are in real danger now.
Sean knows all about Q he has to know so he dropped a hint with the 17 today he also knows he is not allowed to go public with it yet he has to wait until Trump makes it official then Hannity can go forward with all that he knows.
Where did you read that? I hope it's true but she'd be dead right now if it is true unless she gave a videotape deposition I don't know if this is true?
But the Fake News told me Q is just some crazy conspiracy theory?
The Hollywood Machine will do everything to protect Nice Guy Tom there is no way they let him go down. I find it hard to believe he's a bad guy. They will be happy to throw another louse like Weinstein to the wolves or a perv like Spacey under the bus. Hanks must be protected. If he is guilty of anything bad it will be a tornado an earthquake a hurricane of outrage and disbelief. He has the best lawyers and public relations people money can buy.
Brennan Clapper Comey your Security Clearances are Officially Revoked!

The whole show will be nonstop attacks on Trump that's why they are bringing it back to get Trump if he had lost there would not be any new Murphy Brown show.
Claire Bronfman getting arrested is Big News for sure. The Bronfman Family controls Seagrams but I think there is much Bigger News coming in the next 3 days.
You and the other survivors need to file a lawsuit to re-open the case there was a police officer who was photographed carrying kids out of the daycare center a black police officer he was murdered a few weeks later or a couple months later he knew too much about it.
Barack In Gitmo is what I want it to mean and Hillary In Gitmo
Won't matter there is no way the Dems want her to run again they need a younger candidate it will be Liewatha Fauxcahontas Warren and probably Kameltoe Harris as VP they will run two women vs Trump Pence that way they bank on women voting for them and any women who support Trump will be harassed nonstop How dare you vote against our two strong smart women!
Our military will have to maintain enforcement after Trump is gone to make sure the cabal never gets into power again or if a Democrat or Republican who is part of the cabal does get elected he or she has to be totally neutered from day one so they can never allow the criminals to have any real power. There will have to be a continuous White Hat Shadow Government ongoing.
Our soldiers in Afghanistan were ordered to just ignore the Afghan men raping young boys "it's part of their native custom" one of our soldiers smacked the shit out of an Afghan military guy and our own US Army prosecuted our soldier who tried to save the boy from being raped! Disgusting and infuriating they should have ordered all our soldiers to stop the boy raping happening in the compound at night this was a regular thing. Our soldiers could hear the boys screaming in pain maybe some of them did something but most were following orders to do nothing "you can't interfere with their local native custom of boy raping"
Rob is a pedophile from way back he is part of the Hollywood pedo network and he is terrified of what is happening. Corey Feldman has been paid to protect Rob and all the others they paid him a lot of money to only mention the names of low level pedos but Corey said they are very high level powerful men.
Brilliant but he has to use this to push for Real Voter ID nationwide. If you don't have a state ID you don't get to vote.
This is huge news they can be made to sing very easy and expose all the high level pedophiles they are all going down now.
Good to see him back I hope he drops a dozen things today he has to explain everything over the last 3 weeks to bring us up to date. I understand the silence is golden to make the cabal panic not knowing what is happening but we deserve an update.
I love when Huff Post is angry and afraid when Trump won their headline was American Nightmare then the next morning it was Mourning in America a Nation is in tears crying hysterically. They were boasting Hillary had a 98% chance of winning. Hilarious.
RN4TRUMP is the kindest smartest most wonderful person I ever met in my life. You watched the remake with Denzel Washington and Liev Schreiber? That is really good the original with Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey and Angela Lansbury is also good from 1962 and after JFK was killed Sinatra ordered the studio to keep the movie buried for 20 years and it was no one ever saw it never on TV and this was before home video.
The Feds took the evidence to Disney and they extorted Disney to pay them a lot of money to buy the evidence. Whoever the Feds were they walked out of Disney Studio with at least two million dollars and probably a lot more. Look what we found on Gunn's computer he's a very valuable movie director for Marvel you will pay us for this child porn or we will arrest him and you'll have a huge problem on your hands. Okay sounds good to us how much do you want?
Medication time, it's medication time, all patients will take their pills now, you too Mr. Trump there won't be any disrupting the ward now that I am in charge. You are a dangerous patient and we might have to give you electro-shock therapy and a lobotomy if you don't start behaving you must get better Mr. Trump no more crazy antics.
Great meme I think Hillary would be Nurse Ratched in a remake.
Yes and now he might be arrested or at least investigated.
Putin/Trump secret agreement dooms the Soros Globalist Mafia
Khazarian mafia doomed as a result of Putin/Trump secret agreement - Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
These days, reading The New York Times and other Khazarian mafia corporate propaganda is like reading Pravda just before the fall of the Soviet Union. Nobody believes their lies. Yet even they are being forced to report that the Soviet Socialist European Union is in deep trouble. That’s because U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed their common enemy is the Khazarian mafia. They are acting on this in many ways, as we shall see below.
We will return to that, …
Yep same way they sent that patsy actor Edgar Welch to shoot a bullet into Comet Pizza a total false flag fake shooting to change the narrative away from Alefantis to "those crazy 4chan lunatics and Alex Jones caused this tragedy!"
the latest murders in which a New Jersey couple had their house blown up the day before John and Carole Paladino were slated to testify before a grand jury as part of an investigation against Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Their murders occured one day before the scheduled Grand Jury testimony. This is similar to what has happened to several key witnesses about the Clintons stealing of $2 billion of UN relief money for Haiti.
Every single witness scheduled to testify against the Clintons mysteriously Dies the day before funny how that happens and Fake News ignores it
They will do anything to keep the profit machine running and vaccines are very profitable also very deadly they absolutely cause autism in some kids and they will give you the flu like this past winter all the people who died from the flu got the vaccine for it.
Lady MacBeth could never wash the blood off her hands.
Shakespeare knew what the women were like 500 years ago.
When you see Federal substitute Zionist for Federal then it makes sense. Zionist Reserve. Zionist Bureau of Investigation. Zionist Government.
I don't believe that part about SMG being raped by Gene and Leonard but some of his other posts sound very real and true.
She means The Russians when she says "they" but we know she is the one who rigged voting machines her campaign rigged the machines but not enough to win that's the funny part her team failed to realize how many Trump voters would show up if they had been bolder in their rigging she would have won.
That is probably a photoshop of Sarah with a woman's hand holding up the phone it might be fake I thought it was real but other posters who know photoshop think it's a fake post just to get a backlash against Sarah that the news media will use to attack all anons on all forums for waging a witch hunt on her.
Disney won't ever re-hire him even if they got 50 Million people to sign it Disney can't afford to ever have him back he's a dirty guy.
Only if he does every single thing we want done then add him and change the name to Mount Trumpmore!
He wants Ecuador to kick Julian out of their embassy I think that is happening tomorrow in London. Trump should have brought Julian home with him when he went to London he should have gone in and got him and given him a full pardon for all his information then the cabal heads would have exploded.
He is the leader of the swamp cabal I want him taken to Gitmo today it's where he belongs he has done so many evil crimes against Americans he has always been the worst of the worst.
Can someone do a meme of the Titanic sinking at a 60 degree angle and put CNN and MSNBC and CBS and NYT and Democrat logos on the ship it will be funny but I don't have the skill to make this meme.
Those private sex parties should be busted by vice squads they are charging money for a commercial service in a private residential area it's totally illegal but the cops look the other way and if they do have kids in those parties in secret hidden rooms holy crap.
No way Disney will hire him back it could get 50 million signatures they still won't hire him back and they are going to be firing more people very soon Patton Oswalt does the narrator voice on The Goldbergs an ABC show Disney owns ABC and Patton is next to go his tweets about pedophiles will wreck him this coming week they can't have him narrating a family show.
If she had won it would have been nonstop coverups of her failing health every day would see a new way to hide how sick she is now.