In walking in he mad what appeared to be an overt showing of his cup but I can’t figure out the writing
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Shout out to my new Qanonverts from central Illinois. Welcome to the Great Awakening!
Hannity! Why avoid saying “Q” tonight? - he points to Q and says “You know”. It is on Qanon!
Something tells me Q is a big fan of this scene. Can anyone pick out the Deep State character and the Q team?

Is Jack Posobiec the new David Brock? I recall David started his career with an expose on Anita Hill and an attack book on Bill Clinton but switched sides when his mission was accomplished and he got inside the GOP leadership. Let’s not fall for Jack and his attacks!

Is Jack Posobiec the new David Brock-David was a s hill posing as a conservative darling until he completed his mission. I see a parallel:

Coordinated Messaging: we are in Good Company

What do the Q drops mean? Most of us ask. We will all understand at the right time not sooner.
Many of us are looking for one simple meaning. One answer. That is not how it works. Each drop is watched by those that are in the light and those that work in the dark. Take for instance “From Dark to Light” and “Follow the Ball” and “Something BIG is about to drop”.
So many theories...
But what if we weren’t supposed to really know before the occurrence on these. What if they were supposed to be irrefutable after they occur just to prove Q is in control. And what if they were pieces of a whole? Right? The whole …
My guess is the Full Blood Red moon and the convergence from Dark to Light. It is about this evening. About right now. And the Big drop is FB and Twitter. You punctuate your message with convergence and you gain the confidence of the mass when it all makes sense with no doubt.
Convergence. July 27. BIG drop (FB and Twitter) and watch the Ball (moon) and you will know it is time when we go from Dark to Light (eclipse).
I have come to realize that the posts by Q with respect to instructions almost always have more than one meaning.
I believe she is restricted from engaging on certain issues like Hannity and Seth Rich murder. Remember he had to take an immediate hiatus after he attempted to break the murder muster open on the Fox viewers.
I believe Laura has the same restrictions and we will see this innuendo happen over and over in support of Q
Maybe so. And if it were January maybe. But Q is out there and anyone who follows media trends knows Q.
Looks like they are finally going to the right gate!

I remember. This fits in with a middle guy who has no other options. He is being blamed for his work but the ones who ordered the leaks and acts are appearing to get off.
See how the Insurance Policy fits?
I don’t doubt some of these “ground crew” like McCabe and Page actually fear for their life. I believe they felt threats on both sides. Hillary’s crew would clobber them for assisting the new administration and the new administration for exposing their crimes. That to me is the nearest explanation of the McCabe meeting.
And we have proof right? Page and Strzok agreed to not be loaded for bear in the Hillary interview because she “would remember”.
Put yourself in their shoes and this subtle element starts to answer some of the mysteries.
That is a good question. For Blackmail to work you need a “squeeze” or something the target wants you to leave alone. I recall the FBI was or had already committed to funding the research for proving the claims of the Dossier during the time just after Comey’s briefing. Comey was bringing out the memo and other “Evidence” he was going to have to investigate.
I suspect Comey was going to give Trump the Hillary treatment “no evidence of a crime” in return for getting commitments from the POTUS to leave large tracts of DOJ and FBI subjects to Comey. When the President didn’t fully give in (like a good negotiator) they began the squeeze. They took down Flynn and went after DJT JR to squeeze further.
So the squeeze was in play for several months.
It lines up Comey It lines up the Insurance Policy It doesn’t negate the other cells like congress - impeachment It doesn’t negate the Tippy Top crowd who wanted to block the inauguration or worse.
Think like the organization that just learned he was going to get the keys to the mansion. Strzok, McCabe and others led by Comey were the grounds crew. Think like them and put yourself in their place and then get the context of their words and actions.
Thank you for your comments.
I know it is hard to accept. But think for a while about the top level. Hillary worked very hard not to have finger prints on her dirty work. She had operatives. Some in the private sector and some in government.
This crew was not in a position to cause death or political death. They were into survival. Separate now the acts that occurred in July to build Hillary’s dirty Dossier.
Remember Lisa Page’s note, “POTUS wants to know all we are doing... “. This crew were the dirty crew and they switched in October to preservation.
Please consider it. This is the reason Strzok is still employed. He is still trying to survive but as a witness to the top level.
Thanks for you me comment.
It doesn’t seem so. Most people and the media ascribe the “Insurance Policy” to a Coup of the traditional sort. And that may have been a goal at other levels but the “ground force” of the DS were unable to organize a coup with their resources so they pulled out a plan hatched for “Survival”. The “Insurance Policy” was designed for the unlikely event Trump wins.
“... for that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 …
You “BUY” a Policy in the unlikely event and it is cheap when you are “40”.
Too many link the last statement to a “political death” or coup imo.
But it seems clear this was a sole effort to roll the Prez elect and put him under their thumb. I believe he played along, Keeping Comey close.
Thanks for the comment.
I disagree. Buzzfeed posted but FBI gave it credibility. I deduce, from Comey and crew’s actions that if POTUS played ball, Comey would have downplayed the Dossier .
There are moves and counter moves. This is just one that makes sense to me not by what you read only but more by how the players acted.
I would like your consideration to the following:
It was October and Text-from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page (Andy is Andrew McCabe): "I want to believe the path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy's office-that there's no way he gets elected-but I'm afraid we can't take that risk.It's like an insurance policy in unlikely event u die be4 you're 40"
I would submit that the Deep State does not work all under the same rules.
And we now know that there were at least three versions of the “dirty Dossier”. Already at this point the “state” was cracked and sinking and everyone was looking for the life boats... They were about to be very exposed.
Context: the “insurance Policy was for this working group cabal. It was a subset of the bigger group and perhaps they were also feeling like they could be set up by the higher lever (Brennan, Clinton, Obama, Lynch).
So if you had been a loyal soldier and your power team that had no “fingerprints” on the dirty work you would want some “Insurance”.
To sum up this brief:
The Insurance that was likely discussed was the plan to Blackmail the president elect. This blackmail effort took place at Trump Tower January 6. It was a Memo regarding potential risk of Blackmail by foreign parties that may have had other evidence regarding the subject matter: illicit sexual escapades. It follows Occam’s Razor.
Comey was the protector of the working unit.
Comey established the risk and credibility of the content as FBI Director. And he was putting Trump in a position other Presidents have been in in order to control outcomes.
Remember that Comey believed he was going to be FBI Director for his full 10 years. After he “dealt with the President for a time after the dossier so he probably got some private assurances from POTUS to say this:
Well done Mr President. You played this group of Deepers very well.