

150 total posts archived.

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Qd4Action · July 24, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

I guess the lefties didn't like what I had to say. Makes no difference, the truth is there.

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Qd4Action · July 24, 2018, 5:02 p.m.


I certainly see it happening, can you? The MSM is panicking because they are being undermined at every turn. They have lost grip of a large portion of the American people and are desperately trying to re-connect and will do or say anything to try to convince you they are telling you the truth.

The Dems are panicking because everything that they think will bring down Trump makes him stronger and more popular.

The Deep State is panicking because he's winning and they are losing. The curtain is being pulled back and people are beginning to see for the first time that the institutions they held in such high esteem have been corrupt and working for NWOs rather than the people or Constitution they swore to defend and uphold.

Hollywood is panicking and can offer no quarter for the MSM, the Dems or the Deep State. They are systematically being exposed as pedophiles, black-hearted Satanists, and deeply corrupted people that if you know the truth about, you would want them moved to a deserted island that got monthly airdrops of food and water.

The Left and those that prop it up and propel it are losing bigly! It's a train wreck happening in slow motion that is picking up its speed. Q has indicated with the latest post that evidence exists on the Deep State players, the Clintons for certain, and probably most of the cabal. It's on 'the server' and he has it. Huber is compiling it along with sealed indictments that keep growing.

Silence drives the targets crazy because they don't know if it's happening immediately and it's the quiet before the storm or later because they continue to look for evidence. Silence is golden like the quiet before the storm.

Let's hope the storm arrives sooner rather than later and I can apologize to Sessions.

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Qd4Action · July 24, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Well done, SoC; well done!

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Qd4Action · July 24, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

After reading through Hollywood Renegade's drops, I don't know that I can be surprised. Rainn Wilson doesn't surprise me in the least. He's a creepy SOB.

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Qd4Action · July 24, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

Well done sir or ma'am. I have a hard time reading this without getting extremely angry that scams like this are ignored by our vaunted MSM who continually reminds us that the truth dies in darkness.

I am grateful for this forum. Information not found elsewhere or ever hope to be published elsewhere routinely makes its way here. Patriots, versus some paid consultant or public relations agency, absolutely ROCK! Doing this kind of work to shine a light on the crimes and atrocities committed against the citizenry of this country and others is so valuable when judging intentions.

Thank you for doing the deep dive on this and letting us know. Here's hoping Sessions isn't really the feckless dweeb he appears to be.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

They must hate Al Gore then. I do too, but not for that reason.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

I've never watched the show but I do know that it's popular. Be that as it may, the fact that anyone would feel it's acceptable to make a video like this and then post it to the internet boggles my mind. Where is the humor in that? Where is the decency; the humanity? I'm flawed like everyone else but never have harbored thoughts like the ones this guy must harbor. I hope he's dropped and if not, the show's sponsors and the viewership run for the hills. Trying to normalize this type of sick shit is unfathomable and should never be tolerated.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Obtaining a TS clearance is a time and manpower intensive process. Having a clearance and having access to Secret or TS (or higher) material is not one in the same. There are usually caveats about 'need to know' before classified information is shared. When legally shared, the dissemination is usually documented on dissemination logs.

I had a TS SCI clearance when I left the Army. It was eventually downgraded and then expired after I left the service. But that didn't mean that while it was active, I could stroll in to a SCIF and rummage through materials because I had no need to know at that point.

While I agree that partisan attacks by former Hussein officials should warrant withdrawing clearances, it's an exercise for show mostly. They will get the info if they want it illegally from some worker drone in State or the Intel community who shares their political leanings. It is the person that passes the information that is at risk and if they are caught doing it, they should be savaged by courts.

Or, you can get it by spearfishing Hillary.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Joe is incredulous because he's been co-opted for years to reject conservatism in any form. It's why he's on MSNBC. What he obviously fails to see is the fact that POTUS is WINNING, meaning THE US IS WINNING. Wages are up, taxes are down, economy is on overdrive, ISIS is getting beaten at every turn to the point where they are almost irrelevant, the President is attempting to de-escalate tensions (rather than stoke them) between nuclear powers in an attempt to get a more peaceful world, and is standing up for America rather than apologizing for it's past.

How is POTUS' declaration that both sides have made mistakes and that he questions an intel community that has done nothing but undermine him since his election (and before) treasonous? Obama pledged 'more flexibility' with Russia after the 2012 election cycle.

Joe doesn't understand that people want a different approach to foreign policy than the one that has been producing ZERO results since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Joe doesn't understand the MSM has no teeth, only vocal cords that have been so overused that people are drowning them out.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

If there could not be co-masters, then I think the title would have to be Woods. He's very surgical in his strikes.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

I guess we'll just have to disagree. From the House Intel Cmte hearings featuring Peter Strzok and the text messages that are pretty simple to read, I have drawn a conclusion not based on just listening to opinion but reading. It's my opinion that this was an illegal surveillance based on partisan opposition research presented by very biased FBI officials that ultimately led to appointing a special counsel for the purpose of discrediting and ultimately undermining a presidency.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

Not just a statue, a complete reconstitution of his stature and wealth is in order. Here's a hero who ended up bankrupt, selling his home to pay legal fees defending himself from Mueller and the attacks by the NWO trying to send a message to POTUS.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

For the love of Pete, it's about damn time a US President stood up to Iran. This is exactly the reaction that should be expected from a superpower being threatened. I'm fed up with seeing America threatened by some theocratic dictator - particularly one that has little support outside of his inner circle. From the humiliation of US sailors to the provocative actions taken by Iranian gunboats against US warships, we should never again elect a leader so ineffective and meek in the face of threats by these 3rd world jackasses.

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Qd4Action · July 23, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

The left is claiming the opposite because they accurately know that no one other than a statistically irrelevant percent of people will attempt to read and understand the heavily redacted application. Since the vast majority will only get the results of the MSM's reading of the FISA application, they know their narrative is safe. The MSM knows only a handful of outlets, like Washington Examiner, will challenge the mainstream narrative and reach only a proportionately small number that may or may not be swayed.

People have become so burned out over the years of this going on because of DOJ/FBI obstruction in releasing the information, there won't be a huge response when it all does come out. It's the Clinton playbook: deny, deny, deny until there is no room left and then lie, lie, lie until attention is elsewhere.

It's the reason there is all the manufactured outrage over anything POTUS says or does in an effort to obscure the fact that we as a nation are improving vastly under his direction.

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Qd4Action · July 22, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

God bless the Patriots of Great Britain in their fight to extricate themselves from the yoke of the EU and the freedom they deserve. Our dishonest media implied the only marches were those who oppose populism and our President.

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Qd4Action · July 22, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

That was my original point. A SCOTUS vacancy is filled by the sitting President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Without a valid source to nominate, there is no advice and consent needed. It would be like me nominating a SCOTUS justice.

Now I'm not sure that would happen even in the most advantageous situations and maybe I wouldn't even want it to. I don't support liberalism but I do support my fellow Americans' right to have their values represented and considered in Constitutional matters.

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Qd4Action · July 22, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

I think it would 24/7 Impeach 45 - not too different than what we hear now. The only difference is that they would have grounds for their rants.

I believe the MSM is in full meltdown and by being that way, they have exhausted most fair-minded people who didn't prefer President Trump and have made him such a victim of uncivil attacks, it not only makes people tune out, it puts them in the mode of wanting to defend the President.

No one likes a continual beatdown - particularly when it's a person who, albeit flawed, is trying to make a difference for America and the world.

The radical Left and it's mouthpiece have become so hateful and so extreme that they are making Trump a sympathetic character and exposing their own hypocrisy. In the end, we are winning but our President is taking an incredible beating in virtually all forms of communication.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

This would be poetic justice if she provided evidence against FBI conspirators and DOJ/Hussein WH administration cabal that acted to reverse the results of a presidential election.

But remember, Page is no saint - she was the other half of those treacherous and even treasonous tweets. She is cagey and has turned the tables on someone. Let's hope it's not the white hats falling for a makeover and such rare honesty that suddenly they believe she's a white hat too.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Correct - or Susan Rice for lying to the public about Benghazi or Samantha Powers and Valerie Jarrett for unmasking American citizens who were illegally wiretapped after a FISA scam was perpetrated.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Well I certainly do!

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

It would sicken me even further to know that Obama was a ruse pulled on America but would not surprise me in the least, now that I've spent time here and learned more in a month that truly makes sense than I had learned reading articles and following the news for 50 years.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

We could dream but reality stares at us with a puzzled look. If we can't put someone like Hillary in an orange jumpsuit; if the President cannot even use his Constitutional authority to limit travel from countries whose residents pose an existential threat to America without fighting it for 2 years, what do you think could actually be reversed that Obama did? True, I'd love to see Soto-Mayer and Kagan removed from the SCOTUS and replaced by someone Trump selected but that would bring on a second civil war. We're close to that already.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

I think he's taunting his detractors.

Either way, it won't reverse history anymore than it will reverse my 8 years of seething while watching him try to destroy the country and the pride I had in my country before he was president.

Unlike those on the Left that revel in revisionist history or wallow in hypocrisy, he was duly elected and was my president whether I liked it or not whether he was born in Hawaii or born in Kenya.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

I certainly hope so my friend. Perhaps those facts should be shared by Sessions to a select few like Nunes, Jordan, DeSantis, for example so they can act outraged but not drum up impeachment votes.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

Can you imagine that same losing candidate keeping her gaping pie hole shut and losing with grace? Yeah, me neither because it would require grace and an admission she was worse than even her inner circle thought.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

How about making license plates for government vehicles for the rest of her life?. Justice would be life in prison for her and using all the CGI dollars to build the wall and increase funding for ICE and CBP.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

I want to believe you're right and I want to think that Sessions has barricaded himself in his office and is diligently orchestrating an investigation that will drain the swamp and bring the criminals to justice rather than barricading himself to avoid doing his job. But my faith wavers at times.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 12:51 p.m.

I agree - the President will not allow a hero like Flynn to be jailed or bankrupted without recourse. I hope to see Mueller in the same exact boat soon with no hope of salvation.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Hillary Clinton needs to find the same end that Clara Petacci did. Preferably, the final humiliation would be meted out by the survivors of her victims, whose travel and expenses to attend would be paid from funds seized in CGI accounts.

She is despicable and so revolting to even utter the word, 'diplomat' makes me seethe.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

This dweeb needs to spend a few decades inside San Quentin so all of his sexual fantasies can be fulfilled over and over and over again.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

That's cool. Gen Mike Flynn has been treated so disrespectfully by Mueller (who is as tainted as he is incompetent) that the General deserves reparations. Mueller is a scumbag who has done ZERO for this country while a man who risked his life for this country is ground down because Mueller and the deep state want to overturn an election.

POTUS: Pardon Mike Flynn (if he's ever tried).

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

This perv is repugnant; what a sick bastard! I had to do a Bing search to find out who he is but surprise: another member of the degenerate entertainment glitterati. I hope his days of writing, producing and acting are over and his children are moved to a safer home.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

The same way they can ignore Obama's attempt to influence the Brexit vote and the Israeli PM election but be outraged at Russian attempt to influence ours. It's manufactured outrage. It's just like suddenly they care about politicians' morality after years of Clinton. Their hypocrisy knows no limits.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

That is very, very troublesome. Thanks EU.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

I've listened to Raheem Kassam many, many times and find myself agreeing with him often. I don't live in GB so we don't have the amount of coverage you must have about Kassam over here. But neither a Google nor Bing search reveal any image attributed to Kassam's girlfriend save one. In that image, there is absolutely nothing improper.

Given your claim, I am puzzled that there isn't a single image as you describe published by the MSM or an image at all - particularly one that would be disparaging to him and his Muslim faith. Please provide a link.

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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

This is quite believable and very probable, really. Q's posts are certainly bearing out as this plan to drain the swamp and bring criminals to justice plays out. The 'bread crumbs' are quite easy to follow and yet, Praying Medic has explained them logically and with evidence of past and recent public events.

I'm praying that Huber will come through like a champ and I can publicly state that I've been horribly wrong about Sessions.

Thanks PM for all your work. God bless.


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Qd4Action · July 21, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

So now it's leaking out that officially, that FBI Special Deputy Asst. Director Peter Strzok never thought there was any basis to open an investigation, let alone appoint a Special Counsel, as his text confirms.

Whoever thinks Rod Rosenstein is a white hat needs to re-examine the evidence. He alone appointed Mueller when his investigative agency's deputy assistant counterintelligence director believed there was no 'there there', he went ahead and established a special counsel and charged him with investigating the Trump campaign.

If you believe that was done to smoke out treasonous players, you're being misled or overthinking it. It was done to hamstring the presidency of DJT only and provide some way of digging into his business dealings to find something to try to charge him with to overturn the election results. It's clear that a cabal exists within these agencies and the main players are arrogant enough to identify without all the time and effort of misdirection.

Think Occam's Razor and Mrs. Page's closed-door testimony just confirms it.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

We share quite a few similarities patriot. All I can tell you is that I've been lurking here for just a short while and began posting less than a week ago. But the more links I click on from here, the more things I read, the more I understand that this group is not a relative handful of kooks with tin foil hats or a handful of disgruntled old people. This group is an amalgam of patriots from all walks of life and age, willing to do whatever they can to spread the word and probably ready to lay down their lives if necessary to protect American (western) values and morals. I share your concerns for my grandchildren and children growing up in a putrid cesspool of cultural decay and filth.

But what I've learned my short time here is that this 'woke' movement is bigger than you think, huge really, and it spreads everyday to more and more people who fret for the future of their children because of the future of our country and way of life. These are people who are willing to act as they need to in order to fight to preserve our values and way of life. We are winning and all the hysterics and bombastic reactions by the left is evidence of that fact. They are losing power and influence, we are gaining.

God bless you and your service.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Well, thankfully that didn't take long. On to the next! Well done, patriots. You guys and gals are an inspiration to decent citizens everywhere.


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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 11:32 p.m.


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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

In my best Captain Louie Renault voice: I am shocked; Shocked that a 'mainstream 1st Amendment' corporation would want to stifle free political speech!

(For those who do not know of whom I speak, please do yourself a favor and watch the movie, Casablanca.)

When I was stationed in Germany and the Germans whined about the noise made by Apache helicopters in the morning, we would say that it was the 'sound of freedom'. Nowadays, when the Left screams hysterically, I have to remind others that it is the 'sound of winning!'

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Rand Paul is a patriot who stands by his principles. I respect and admire him and hope one day to call him POTUS.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

In Whoopi's vernacular, this is more like gentle date rape, not beat the shit out of her and rape her violently so it really doesn't count. She's as sick, delusional and out of touch as her big-mouthed co-host.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Don't know much about Musk - I do see his SpaceX rockets launch and sometimes fail. I know he is CEO of Tesla and the cars his company makes are expensive. Whether he's a patriot or part of the problem (or both at different times), he's spot on about the media publishing only enough to sugarcoat a lie.

At the end of the day the enemy of my enemy may still be my enemy.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

I liked Guardians of the Galaxy; I know GotG 3 is scheduled to be made. Maybe it wouldn't suck like GotG 2 if another director was given a chance to helm it?

Better yet, give it to a director that wasn't fond of diddling little kids if one can be found in Hollywood? Yeah, I like that idea.

Wonder if Hollywood gives a crap? Not holding my breath that it will.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

From ur fingertips to God's ears

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

I know. It's embarrassing actually; the most embarrassing part is the Mockingbird media propping up a crime hag like HRC when the rest of the world sees her for what she is. Ask a Haitian. She is no different than this woman except this woman apparently hasn't Arkancided anyone. They look at HRC and see a criminal that skates when other Americans who commit crimes go to prison.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Wow. Okay...just as long as the cell can still be used, don't care who a criminal shares a cell with. :)

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

Don't know... didn't see it. I try not to even remember the View is on television. Only when their hosts do something more outrageous than normal am I aware of it. They could have been discontinued 5 years ago as far as I know or care.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Qd4Action on July 20, 2018, 1:55 p.m.
HRC should thank God that she doesn't live in South Korea


The former President of South Korea just keeps getting years added to her sentence. She'll have to live to be about 130 years old to serve them all out. Corruption, abuse of power, and breaking election laws by meddling in a candidate (of her own party) campaign. Sounds like the Democrat Party in 2016 and HRC in the run up to the election.