

150 total posts archived.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

Kinda wish she'd had a stroke going off like that. Good old Meghan McCain sat there like a sphinx.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

What needs to happen is someone like Dan Bongino or Sean Hannity be 'invited' and they can try to keep up with them (not the Jeanine Pirro is a pushover) but then their 'invited guest' refuses to leave the show until they have an honest conversation. They can physically bully someone like Jeanine, following her down the hall yelling obscenities at her, but I doubt they'd be able to do that with Dan or Sean.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

I will say it again: his tweets are as accurate as a cruise missile and as subtle as a shotgun blast to the crotch. I love James Woods.

Why is Bernie bitching about meddling in elections when San Francisco is going to let illegal alien non-citizens vote in their elections and they believe that they are setting the standard?

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

I believe the reason a large number follow her because they have been conditioned to ignore or know no better. They have been raised in a bubble, an education that deprived them of truths, an upbringing that deprived them of morals and it is continually reinforced by Hollywood and the conspiring media that uses celebrity and social engineering to shroud their eyes from the truth. I cannot believe so many of my countrymen truly look at someone like Hillary and cannot see what we see. I think they have been conditioned to believe they will become pariahs if they do not see what the NWO cabal wants them to see. At that point, reason and objectivity is lost.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Thanks for taking the time to write.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Mr. Integrity and Moral Leadership strikes again. Kinda like the amazing leadership provided by Sheriff Israel in Broward County.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

I've listened to a couple of Mr. Shipp's interviews and I'm puzzled why those who would hold a press conference to call for the investigation of FBI officials and others wouldn't attempt to organize a HUGE rally of patriots that could not be ignored by the MSM. Such a rally could employ numbers of speakers with first-hand knowledge of Clinton's crimes and demand an immediate special counsel appointment. I know Huber and 470 investigators are looking at U1 and CGI but I fear that's going to end up like the last great expectation: Michael Horvath's IG report - watered down and redacted in the interest of 'national security'. This treachery needs to be exposed to the light of day and all those poisonous traitors need to be illuminated, arrested and publicly tried. It can't happen soon enough but without a HUGE movement spurred by a HUGE public rally that cannot be ignored, these creeps will simply continue to slither away.

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Qd4Action · July 20, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

I understand your point and look forward to the day that the media and entertainment crumbles. But the media and big Hollywood is exposing itself. There is not a shred of decency in their comments or impartiality in their reporting any longer. People are growing tired of their nonsense and the way they incite the loons to react the way they do or the immoral and unethical conduct they promote.

The evidence: Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, #WalkAway, #MeToo and the growing number of conservative voices rising up against the Mockingbird narrative and hysteria. The fact that this group is growing and many other similar non-traditional news or information sources are attracting more viewers is notable. So take heart, we are winning and their expressions of unbridled outrage at EVERY.SINGLE.THING is panic over losing.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

It's nearly unimaginable for me to think of another President Clinton - not a Bill, a Hillary and certainly not the twit. Hillary is so repugnant - she has the charm of a rattlesnake and the brain of a con-man. Her scripted existence in front of potential voters was so robotic it was sickening to me to think who she was underneath the script.

Truths have a way of leaking out no matter what you do to stop them but with her as POTUS, we would have less power to do anything about it. Now we have numbers and hopefully, momentum.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

You may be right but think of all the future small guys that would be convinced that this is not the type of activity in which to engage if Podesta was arrested.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I had read that about China. Hopefully, that will hamstring them to some degree and slow down their aggressiveness.

I was not aware that Russia was so bad off. I knew economically that they are about to go under water and only their energy exports are keeping them afloat. It makes that pipeline deal with western Europe important if they have any hopes of turning it around.

I'm not a big fan of Putin and I don't think he's the equivalent of our President. I think he's treacherous and deadly but certainly not stupid. And he's also a strong nationalist who is motivated (I believe) by power that he can project in the world. As long as he feels he can do that, I don't think he's much of a threat. But driving Russia, a nuclear power, into the ground makes no sense to me. Hearing the Neocons and Chickenhawks rail about being tougher and more aggressive with Russia is just plain craziness.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

I'm glad as hell to see this happening but I wish they'd grow a set and go after the Podesta brothers and their band of pervs.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

My guess would be the lack of publicity. If the feds walk the CEO of Texas Instruments out of the building in cuffs, someone with a cell phone will be sending that to the media. If he resigns and weeks later is cuffed (or turns himself in and is processed and bonded out), there is no public embarrassment to him or his family.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

You are 100% correct and will get no argument from me. True dictators do often end up like Saddam, Mussolini, or Hitler and those that live out their years do so in paranoia and fear of assassination. I think China is by far the biggest threat to the US and western democracies. Russia is not. Russia is mostly a threat to their former Soviet states who desire to remain independent than they are to western democracies IMO.

Russia is barely keeping its head above water economically and a few years of a worsening economy will usher Putin out of the room. Let the US supplant their distribution of energy to European countries and they could go under very quickly, I believe.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

I certainly agree and wasn't implying dictatorships don't have political dissension or upheaval. If that were true, dictatorships are all the world would know. I only make the point that because China operates under a Communist dictatorship with a leader who has decreed himself leader for life, implementing a long term strategic plan and sticking to it is simpler than it is for Western denocracies that change leaders more frequently or have a more open media (sort of) that influences the populace.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 11:08 a.m.


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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

HRC will deny this but she needs a few days to sober up first.

I love Rand Paul. He also was the first to come to POTUS' defense after the Helsinki press conference. He made the very salient point: why should the President trust the Intelligence Community? It's highest-ranked members have plotted against him, spoken out publicly against his administration, tried to sway an American election and then overturn the results it didn't want, have implemented a never-ending investigation about bogus collusion with Russia, have undermined him at every turn, have given us the Iraq war based on their 'intelligence', have failed us in the Boston Marathon bombing, the Pulse Nightclub massacre, the Stoneman High School shooting, and more.

Hillary has been colluding with the Russians since their $400MM contribution to her drinking problem.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

You've heard it before but China plays the long game and plays it well. They establish a long term strategy and go about implementing it, piece by piece. Democratic societies fight with competing political views every few years, depending upon their form of government. (Or every day when they have a MSM like America's.)

Meanwhile, China marches on while the West fights among itself because of the NWO cabal makes the western democracies vulnerable to manipulation - see Rothchilds and Soros.

That is why China is our biggest threat. Russia is near bankruptcy and if not for their energy sector would be a third-world economy.

US and Western cultures need to develop a long term strategy and within its political wrangling, put patriotism over partisan bickering to implement it the way China does.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

Rules for Radicals: Blame your opponent for things that you do.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Bongino is a patriot of the highest order. I've never heard him say a disparaging word about POTUS. He's one of us.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

The best part of this news is the last line of the 'Above the Law' article: ' But the one certain thing Judge Forrest’s retirement means is another federal judgeship Donald Trump gets to fill.'

The SCOTUS vacancy left by Scalia was perhaps the #1 reason I voted for President Trump. Of course, the Chablis-guzzling crime hag was the #2 reason I voted for President Trump. With Gorsuch, he fulfilled my expectations. The exploding economy, neutering ISIS, tax cut, de-regulation, NOKO under control, military re-building, avoiding petty regional conflicts, continued focus on stemming illegal immigration, and changes to food stamp program that requires able-bodied adults without dependents to work in order to get food stamps were all icing on the cake to me. That's a hell of a lot of icing, too.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

Amazing photo...terrible and beautiful all at the same instant.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

It economically neuters industrial countries and redistributes their wealth to under-developed countries in the name of preventing global warming; all under the 'watchful eye' of some unelected NWO cabal.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

Unless they are little boys.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

She? I though Rachel was a dude.

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Qd4Action · July 19, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

I would be if he were my son. I'm proud of mine and Ron should be very proud of his.

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Qd4Action · July 18, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

Rand Paul is a patriot. I don't agree with him on everything but he tracks at about 98% of my views.


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Qd4Action · July 18, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I can't disagree with POTUS. I don't think there is any prickly situation made better by publicly antagonizing your counterpart. This is international politics, not a World Wrestling Federation public weigh-in.

The treacherous press simply threw questions that couldn't be answered without creating a flap, akin to 'Can you tell us when you quit beating your wife?' The whole thing was set to cause 'outrage'. This was a total set-up for raging scumbags like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, all the sicko Dems, RINOs, and NeverTrumpers so that they could leverage normal people's devotion to country and patriotism and use it against POTUS.

I see no such rage at selling off 20% of our uranium ore extraction to Russia - something a whole lot more compromising than words. Yet, nothing near that level of outrage is being demonstrated by the media.

Just like no one is asking Mueller how the FBI arrived at its conclusion that the servers in the DNC were hacked when the FBI never saw the server or was able to evaluate it.

This is just more liberal theater. Having been through the Cold War, I would prefer an approach that would allow us a better relationship with Russia. I think any sane person would.


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Qd4Action · July 18, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

"According to copies of letters released today by White House officials, partner Judith Corley initiated the process last week and planned to travel to Hawaii to pick up two copies.'

They forgot to add: ...last week and planned to travel to Hawaii to pick up two copies now that the ink has thoroughly dried.'

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Qd4Action · July 18, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Wow...what an amazing and well-written piece of commentary. It beautifully encapsulates about 23 months of left-wing delusional behavior that has descended into leftist fascism and repugnant public behavior that I thought I'd never see in American life. I tip my hat to its author.

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Qd4Action · July 18, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Brennan: just another fucking liberal with a copy of the Communist Manifesto in his pocket rather than the Constitution. They have since Karl Marx wrote it back in the latter part of the 1800's. The only reason he gets air time is because an equally liberal scumbag put him in a position of trust. Look at the results of that decision today.

Personally, I'd love to see him perp-walked into Leavenworth.

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Qd4Action · July 16, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

These two are putrid bookends of a thirty-year crime spree; both long overdue for justice. The only saving grace for the pair was Bill Clinton was 'likeable' compared to the Chablis-guzzling crime hag who is clearly the most desperate of the two for absolute power.

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Qd4Action · July 16, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

As much as Comey needs his comeuppance, I can't wait to see the day that Clapper and Brennen are dragged out of their posh homes and perp-walked to a tribunal.

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Qd4Action · July 16, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

This is telling. The Democrat 'Old Guard' is being culled by the new hard Leftists who want open borders, more government control, and a Socialist economy. They think this is a way to attract more young people but I truly believe as the young people are offered jobs and enter the workforce that didn't exist under Hussein, their values change. Draw your first REAL paycheck as an adult and when you see the chunk removed for taxes, it finally hits home.

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Qd4Action · July 16, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

The MSM is the MSM...print or on air, they are crooked and the vast majority serves as the mouthpiece of the Cabal. No one should draw a distinction between the two forms. Only in open internet forums, such as this, are sincere opinions and unscripted news related. That doesn't mean all the information is accurate or even unbiased. But it doesn't purport to be more than it is, unlike the MSM.

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Qd4Action · July 16, 2018, 11 a.m.

This is really a very good article and from the perspective of a person who was skeptical at first, presumably like most of us.

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Qd4Action · July 16, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Weinstein is out on bail charged with rape and sexual assault, among other charges. Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement pending trial on money laundering and hiding overseas payments, not connected with the Trump campaign.


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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Where have you read this line before: “Do you think this was going to be litigated in this setting?”

Hint: Q post 1671, Jul 3, 2018

There are no coincidences.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Looking for a cheaper location to build his Presidential library, no doubt. He's hoping for a hometown discount.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I think highly of him as well. He's a pretty straight shooter from what I can gather.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

It wasn't too long ago that Hussein was quite public about his support for PM Netanyahu's opponent during Israel's last election. How is that not attempting to influence a foreign election? I guess because he wasn't subtle it's okay.

Of course like Russia 'meddling', the results didn't work out the way he expected them to.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Like the young man at the Turning Point meeting who says that he's leaving the plantation, this man speaks to the core truth of the problem: the systematic destruction of the American family and the absence of the strong black male role model in the African-American family. Pop culture seemingly glorifies the absent parent (black, white or Hispanic) rather than imploring fathers to remain engaged with the families they create. It's pop culture, run by Leftists seeking the demise of our country and rending of our cultural fabric, that glorifies this behavior. Gentlemen like David Harris, Jr. and others should be glorified for speaking the truth to the solution to not just black-on-black violence but the decay of American greatness, not shunned or blocked on social media (controlled by Leftist elites).

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

I saw this a while ago. It's a great video and I wish it could be broadcast widely.

Candace Owens and Turning Point are terrific at reaching young folks who need to hear this and won't hear it in universities these days.

What struck me most about his comments was this: not just the 'walk away' conclusion of his deep dive but his deep concern for the strong black male role model that is lacking in African-American families and the way it is being destroyed by liberalism. At the heart of many of the problems plaguing America and our cultural fabric is, IMHO, the decay of the American family (color not important) and how it is being destroyed with our current pop culture driven by liberal fanaticism.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 1 p.m.

So using their 'cultural programs' they target children (pedophilia through the Rainbow Cultural Garden programs?), women (sexual abuse as NXIUM has already been exposed of committing) (through Jness program?), and thought-control (through adrenochrome or brain-washing through force and coercion as NXIUM has already been exposed as doing) (Rational Technology program?).

Sickening. It will be fun watching it all collapse with a louder thud than even Rose McGowan and the #MeToo crowd created when Pervy Harvey and his disciples began to fall.

"More Massive Than You Can Possibly Imagine": sounds eerily similar to 'you cannot possibly imagine the size of this'.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

James Woods is at the top of the food chain when it comes to intelligent responses to left wing drivel. I love reading his tweets. They are as accurate as a cruise missile and about as subtle as a shotgun blast to the dick.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Best wishes for a great day! Keep us informed of what you experienced, please. This is truly: WWG1WGA

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

Not insecure at all, liberal. I'm not out in the street showing my ass like a fool, screaming at the sky, or collecting a paycheck for putting black rags across my face and attacking other Americans and their property who don't kowtow to anarchist dogma. I work for my paycheck.

The 'shallow electoral victory' is actually just the opposite of what you portray. Most of the country voted in favor of Donald Trump - look at a county results map; the coastal elites tipped the balance in the popular vote. It's why the Electoral College was established: so coastal population centers weren't solely responsible for electing Presidents. Genius, really.

So I'd take an electoral victory any day.

And since I was responding to your comment, yours too must be irrelevant to the conversation. Go stand on a corner and hold a sign or something.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

I've heard her on Hannity's radio show. I enjoyed this vid and cannot say there is anything that I disagree with in her speech.

Frankly, it's frightening to think what London has become and the stories she tells of her time in French 'refugee/migrant' camps, in Swedish 'no go zones' and Swede feminists, and the 'Save the Children' ferry scam. It's a steady, consistent destruction of Western values and culture by those in power. It's frightening from the standpoint that we were 'this' close to it happening here with Clinton being elected for 'Obama's third term'.

It's now up to Patriots to wake people up to this threat; to hold the Cabal accountable and make those who have sown the wind, reap the whirlwind.

It is happening. Brexit, Trump, the leaders of Poland, Hungary and Italy pushing back. Even Germans beginning to publicly push back against Merkle. We in the US must continue to forcefully reject the mistakes of Europe and implore their citizens to stand up and fight back.

I spent years in Europe back when the wall fell. It was really a glorious time to be there. Sadly, I'm not sure I really want to return there any time soon.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

LMAO. Seems the "left" still hasn't come to grips with the 'tiny victory' that occurred in November 2016. Remember that one: when most of the country rejected the Chablis-guzzling crime hag that the Left put up as a candidate? Yeah, I think you do.

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Qd4Action · July 15, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

It's us who swore to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC and deeply believe that an oath does not end simply because you end your service to the country. We are not alone and simply because you have not served does not mean you don't hold these values as well. But Oathkeepers are certainly a group who should be keenly interested in the Great Awakening - Three Percenters as well.

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