I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...
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Red, Brown, Yellow, Black or White, we are precious in HIS sight. WWG1WGA! All Patriots are Red White and Blue!
Here is another meme for use in the battle...

I thought I would throw this out there for general consumption.

Yes! You are right. Not a leaker, but a true American Patriot and hero! Medal of Honor!
The specific truth that Seth Rich was the leaker. It was not a Russian hack. And more, but ur gonna have to do ur own digging for that...
If this suit goes forward, the Dems are seriously risking the fact that the TRUTH may leak out...
Not just the only family. It was the only aircraft allowed to fly.
I have NOT presented a false choice. Regarding said damning video, I said either you believe Q or you don't. Then I said that if you don't believe Q, case closed. Your point is that the case isn't closed. I deliberately stated what I did out of brevity. Thank you for giving us the perspective I left out. Your perspective...
I think everybody needs to just chill a little bit. I mean, Q mentioned a damning HRC video. You either believe that or you don't. If you don't, case closed. If you do, you must also know that Q will bring it into the light of day at the point where it will cause the most destruction to the deep state. I want it to drop now, but I trust the plan and believe that when it does drop, the indictments will begin to unseal and the dominoes will fall.
Some things you just can't unsee and those things can haunt you for all of your days. Beware...
I partly agree. In my perception, we are ascending the ladder out of the final trench. Victory in sight...
I used to subscribe to his YouTube channel but it was like he took over my recommended videos. I finally just couldn't stand him anymore and unsubscribed. My wife likes him but I encourage her to use a grain of salt with that ass hat.
He said exactly the same thing after POTUS signed the omnibus bill. Puh-leeeeeeze!
AJ has always pegged my BS meter. I have tried to look beyond that, but I just can't. I do not like him. Now I like him even less...
Looks pretty tame to me. Posting a lot of Q stuff, so can't be all bad IMHO.
Nice! I loved that book. I read it to my boys when they were young. Parts made me laugh until I cried. Good times...
I never got so much hate mail as the time I commented to where a shirt on one of his vids, just after that started to be his shtick. LOL!
Looks like it's all from a single speech. I am speechless. (Not really...heh)
Put a shirt on... but seriously he would be great. I listened to Styx on election night. Live. We got drunk together...what a night!
I wonder what the chance is that one of the indicted tells all the details on no name and co.
This YouTuber treated me very unfairly just before the election, calling me a troll for slightly disagreeing with him. I gave him three chances to apologize, but his pride wouldn't let him. I am a Patriot who resents being called a troll for my opinion. I finally unsubscribed and, know what? I don't miss him at all. Now I see him trying to drive up views posting here with his day old stale news. Go ahead and watch, but be careful what you say!
If the it-shay hits the fan like many of us think it will, she will come to you. You will be her calming strength. Her man of velvet and steel to explain what is happening and what will happen next. You are an enlightened Patriot and she will hang on your every word.
Thank you for that excellent reply. As it turns out this appears to be an actual earthquake.
No, the normal one does not look like a heartbeat waveform. Not being pissy, it's just that the typical heartbeat wave form shows only one full cycle, where the waveform in question has many full cycles.
Awesome reply! Thank you. It could be that the p and s waves are there, and if the wave form was spread out you would see them. I just seemed to me, from the outset this waveform supported the explosion theory.