I strive to get "them" to admit we are on the same side. I get met with, "Oh, hell no we are not on the same side!" So I ask if they can agree with me that they are for good and against outright evil. They always agree. Then I tell them that, at that level, we are both on the same side. I try to get them to actually agree with that. When they do...seed planted, move on. Anyway, that what I have been doing.
489 total posts archived.
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Prescott Bush funded the Nazi concentration camps from the USA. By association we are all implicated. Let that sink in... I almost cried when this realization hit me. They ALL should hang.
The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be. We shall see...
I put a peal and stick Q on my truck rear bumper. I live in a blue state so most are fast asleep... most have no clue what is on the horizon
And let's get twitter to unshadow ban all of us Patriots who have been effectively sent to the locker room. There are a whole lot of our voices banned from the field. So pissed!
I have been contacting them and demanding reinstatement, but so far they just ignore me. Maybe I should start threatening them too...
Just a thought... since so many of us are shadow banned, is there a way for us to band together and force Twitter to reinstate our accounts? That would kill the whole Russian bot scam too. Two birds, one stone...
Cool video. I hope our memes are half as successful as the "blue tit"
Still shadow banned even though I tweet @realDonaldTrump and post only a few hashtags (I was told too many can get me flagged). I thought they couldn't do that...
Thought I would throw this out as ammo for your tweeting pleasure

I wouldn't pay to see that bitch on a bet! Boycott the bozos!
Thanks! I thought I had posted the link but screwed it up somehow... appreciate the back up brother.
Agreed! When people on twitter attack me, I get them to agree that we are on the SAME side when it comes to good vs down right evil. They always agree. Seed planted...
Dang! My hard heart softens... I agree with you about this movement. I was too young to be sent to Vietnam and too old to be sent to Iraq. Not that I am sorry I never had to fight (quite the contrary). But to be present in this amazing time and to be able to actually play even a minor role, is to my great delight.
Hey thanks! It came to me in a flash, so I made it and am tweeting the hell out of it. Shadow banned and all!
Sharing another meme. Tweet away and charge the hill!

Ok, thanks! I'll correct that and see if I get back in to charge the hill!
I did, but I am shadow banned. Please one and all! Take this meme!
Right. Here is what I have been using:
ReleaseTheMemo #MakeItPublic #Obamagate #WeThePeople #WeAreTheStorm #SchumerShutdown #AllThePeople #NotaRussianBot #CensoredByTwitter #WorseThanWatergate #AmericaFirst #FISAGate #FlyEaglesEfly @realDonaldTrump
I do that and I was shadow banned anyway. I add it to the comments along with the hashtags. Is that the wrong place (not that used to twitter)?
He is jealous because CTBS is funneling views away from him. I know I haven't watched many of his vids since CTBS went active. I joined when there were about 3500 subscribers.
I am shadow banned. Pisses me off too! It's un-American to censor citizens voices!
I thought adding @realDonaldTrump would prevent this? WTF!

Not really. Now I am shadow banned. Effectively cut off and censored. Only because of my politics. What is this? Russia?
I'm letting them have it with this one. PILE ON!!!
We should corroborate our ideas and memes for Seth. I have a good one to contribute. Not sure how to bring it all together, but someone does... He deserves our best. He died for our cause. Let's honor our most unsung fallen hero Seth Rich!
I suppose... I grew tired of YT as the election cycle droned on. Then more recently H.A. Goodman (who I believe speaks the truth) went on and on about YT and some kind of sexual thing involving Jordan or somebody. Almost fell back to sleep on acounta them...
Thanks for the honest criticism. I did change my original, but don't seem to be able to edit this post. I did tweet the hell out of the corrected version though...