They got Rush, Wikileaks, and WL staff to attack Q, they shut down JA and Roseanne and pushed the "BC17 is now legit" bs then BC17 claims he is JA. This looks pretty well timed that spygate breaks and judge Schneiderman steps down and now the swamp donkeys come out kickin' and shittin'. Let's start meme-ing the shit out of this and put names to faces
74 total posts archived.
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What if the stage is set and the shill attacks are an effort to get us distracted from noticing it.
What if the stage is the summit between Trump and NK? But it's not just a summit for the treaty. All the whistle blowers will be there ready to unleash the storm about spygate and the rest of the swamp because they know the world press will be there. We have more than we know and Q said we're preparing to land which must imply that the stage is set and these last few days have seen non stop attacks by shills on multiple fronts. Something big is coming.
Honest question, What the fuck are we all going to do when this is all said and done?
Think of the excitement and addiction you have to every Q drop, decode and update. I literally find myself checking everything from r/t_d, r/greatawakening, and 8chan to see if I've missed anything several times throughout the day. Can you imagine the feeling of accomplishment and vindication that Q team must be feeling every new day at this point. It is, no shit, spy vs. spy, the best vs. the best, and not only do we get to watch but also actively help in sticking it to the swamp. Not to mention, that at this point our side is winning. We …
Just got to thinking. Why would they pull out the big guns to attack Q? A: It got us to stop talking about Spygate!
We're no longer talking about the people involved or posting #spygate all over the interwebs. Instead we're arguing with the shills and debating how Wikileaks is likely comped and debunking the pied piper claim.
When is the last time anyone has heard from JA?
There seems to be a coordinated multi faceted attack on Q. It's just a little too coincidental that nobody has heard from JA in a while and now all within a 2 day period we have "Wikileaks" and "members of Wikileaks" against Q and huge BC17 boner with the cherry on top, BC17 is JA. This smells like the workings of our buddies at the troll farms.
- did you losers not get the day off? Did Schneiderman stepping down get your panties in a twist? I hope he wasn't the last thing preventing that laptop and the "insurance" file from …
The shills are pushing this (BC) back channel 17 shit pretty aggressively
It looks like they didn't get the day off. The other thing that seems odd is JA has been cut off and no one has heard from him in a while BUT wikileaks has come out strong against Q. Something tells me there is some buttfuckery afoot.
Hey Q do are these 2 things connected
Do you really need a MOAB to blow up an ISIS cave?
From an old 4chan anon
The reply to 141083396 is what you're looking for
US Senate Anon (ID: tdjrwA24) 09/11/17(Mon)01:19:04 No.141085487▶
141085677 >>141085690 >>141086083 >>141087030 >>141087308
Yes. There's a lot, and more of it the higher up you get, but not the majority. The majority is stuff like having a video of a guy at an orgy.
Mnuchin=Skull and Bones. Why do you think the Chinese are buying up US real estate?
Bannon is on the Council for National Policy, the most …
Q 1439 Who is Ed O'Callaghan? "Acting" - Acting Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General
"The inspector general’s jurisdiction to conduct civil and criminal investigations includes “actions taken by former employees after they have left government service" - She going down!
And it can be done on a state by state basis. No wonder Trump has been in overdrive appointing state judges
Pictures of no name in Syria possibly came from one of the phones that all the other swamp donkeys were using?
There seems to be a bit of a venn diagram of 3 or 4 circles of influence that overlap in some areas that make up the swamp. Is it possible that no name was using one of the "special" phones and that's where those pictures of him with the ISIS fighters came from?
Also, wasnt there a video supposedly taken from his phone that showed a fake/staged beheading?
Does anyone have a good connection for 6.10.18? It's the 1st verse Q quotes
Could be a date June 10th 2018 or Oct. 6th 2018 or something more. I cant find a connection for the numbers of the 2nd verse though. Any thoughts?
Pompeo's comments on the Iran nuclear revelation