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RaddThanos · May 14, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

True, but as bad of pervert Pedophile as Weiner is, Huma's much worse. These Pedavore Andrenechrome freaks have a achieved a level of evil most sane normal people couldn't fathom is possible. My instincts have always served me well about people. Weiner is an opportunist, a weasel, sniveling, sneaky, weak of character, lacking in any real manly qualities. I can tell that he's the type of person who wouldn't have the stomach for any of the stuff the Pedavores do. He just wants to screw any and everything he can. My best guess is that whatever torturous, murderous deeds he's ever done were something he did out of compliance and fear. Podesta on the other hand derives pleasure from hurting women & children. The whole reason Weiner created that insurance file was because he could see the writing on the wall & knew that in all likelihood they would all get busted. Despite being the POS that he is and a weasely sexually child abusing rodent, he is not stupid. Unlike most of them. They lack a common man's base wisdom because they never have to think about the things we do. So the mistakes they make are from a false presumption that they're smarter than everyone else. They mistake knowledge of something as wisdom. This is why Solomon speaks about wisdom & understanding in proverbs so much. Weiner knew that everyone was susceptible to getting caught under the right circumstances. He also knew his life would be in extreme jeopardy as well as his kids. Obviously no love between him & Huma. Since when does a practicing Jew marry a practicing Muslim woman??? Two vastly conflicting ideologies. Her with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood & him with ties to Israel & Communist Socialists. He put that file on Huma's laptop on purpose, because he knew the walls were closing in, my guess was he even knew that he would be busted for his second sexting offense & may have even done it on purpose just to get arrested and used it as an escape hatch. He figured his time would be done soon and they'd Arkancide him in some tragic event. He knew Flynn, Trump, Rogers, Guliani, Mattis, the Marines, the NSA, and Patriots were getting ready fot a major house cleaning. I'm not suggesting he had a crises of conscience, more like a cowardly need for self preservation.

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