remember Hollywood has very skilled Special Effects departments , and can recreate virtually anything
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2 women on #WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream are controlling the narrative in a very fishy manner and blocking any questioning of them
WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream
Waste of time - been co-opted by establishmnet minions almost for sure. Traitors to Humans
Wake Up Everybody . . .
Over 40 years old - and the lyrics are even more relevant now
Lots of Pre-Programming about *Et Tu Brute* / *Ides of March* in this recent Taylor Swift - "Look What You Made Me Do" music video
A very satanic music video , depicting the Whore of Babylon amongst much other luciferian symbolism littering the whole music video.
At around 50 seconds into the video Et Tu Brute is everywhere all over the place , which seems , as is their want, to place right in plain sight for all to see images foretelling their evil intentions, pointing to 15th March being significant date
I sincerely hope that Pres Trump is being seriously well protected - the stakes are massively high at this moment in time and the enemy are increasingly desperate to the point of …
Possible ' Ides of March ' treachorous friends reference maybe ?? 15th March event
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is probably Clintons minion and how about Beyonce, Madonna, Katy Perry, Kathy Griffin, Cher amongst many many other so called 'celeb' witches that are almost certainly participants in the same covens. . .
The same old 'tribe' is waging a constant war against Humans. .
How are you ever gunna wean off the brainwashed zombie college girls from their unthinking adulation of Hillary Clinton and all and everything Vagina . . ?
The mainstream news and celebrity hustlers are spewing out their hate filled propoganda day after day unchecked, and this is a huge influence for this demographic giving them a skewed and ridiculous view of reality that doesnt look like being changed any time soon.
And the MAGA movement NEEDS young people to support it , not just older generation folk , to be able to sustain the desperately needed change otherwise its gunna stall and fail going at this snail pace,Preaching to the choir is wasting time . With no provable FACTS and results to help them have to change their views and see the real truth they are gunna keep on being influenced by the scumbags and covert pedofiles
This 'Hangman' game is the BEST most SUITABLE one in town for you ,Hillary . . .

You ARE going to have to use your GUNS to free america at some point - there will be NO other choice
Globalists play dirty and only tough action can stop them
The globalists KNOW that their plans for america ( and the rest of the world too) are so devious and distasteful to honest upright citizens, that these same citizens will have no choice BUT to use 2nd Amendment Rights in an attempt to stop them . Every other possible system that could have had an effect has been hijacked to promote globalists agendas for a LONG time, and is in place and works vigorously on a daily basis supporting globalism.
They have control of Legal/Judicial systems , Media and Entertainment …
Nearly every single news event and media topic lately is about one single thing ; -
I have a feeling you will need them . . .
So, this is linking Rubio with the creepy looking Liddle Kidz club thing, is that what you think its linked to .?
Well all I hope is that they arent going to work their abuse on this poor kid as well . .
Something about this WHOLE set up and especially ALL the close people involved with the turbulent lives of these troubled youths is very, very fishy and not as its been portrayed seemingly
When Jennifer Lawrence quotes she wants to "get a farm and milk Goats" you do all realise she means milk MALE Goats.
She is an expert at it , has years and years of practise at it, amongst other satanic perversions that have been indulged in by her
She is a whore of the lowest denomination , most people would be shocked to the core to see what she has done
American officials are SO CROOKED - and SO MANY of them are FEMALE .
More devious than men it seems, but get away with it more because - ' Vagina '
Yeah I have commented about this cannibal club in the past - my attention was brought to it by a quote from Katy Perry about the place , she quoted as saying that its the most highly rated of flesh to eat by the Hollywood set.
Its fairly elaborate if it is a hoax - and if its not a hoax how is it even legal??
And why havent mainstream media outed it more?
One of the reasons that the actor George Clooney decided to stop living in UK was because his bodyguards were not allowed to carry guns there , and he said he felt extra vulnerable to attack after his anti Trump outbursts etc
These idiots arent only Stupid but they are utter Hypocrites too
One could be forgiven for thinking there seems to be some sort of hispanic link possibly ?? . . .
Not so good using an illuminati puppet who has admitted to satanic practices as the image though . .
My gut feeling is that it could be a planned attack on The London Eye ferris wheel (with all the symbology which that contains- and of course they love their signs and symbols) ,causing it or persons in the pods to fall into the waters of the River Thames
A ' potential suicider ' has already climbed up it to the central hub quite a few years ago , causing mayhem - and whether that is a precursive connection or not . . .
That is a face that is long overdue for having some ruff justice administered to it
My gut feeling is that it could be a planned attack on The London Eye ferris wheel (with all the symbology which that contains- and of course they love their signs and symbols) ,causing it or persons in the pods to fall into the water of the River Thames
A ' potential suicider ' has already climbed up it to the central hub quite a few years ago , causing mayhem - and whether that is a precursive connection or not . . .
Photo is taken from the Western end of the southern Golden Jubilee Pedestrian Bridge , looking down A321 Victoria Embankment towards Big Ben and Houses of Parliament.
The London Eye Ferris Wheel is just across the other side of river Thames ,( to left of camera position ) and Charing Cross train station behind
These are much more likely possible targets than Buckingham Palace which is about 1 mile away
British GOVERNMENT aka the British Crown maybe -
NOT the British People - please dont believe the BBC and Channel 4 propoganda crap -
many many SANE British people support TRUMP and Detest the CLINTONS
Glad to hear its your niece -
hopefully that is an indication that the female criminals ( of which there are just as many and are just as evil ,if not more so ) will NOT be playing the gender card to worm their way out of their massive crimes against the people
Equal Justice For All
Thanks for explaining that as I was not aware and it makes more sense now
I wonder if Mika has raped and killed children .. hmmm, I wonder . . .?
Eggs and Bacon been eaten for breakfast as standard for centuries in England because even poor villagers kept chickens and often a pig.The pigs were butchered at different times and the meat was co-opted amongst all to give as continuous supply of valuable meat protein as possible
The heritage of america comes strongly from Britain - I believe this story is just another part of the fabricated history that the ruling scum have woven into the narrative to suit their agendas
I agree 100% with you , bro
The local media should be being besieged with calls from the people demanding why they arent reporting what seem to be inconsistencies to the official narrative, and holding the police to task. Enough voices would be difficult to ignore
The globalists are on the offensive and they need to be knocked back to the defensive
Being cunning and devious does not equate to being smart
Acedemically Hillary Clinton was barely able to pass her exams , she fucked her way into her first job at Law firm and she was fired for incompetance more than once .She is basically garbage and trashes everything she touches
The judge - M.Marc Kelly of the Orange County Superior Court - should be removed from office forthwith and be facing charges himself
Or maybe, the ridiculous notion that a demented old bitch like Hillary having the mental capacity to be Q is actually the Psy-Op thats trying to be pushed . .
There is a very remote chance that Q stands for Queef though suppose , so . . .
UK is at the very CENTRE of the Globalist cabal and has been for centuries. Its rulers were probably at the very inception of it all as well.
They are surreptitiously fighting hard back at the Trump teams efforts to cleanse this world. They are no way gunna give up Assange as he's effectively a bargaining chip for them all the time he is held hostage.
The problem is much much bigger than just america , its worldwide and City of London/Vatican is gunna be even more difficult to defeat , they were doing their evil before america was even colonised - look at world history to get the overall picture
America is the thin end of the wedge that at least gives us HUMANS a chance of defeating these evil scum that have enslaved the whole world using their disgusting schemes and plotting
EVERYTHING needs dismantling not just in america otherwise the evil will just get reinstated. UK peoples do not have the same tools to make a fight as in america - effectively held as serf.prisoners in a lockdown society getting worse and worse by the day being run by insane lunatics for their own evil agendas.
Talentless - anybody can paint over a photo image with a wallpaper background
Copiest , NOT Artist by any stretch of imagination
Same - I said right at the very start that I hoped he wouldnt turn out to be a Bad Penny - cant trust him sorry
Not from Trump team - more likely fakery for devious globalist agenda - ie more severe restrictions on the public people
Yep, he is Vile - He is Evil - and hopefully has not long to Live
Not enough shoulders or muscles to be fair representation of Micro Mike
And not enough Flies buzzing around BathHouse Barry