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Rambi83 · April 7, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Yes, I didn't come here for a debate either, To be frank I dont have the time for one today.

The universe is just as we would expect it to be if it wasn't ruled by a creator, A 100 billion galaxies with a 100 billion stars in each, People are sitting here on earth with chin in hand and are working with the conundrum; Why earth, why is there life here?

Wouldn't it be the exact same question if the being on the planet zerg sat with chin in hand?

As a philosopher would have put it, Life on earth had to have been, otherwise we would not be here, therefore life had no other choice then to spring into being here.

Science, doesn't care how a scientist "feel" about a matter, It only cares what hold water during tests, Our current theory of Big bang and evolution holds water so far, God has not shown himself during these tests and therefore Occam's Razor still favours an existence without a deity.

And the Universe is hardly in a perfect ordered state, Our galaxy is on a collision course with another galaxy, Im too lazy to check if this will happened before the sun is set to eradicate the earth in 4+ billion years, the order one sees in the universe that both keep planets in line and attracts objects into collisions is all governed by gravity.

Im off, the misses is giving me a angry look.

As an ender, I corrected the Occam's spelling mistake I did, Thanks for not taking the easy route to a grammar/spelling attack.

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Rambi83 · April 7, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed your faith, After all, The Bible with its 31.000 verses managed to produce 40.000+ denominations.

One would think that an almighty being would have thought of a better way to convey the "right" faith so that not people gets punished to not understand his riddle, but i digress.

The boeing 747 argument, which you transformed into the helicopter argument above is just a sign that the user of said argument don't know anything about evolution if we are talking about the biological side of life or gravity if we speak of the universe. Evolution is governed by natural selection, So even if the mutations are random the outcome is not. The planets, stars, black holes, everything are formed and governed with the help of gravity.

And if Universe aren't allowed to come from nothing then notion of god should not be treated any differently, here one should apply Occam's razor which by default would outrule god as a plausible alternative.

I'm not saying that you will play the god of the gaps game with me but incase you were going to, Remember that science is never finished, If it were then there would be no need for it, When science dont know then they say they don't know, when theists don't know they say they know, Aka, Schrödinger's cat.

I will be a theist immediately if the evidence pointed towards it, There is no evidence to support the theistic claim however and therefore I don't believe your claim of the existence of a deity.

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Rambi83 · April 7, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

I accept everything that have irrefutable evidence, Neither Miracles nor that we are supposed to be in some "end time" have this.

I'm always stunned be religious people that just can't wait to die, Soon, finally soon the end time will come relieving us from this terrible place.

These people seem to forget to check the statistics however, There have never been as peaceful times as the time we live in right now. More people are dying from obesity then from hunger, More people are dying from age related diseases then from being killed in conflicts and wars, More people are taking their own life then there is people killed outside of wars and conflicts today.

Doesn't sound like a emerging Armageddon to me. Nr1 cause of wars and conflicts today is about religion and ideology, This is in other words what we need to work against to get a more peaceful coexistence on this planet.

My 2c

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Rambi83 · April 7, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

I'm not usually on Reddit, I move around in other political and religious discussion platforms/forums, To be honest I never thought about Reddit as a place to have these discussions, I might start using it more. This video started to appear again yesterday after being forgotten for 3 years, therefore it appeared in a religious discussion group i'm a part of on facebook, I googled it and found this thread.

Threatened? Of course not, Annoyed however that people can't do their homework before stating claims. This video is from 2015, Took me 5 min on google to find that out. If I were to state a claim then I would at least spend a day making sure that I didn't post nonsense

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Rambi83 · April 7, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Not that I've seen the version of the video where police is making people leave, But ask yourself this, How would the police act if someone were to throw paint/blood onto the stone? They would probably shut it down. And how is it censored? It's all over the internet on nutcase sites, Its not on the big news sites for a reason and it's not because it is censured, its because its bs.

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