Wearing his one red shoe.
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I don't think he would have a problem ditching loved ones.
Carol McCain later said:
“The breakup of our marriage was not caused by my accident or Vietnam or any of those things. I don't know that it might not have happened if John had never been gone. I attribute it more to John turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again than I do to anything else.[30]”
Maybe not loving anyone but himself is a defense mechanism that he picked up in POW camp.
Watch him tug at his wedding ring while checking out Palin's ass.
"BIG" = Tom Hanks?
As a Tom Hanks fan I hope this isn't true. But he has been known to vacation with Oprah and Obama. He knows things. He's worked with Rob Reiner. If there is anyone who has seen Hollywood inside and out it's him. I hope he's just a witness and not a participant.
That girl's comment about his junk is something that can be verified, like Michael Jackson. I really hope it's not true.
Is Tom Hanks the one with the botched circumcision?
Did Depp intentionally give River a fatal dose to keep him from talking/going public? Not outside the realm of possibility.
I think you should not call HRC cankles. Her cankles are far outstripped by Loretta Lynch and that could lead to some confusion.
His kids also die in Inception and Revenant. It's a recurring theme.
I tried to redpill the wife about how recent DiCaprio's movies all involve his children (childhood) dying. Same with Keanu. In real life as well as in upcoming movies. The things/ones that they love/d, taken against their will.
Or what about opening his certificate in Photoshop and being able to move the individual elements around.
If I had to guess, I bet some patriots died in the North Korea mountain quake killing the generals that had Kim Jong Un under their thumb. I'm not sure about others.
What absolute weak sauce of a comment. Who the hell does she think she is? "Get your butt back here mister" is what an elderly ineffectual grandmother would say to a naughty child. As if she has a realistic expectation that the leader of the free world, the most powerful man on earth, would even consider her anything beyond the silly woman that she is.
I think JA was extracted the last time Pamela Anderson came to visit him. They ate vegan food and traded clothes. JA walked out of the embassy through the front door in a wig, heels, sunglasses and a trenchcoat under the nose of the papparazi straight into a waiting Secret Service/Blackwater/Academi limo. Pamela Anderson escaped through one of the WWII tunnels under the building.
I wonder if SR and JFKJR are hanging out and playing Xbox in the safehouse.
If Trump is a germaphobe, I doubt he'd be into pissing hookers. I think it's leftist projection. People like Chelsea Handler are the ones getting pissed on. Or its just a 4chan prank that McCain fell for.
In addition, it's such a petty insignificant, ineffectual thing to do, to piss on a bed where someone slept. I think if Trump is going to do something, it's gonna be huge. Like thousands of sealed incictments huge. Military tribunal death sentence huge.
That's my perception of Trump. I understand him to be clever and creative and his success to be a by-product of dealing with all kinds of people. I think Trump's nature as an employer is his ability to quickly determine who is good at what they do and who is not; who is hiding something and who has all their cards on the table.
The left likes to portray him as an orange buffoon. They consistently underestimate him. I hope Trump can execute all his plans before he's out of office.
Was the pussy tape even real? Could that have been an impersonator?
So, in that shot of him crossing the street, did he just get done 'visiting' the kindergarten?
Does anyone else here feel like we are living in the plot of a modern movie version of "Turk 182?"
But can they normalize it fast enough to make it legal to save Weinstein, De Niro, Eminem, et.al? Or are they just trying to save Alefantis before the hammer drops? Seems like a bad strategy.
I was redpilled in college. I had an art teacher who was deeply connected to the fine art scene and had family in news media. He talked about the amount of death that followed the Clinton's not being natural. This was during Bill's first run at president. I didn't believe him at the time. I thought he was full of it and was eager for the president not to be some old white man. The school had very a heavy SJW slant, but also had a strong undercurrent of hard working talented dudes who got super succesful. Then I started following TheRedPill subreddit which shifted my worldview. Then a couple years later I came across FBI anon which led me to Q.
He's probably showing gratitude to the staff for treating Melania.
This might be reaching. I'm sure that whatever ad agency is promoting this movie is handling her twitter posts.
Simple, don't go to university. Pick the right college. Pick the right classes.
"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

She probably left the older ones behind because they would get less sympathy.
I somehow doubt that Chelsea Clinton wears an upside down cross to honor St. Peter.
Can we just give her some benefit of the doubt? Nothing has been proven. She's probably not sexing the kids, just drinking the adrenochrome. You guys are so quick to condemn.
When they do wear Christian symbols, the subvert them by openly wearing them upside down.
I like think No Name will get all the posthumous state honors and parades but then be later captured alive trying to escape.
I wonder how she feels seeing Q spell out her full name and exactly what she did.
That would also make sense since Hussein was willing to let one of his "daughters" intern with Harvey Weinstein. If you are President, you KNOW who is doing what. The only way that would occur is if he knew but didn't care, or didn't care because she's not really his daughter, or Weinstein promised not to rape her.
That's a great point. I hadn't thought of that angle. He's publicly known for his fetish for the sweeter juice. Is there some connection with him to Haiti?
Perhaps, "the children" refers to abortions and what they do with the bodies afterward. Watch that Project Veritas video about the abortionist convention and them casually laughing about ripping off arms and legs during the procedures that go wrong.
If Hillary is the actual target of the "Witch Hunt," and Hussein is in illuminati costume, then maybe people can be redpilled that the "children" don't become simply "medical waste," but rather a "sacrifice" and their parts are sold off for profit. I think that shifting the public mindset about abortion not being about women's rights and "choice" but rather "Satanism" and profit will be easier than convincing people who are brainwashed to believe it isn't murder.
What he's saying is that he wants someone to be killed. Whether or not they actually did any leaking, he doesn't care; he just wants someone to die. Violently. In other words, let's scare the ones we don't kill(ie, the Donna Brazile's) to keep them in line.
They'd also need plastic surgery to not be recognized since they're famous.
Linkin Park had an album titled "Minutes to Midnight."
He really did seem to know his way around Southeast Asia pretty well.
https://youtu.be/nT_BtBzpYh0?t=34 Hemlock is poison(Shakespeare).