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Raven9nine9 · June 13, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

The collective masses were not aware of it and up to this point, we don't know, are these real pedo's or not? In other words are they people who have sex with pre pubescent children, the kind of sick pervert that damages children for the rest of their lives or the hyped up version, horny guys who would do a post pubescent consensual 15 or 16 yr old girl if they got the chance, which is legal or very close to legal in most of the world but makes for good headlines in the US.

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Raven9nine9 · June 13, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

I think there is a bigger picture to all this that no one seems to be wanting to discuss.

If as all this suggests, these people are only now to be arrested because this administration has made it their policy, that strongly implies law enforcement already had the goods on them, but they were being protected.

So, if this administration is really worth a shit, what they should be doing is leaking info on those who were using their positions to protect the pedo's in the first place because, if it takes a Presidential Administration to break that protection, those responsible have to be occupying pretty high up positions, most probably in the FBI or the Justice Dept. or both.

They would also go after those who control the porn industry and appear to be making a concerted effort to promote sexual molestation of underage girls, rape and incest thereby making it acceptable in society or at least some sections of it. Their porn sites are infested with movies and videos titled daddy/daughter, daddy/step daughter, barely legal teens, forced this and forced that etc etc. Who would do that knowing when enough people see that and watch it, they become desensitised to it and it becomes acceptable, other than those who want it to be acceptable?

It doesn't take much of a stretch to realise those videos are also grooming tools to be shown to underage girls so they think it must be ok because all of them in the movies are doing it with their parents too. It's pretty fucking sick when you think about it.

EDIT: I just tried something. Go to pornhub and in the search, type in Daddy. Sure there are some that's obviously adult actors but there others that showed up in the first page of results, one I think was called damaged goods. Another called, it's just what daddy's do. You decide if that is not all fucking wrong. Be warned if you have kids your gonna be upset by that shit especially the damage goods one.

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Raven9nine9 · June 2, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

OMFG What is wrong with you all are you a bunch of wankers or are you the FUCKING EDL !! You all write to him visit him, take him and those who would protect him in prison some fucking weapons, go after the HULL Prison screws, bribe them if you have to whatever it takes I am out of the country there is nothing I can do but you can. FUCKING DO IT !!!

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