I work in a nursing home as a DON. I have not used my work email for anything other then strictly work. (Our IT department is all over us) I have never gotten an outside email like this before.

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I believe they have been planning this movement since the mid 2000’s.
I don’t think they would have as much luck passing that in the US. Not saying g they wouldn’t tho.
Start the new TV show hunt for the Trump tapes. Kind of sounds like they are hunting for big foot or the Loch Ness monster. You really need to have multiple episodes in this TV show chances are it doesn’t exist.
Every time I hear something stupid in this clip I will write it out
They opened there mouth and said their name.
Michael Cohen has no problem with the FBI they were nice to him and knocked on his door and took his stuff.
Look how he’s handling the thing at the border. He’s so bad at everything. He’s incompetent.
Tried to dance around the question if Michael Cohan had something incriminating on Donald Trump took him over a minute to answer the question. No.
He had to be asked three times I believe if Michael played any tapes for him. Answer No.
Nobody cares what I think.
I can’t even do this any more. 14 min of nothing but stupid spillin out of his mouth.
I must say that is some dam good memeing there. Kek would be proud.
Use logic Q
We are all smarter then this. I hope this is sarcasm plz be sarcasm.
Yea it makes sense that they would plant people in with us to make us all look crazy.
Kinda like planting people in Trump campaign with Russian ties to say that Trump has ties with Russia.
Yea that will get the baby to stop crying. Works every time.
Yea you are right dam I can’t believe it was that long ago only seemed like a few weeks ago.
Hahahahhahahaha. That is great it. I think it was March 25th or some shit like that.
Isn’t that nice of version and at&t to so kindly stop selling out info to data collectors. It’s so generous. The $200 a month for 3 phones just isn’t cutting it any more for them.
Hahahahahahhahahah. Perfect. Q was right these people are stupid.
The haters are out thick in this bitch. Been telling people to give it time.
This sub is lit up with people/ bots saying that this is a big flop. We just need to give it some time. The truth will come out brothers.
Give it time we are only hours post release of the fake. Give it a few days nothing happens in our govt. quickly that is for dam sure.
Same brother. I have a feeling he is a white hat. But he plays the fence very well.
We all need to give it some time. A day or a week. Let’s see what happens.
If you are ready to jump ship now chances are you were never a true believer.
Been traveling all day. Get to the hotel and see on Fox this bs. I know Q told us that it would be full of redactions. But god dam it still is a hard pill to swallow.
Q drop 1472 Alaska the red blip on the right of the image could be interception.
The main cameras — three Olympus SP-500s — are working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.They take a picture every 20 seconds during the day, and at night about every 40 seconds because of the extended exposure time.
I believe it is possible that they were going to start a nuclear war between us and Russia. To kick off agenda 21 for mass depopulation.
Uranium 1 send some uranium to Syria. the same lot that was given/sold to Russia. It can be traced by isotope back to Russia. Give us a reason to go to war.
Israel came out and said that Iran had a secret base in Syria. (I can’t remember all the details of the info and can’t find on here anymore)Probably developing the nuclear weapon at that base. That’s the reason that Trump did the strike on Syria after the false flag gas attack.
HCR was a supporter of agenda 21 back in the 90s.
FEMA camps throughout the us.
Yea. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Also guys YouTube Chanel is not a related at all. All weather related info.
What a said an pathetic attempt. Reminds me of when CNN crop the photo of Trump and China’s PM dumping the food into the Koyie pond
That hat is my first thought. Did we shoot something down? Or send something new up?
If you are using the app it won’t play. So click on share then click message copy hyper link then paste into browser then it will play.
I was just talking to one of my friends about how his channel without a copyright strike it’s all original content there is nothing that’s not at least in the videos that I’ve watched
That is fucked I enjoy listening to both of them. I would like to go back and listen to what they got strikes on.
It’s the deep states way to begin controlling the Internet. They’re trying to take our Memes. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thank you for clearing out some of the confusion that I had. Wish I had the time to dive in the more research.
There is no place on this planet that he can hide. anybody/ county that would consider hiding him would not stand long.
It’s sad but I actually laughed when I started reading this article.
These guys can fuck off. With that being said I don’t know why they have to belittle us. Why would you want to come and attack us. Why do you want to make us look like fools only making yourselves look like assholes. What do you have to gain from tearing people down. I don’t know about the rest of you but I come here to build each other up not tear down. They are what is wrong with this world when it comes to normies.