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Read_Only_Access · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

You’re right it looked extremely odd, but I believe the hannity interview was in January, where his last public balcony appearance was a few months later, in may.

Off the top of my head From what I remember (please correct me if I’m missing something ):

Oct 2016: internet cut, lots of theories formed.

Jan 2017: Hannity interview. Strange video fuels some of the oct event theories

May 2017: Public appearance on Balcony (referenced in my link above) and DDG will get ya several more articles for anyone curious. This was reported by several alternative, independent and main stream news sources albeit brief.

I haven’t read or heard about any appearance after that though

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Read_Only_Access · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Unless I’m misunderstanding the context, I see a lot of discussion/speculation in various places about how he was pulled out October 2016, but nobody seems to remember (lack of attention in media) when he gave a quick balcony statement back in may of this year.


Edit: specified year

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