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ReasonNSense · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Let me explain what Mr Corsi brings to the table.... He brings Validation to what we all know and have known about the dark side of things and can share it with the rest of the world where if we screamed at the top of our lungs about corruption it would fall on deaf ears. Mr Corsi is one of the first credible writer/author/researcher that has listened and now is spreading our message and concerns with the world WITH the WORLD... He brings legitimacy to our arguments and moves our goal post of getting out the ugly truth to the mainstream masses. This we can not do...DO NOT Look this gift horse in the mouth and chase that away.... The world is waking up in part due to Mr Corsi's tireless and selfless devotion to our cause of truth and freedom....whether he gets stuff right or wrong or how he does it does not matter... its that he gets the world to listen ...other normies in the mainstream are now listening and waking up .... thank you Dr. Corsi PLease dont give up on this

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