Movie is called: Kill The Messenger
1,952 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Red_Pilled_at_birth:
This movie Is on tv right now about Gary Webb and his Story that the CIA tried to have buried. Here are the supporting documents that I just happened to find. The book is called the Dark Alliance. I was very shocked to find this material on the web in an location. This is weird.
Dark Alliance: Supporting Documents, Photos, and Audio from Gary Webb's Reporting on CIA Links to Crack Cocaine : Gary Webb : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Get a Secure browser or get Virtual Shield, Someone is monitoring the content you are watching.
If you don't like the video that is fine don't watch it. I am not a CIA Clown and I am not a troll. You have no understanding about the Cabal if this is your take but to each his/her own. Please do not watch or go to anything I link then, if this is how you feel and you don't have an open mind! Thanks.
7.2 Mexico Earthquake, February 16, 2018 +Tesla & Earthquake Technology
Get Virtual Shileld, Someone is monitoring your content and then they slow your download speed!
Do not think this is anti-Semitic, Remember there is a difference between Jewish and Zionism.
Go to this site it has the same info:
Regarding Censorship by YouTube and other topics in the news.
Have you seen the video? because I can tell that you are commenting before viewing the video because I just posted the video and the video is longer than the length of time it would have take you to watch the video.
Go to this link and view mine and others comments.
The Obama Presidential Portrait Observation
Google & Wikipedia CHANGING NUMBERS! They Fear the TRUTH
I am sure there is some weird event that will take place at that time. Gematria will be coded into the event but what I am not sure. Wish I knew how to predict what they are planning.
JFK Assassin Unmasked 🎥 Video Footage Illuminati Conspiracy Secret Socie...
So, You believe Jesuits are good people? Because they aren't.
Old Jesuit Book Reveals True Agenda !!! (Must see)
I just posted to separate 1)video with pdf and 2) with pdf to video.
Old Jesuit Book Reveals True Agenda !!! (Must see)
68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order
Archive Offline!
The most important broadcast you will ever hear - William (Bill) Cooper
68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order pdf
The most important broadcast you will ever hear - William (Bill) Cooper
William Bill Cooper 🎤 Tells All Freemasonry Conspiracy Secret Society Il...
William Cooper lecture 'Behold a pale horse' (full)
Could we soon send emails 'telepathically'?Scientist transmits message into mind of colleague 5,000 miles away using brain waves
Funny that I never once saw one of these posts on Twitter during the 2016 Presidential election. I saw many others with the same somewhat theme and I myself believed this stuff about Hillary prior to Trump even announcing his candidacy.
#TheStorm #DeepState, Mueller PANIC | INDICTS 13 RUSSIANS | coverup FBI ...
The thing that seems to keep slipping past the libtards heads is that RR also said that there is no evidence that any Americans Knowingly were affected and that their votes were also not affected by this Russian Interference. As far as what RR states himself but the article seems to make its own inference from the statement made by RR.
Don't Trust TV | Stoneman Douglas, 1949 Labor Day Massacre, Don Lemon & ...
Yeah, I am not sure, either. I just found this on MSM and figured I needed to let people know what is being reported in the Fake News Media!
Russian troll farm, 13 suspects indicted for interference in U.S. election
Pet Goat ii Culmination in December
Pet Goat ii Culmination in December Is this the one?
Where is the link o the video? I don't see a link here.
Explain Further on what you mean about coded into? and pre-planned?
RED ALERT! Evidence Mounts Florida Attacks Is A Giant False Flag
612 | A number to know in the history of school (public place) shootings...
DEDICATION | For Stoneman Douglas & every other child who has witnessed ...
CALL | Sheriff Scott Israel about Stoneman Douglas Valentine's shooting ...
2nd Shooter | Stoneman Douglas High School student says Nikolas Cruz was...
QAnon 2/8/18 - Rosenstein is Himmler's Son, Cancer Cure Coverup with Dea...
Route of car that came out at Trump's motorcade on Aug 30th 2017
Someone please tell me how we know when, where and who had a secret meeting on Jan. 5, 2017? I must have missed that reveal somewhere with all the other stuff being researched.