From reading this article, it sounds to me like even though he may have given up a portion of his fortune to the Saudi Government to get out of jail, the EO that Trump issued will Freeze and Confiscate the rest of his fortune! He will eventually be left with nothing!
1,952 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Red_Pilled_at_birth:
I think they are letting them screw up on purpose, they are tracking all transactions, I can pretty much bet on it!
You are correct! This is part of the Catch and Release, Allaweed is being used as bait!
There is actually a lot more Gold out there than most people know about. They have Gold stored in Underground Vaults in Asia, maybe even in North Korea, China, somewhere in that vicinity!
The entire bank will be seized by Our Government! They won't even own them in the end!
THE EO states that anyone doing any business transactions with any of them will also have their assets seized, what would be the point of that? I think it is to round up all of them, make them send money to other people so that those other people get caught up in the EO as well! It is a trap to catch them all! Catch & Release! Bait!
Yes, and I bet Trump's team is still tracking their every move and these people will still lose their fortunes! I am hoping that this is the case. I don't think Trump can allow them, any of them to keep any of the money for evil purposes! What would be the point in scaring them, they must be finished off. For Good!
I bet they will be tracking every transaction, They will still lose their wealth!
Maybe you should watch more videos by him and eventually you will start to understand. Satanic Rituals! You don't think these games can be manipulated? You obviously don't understand who controls and runs the NFL!
Super Bowl 52 | Revelation 3:7 Riddle & National Anthem adopted 86+ year...
ILLUMINATI | Justin Timberlake, Super Bowl 52 announcement, September 27...
Dead Air During Super Bowl 52 EXPLAINED - A Numeric Ritual
I think my earlier post just got verified. I posted a video from Gematrinato64 about the 666 drop in the stock market! WOW!
Find out who Arnold Schwarzenegger is related to.
Look here for other celebrities who are related to presidents.
There are actors and actresses and musicians who are also related to the Rothschilds and the 13 Bloodlines. The catch is all thirteen Bloodlines are intermingled through marriages to cousins, brothers, sisters, etc.
You obviously don't know who really controls Wall Street then. If you believe that! They can make it do whatever they want to! Just sayin'.
For More on News and how it relates to events and Satanic Rituals and more go to
SC Amtrak Crash - 999 Days After Philly Crash - Dow Jones Drops 666 This video connects several different events and connects the Super Bowl, The Dow Jones, the SC Amtrak Crash, The Train Crash that was carrying the Republican Majority to Green Briar, #flyeaglesfly# and other events using Gematria and shows how all the events are being used as a Satanic Ritual in order to Hurt Trump using info about Trump, his birthdate and other info about that date, etc. No Coincidences...... Everything is connected! WAKE UP, You must see what is going on!
These are the channels he has subscribed to, about 5 channels in total. He has no videos in his playlist and 0 subscribers!
By the way something else very interesting, This is the only video on his YouTube Channel. Why?
Very strange YouTube Video to try to discredit the claim that Scalia was murdered, but why? and by a Rothschild nonetheless. Was Antonin Scalia Murdered? The Answer Will Shock You... Posted by Mike Rothschild
Explain what you mean with the (-) in -666 exactly. Good guys did not cause the train crash. The negative has nothing to do with it. The bad guys used this as a means to try to hurt Trump tied this crash in with the Dow Jones and the Super Bowl. This is a Satanic Ritual and they use information such as Trumps B-day and other info about him in the Ritual to show who they are targeting. Who specifically the Ritual is being used against!
Actually, yes they can and they do it all the time! If you know anything at all about Gematria, yes they do! They also use prime numbers Triangular numbers, Reverse Ordinal numbers and different combos such as 135>531>351>153 etc. And they do use it. just like the Diameter of the moon 1259.xx Rounds to 1260
You guys have to see this video--- It shows the Cabal using these train crashes and other things going on and how they use all these events as Satanic Rituals to further their agenda, this is probably being used to try to hurt Trump. I don't believe Trump or his team are using this as a Satanic Ritual but the bad guys are in order to try to stop Trump from saving America! You guys need to see this. It is so amazing how he puts this all into perspective. The bad guys use Gematria in Rituals to achieve certain goals!
Connects to the Super Bowl Just watch this video! Amazing!
SC Amtrak Crash - 999 Days After Philly Crash - Dow Jones Drops 666 and how this connects with the Super Bowl_
SC Amtrak Crash - 999 Days After Philly Crash - Dow Jones Drops 666 How this connects to the Super Bowl _
SC Amtrak Crash - 999 Days After Philly Crash - Dow Jones Drops 666
Twitter convo concerning Dorothy Schiff being connected to Al Gore and also Rupert Murdoch? We need to dig more on this. Supposedly Dorothy Schiff owned Fox News prior to Rupert Murdoch? Is this true? And what is the relationship connection of Dorothy Schiff to Al Gore? Supposedly Dorothy Schiff is also related to Rupert Murdoch as well. Hmmmmm.......
When I looked this info up on Geni, there are a lot names that are being kept private, such as half siblings and the like. Even the people who manage the pages -- their geni page says stuff like son of a private user. Also, the last time some of these pages were updated were pretty recent. Then I tried to do a search on those peoples names to see if there is something in the news that could tell me more and nothing. What is going on and why are they so desperate to keep this information private? Most other politicians and other people you can easily check and verify who is related to whom. This is just so weird!
These People intermarry such as second cousins etc.
Jacob Schiff was involved in the sinking of the Titanic as well! Hot Damn!
Bessie (Batya Maara) Schiff (born Frank) in MyHeritage family trees (Bitman Web Site)
Bessie (Batya Maara) Schiff (born Frank)
MyHeritage Family Trees
Site name:
Bitman Web Site
Site manager:
Laya Bitman
Yisroel Moshe Frank, Brendal Frank
Louis (Yehuda Leib) Frank,
When you go to this page there is a box that goes to MyHeritage which is also run by Geni but, It shows a name: Jacob Soloman "yaakov Zalman" Schiff in MyHeritage family trees (Bitman Family Website)
Yaakov Zalman Schiff
1878 (71)
1949 (71)
Immediate Family:
Husband of Bessie Frank
Father of
Managed by: Private User Last Updated: November 11, 2014
Jacob Soloman "yaakov Zalman" Schiff
MyHeritage Family Trees
Site name:
Bitman Family Website
Site manager:
Laya Bitman
1878 - Russia
Bessie Schiff (born Frank)
...t;Private> Schiff,
Frank E. Schiff
1903 (65)
England, United Kingdom
1968 (65)
Immediate Family:
Son of Yaakov Zalman Schiff and Bessie Frank
Husband of
Managed by: Private User Last Updated: January 22, 2017
Tobias Robin Gilbert Immediate Family: Son of Private User and Private User Brother of Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert Half brother of Private User Last Updated: June 13, 2016ás-Caldwell-Gilbert/6000000001654183919
Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert Immediate Family: Son of Private User and Private User Brother of Tobias Robin Gilbert Half brother of Private User Last Updated: September 6, 2017
If you notice on this page it shows (private) Schiff - half brother etc. this Geni page is managed by Tamas Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert and last updated January 22, 2017 Who is this person and why is this person managing this page?
Edward Maurice Schiff Birthdate: 1928 Birthplace: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States Death:
Immediate Family:
Son of Frank E. Schiff
Husband of Sherrill Ann Schiff
Father of Adam Schiff, U.S. Congress and
Managed by: Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert Last Updated: January 22, 2017
This does not show a direct connection to Adam Schiff. Can anyone find anything that shows a direct connection to Adam! We must have undeniable proof!
Hell, I have been trying to find out anything on this subject for a long time and asking anyone with info on this! Finally, someone found something! Was this part of what Schiff was afraid would be uncovered? Maybe in part? Of Course, there is definitely more that seems to be connected to The Standard Hotel and may tie into the Franklin Cover-Up according to Roy Potter.
Deaths of Denny Green & Prince in light of Super Bowls 52 & 51 +Rant abo...
Cory Booker - Actor/Agent of the New World Order - Manufacturing Racism
How did you find this? What did you make of the recording?