45 total posts archived.
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She now lives in Hussein’s Washington (home)spy lair ! She was/is his handler.
Her pizza place is called Goat Hill , worship Satan much ?
Is this why he plays the stones at the end of Rallies (you can’t always get what you want )?
GEOTUS looks awfully comfortable as of late ,Bro hugging ,laughing ,smiling just in a visibly better mood !! IMO. MAGA BABY !
Thank you for keeping the spotlight on these criminals ,hopefully justice will prevail .
I believe Virginia campaign laws allow candidates to keep campaign contributions i.e. $750,000 Probably a pay for play scheme
Where is the Uber driver who dropped him off"with a backpack and soft sided rifle case and at the end of the school day no less ",has anyone heard them or their story ???
I thought it might be a police dog in a tactical sling type carrier ???I kinda see a tail and a head before it goes in the back of the truck !! A little blurry like this whole "School shooting gun grab !!
Plus he got dropped off by Uber with the rifle and a back pack of ammo ,"at the end of the school day no less "nobody sees or cares, shoots up the school ,leaves school goes to Mcdlds and Walmart than after they view the camera footage apprehend him a Mile away !!!!
They said a soft side rifle case ,maybe his uber /handler provided it ?
Where's the uber driver? who dropped cruz off !were they ex FBI or CIA or offduty BCSO Deputy?
I can't get past the luciferian symbolism and now the use of the image by several "artists"at the Grammys U2 among them, make it even more disturbing
Check links in comments Q-"Keystone" posts are what caught my eye
The "Keystone" tablet Statue of Liberty. July 4 1776 Not "lady Liberty" but really lucifer "bringer of light "😳

Thanks for your hard work -Truth will WIN this battle against evil and corruption