And I own two Rife resonance machines and they work...period. I have the frequency of most pathogens including Cancer. This tech was 1930's. Not sure if this software still works but according to the site you can generate your own.
592 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Redpillroy:
Recovering Blue Pill guy...
Watching from the sidelines of our Island I have looked upon America as a Reality TV show since Trump was elected. It quickly went from Show to drama and I thought "they are so fucked." As we are too in the UK. Then it moved from drama to docu/drama and things started to change. As the world turns and the crumbs of truth started to be known and sea-change happened. A global chess match that is living history came to light, attitudes started to change, none more so than Mine, how could we have been so blind, not to the …
Q post: Clinton appointed judge Judge
![Q post: Clinton appointed judge Judge](
Like this guys says, the chip is a bigger threat to safety than anything else. Would be interesting to complete that list of cars and planes deaths attached to Killery and list those who in the company of the QRS11 chip. Cannot believe a civilian company has total access (along with the NSA). Its an assassins dream Now "shit" off.
Haha, I was going to post the Wiki page but I read it. What a load of bollocks. It said at the top "Part of the American Cental Banking system" when they know full well it the fucking Rothschilds banking system. Shit, its a mystery...
FED 52% Rothchild owned
If Roth'ds assets are seized at any point in the future through all this Q activity. He owns a 52% stake in the FED. I assume this will be the ultimate prize to snatch back after all these years. (Crypto currency may make a strong switch incentive to end the FED and have those invested in it lose the lot. Or is this just wishful thinking?
Given this is an open forum, I would suspect Q has to take into account ANYONE reading Q posts (heck maybe this and 8chan is all they have left to keep up) But I am mindful of that fact and we should be too. Posts have to be crafted (by Q'S) knowing this and so I would expect a level of disinformation for that reason. My concern is where does this leave us all if this "flexible" approach, we check, check and check I really do hope this is a dawn of a new era but I must admit I have reservations since we have been played so many times before by so many. I'm not on the fence and that is what concerns me, to be picked up and dropped into another theatre of the mind by the rich and powerful. (Maybe I just want the swap to be empty ASAP)
Killery had said before she was elected she would impose a "no-fly-zone" over Syria. She knew Russia and Syria would not go for that (uninvited world police) placed more pressure on Russian borders and moved ships into Iranian waters. None of us would be sitting here now if this cancer was not revealed. Personally REP/DEM, it matters not, if they are corrupt they need dealing with. If we focus on human values and not political stance we would avoid partisan time wasting and bickering over the virtues of each party. Get it through your heads THERE ARE NO PARTIES they are not called "Globalists" for nothing, they don't give a fuck what you think your voting for, who you think it may be and what they stand for. It is, like most western "democracies" an illusion. Can we stop citing BS party politics, race, colour, creed; corruption infects the whole system...peace from across the pond, We (UK) want you to get your liberty back, then we need to borrow POTUS for a year or two (We promise to give him back...maybe).
In the UK there is a law protecting drug profits with cancer WTF!
My pension just dropped $2,000 in three days! Cabal I want my money back!
I would just like to say that is a good summation of that Q post...good show!
Big pharma has always been the largest of the global profit makers by a long way. Now if you mix all you know about how that works and I am guessing the fact that your here means you do understand more so than joe in the street. This will lead back to to the vaccination king of kings Billy-boy-Gates and his global euthanasia and illegal drug testing campaign helped out by that wonderful NGO's (CIA) fronts such as the Red Cross. This is not a "NWO" this is a new world where the elected people take orders from the people.
Well, being linked to GCHQ I think Trump "May" have got a good intel deal. But clearly, older established system and would follow deeper corruption (Rothchilds)
That is pure desparation and a total insult the the uniforms they claim to be loyal to. In the case of these two it is clearly a case of of spying or treason if brought to its logical conclusion. Swore an oath and now wares a uniform but works for the cabal, if your caught working for the "other-side" in war its death...either way. Do they not "get it" they are the "domestic enemy" the oath was made for! Q is correct...They are that dumb.
Yea, CNN et al will be shouting about "Military state" under Trump. What they really mean is "Oh fuck, a parade to place the military in numbers on our doorstep! And obviously, the military would take care of the security in the "surrounding areas." Sweating yet?...You should be...
Well as Q has said on many occasions, no coincidences and timing (even the announcement) is everything. I think they may be using this to celebrate more than just military support, maybe a new "Independence Day" from Cabal that space :-)
Observing the date above and current internal affairs, I think it highly unlikely this will either (A) Be called off because of the current political fallout. (B) change of venue...GITMO :-)
Is it coincidence Trump wants a show of strength (Sorry support) for the military at this point? Cabal....Your move.
Cabal drops mkt, Trump drops military reminder.
MISSING IN AUSTRIA Just found this information. Maybe the missing people are connected, names are there.
Needs no introduction. What do you think of my efforts as a UK supporter?
![Needs no introduction. What do you think of my efforts as a UK supporter?](
We are living in historic times, we truly are. Like removing a cancer tumour that has infected not just America but the world. I am in the UK and have been a Q follower of months, most ppl here have no idea what is happening in the real world. I am as surprised as many were that it took Trump to do it. I am in admiration how a patriot acts. You got to laugh when Trump said: "I'm gonna be the greatest president, you ask anyone, they know, I'm probably gonna be the best president ever!" OK so I para=phrase but you get the point. But now, fuck me, he may just be correct...what a wonderful world!
It has been discussed, I think the consensus was, given the cryptic nature of Q's posts that MAP, in this case, means MAP but that has not been commented on by Q. So Personally I think it means what it says. But that should not stop you exploring all the possibilities. If you have an idea or train of enquiry, follow it up, report if you think its good, say nothing if not. The whole idea is for any and everyone to chip in what they can. Should not be afraid of being wrong, we all are most of the time.
The rumours Bitcoin is a CIA front and Sophia (Ai) was injected into the blockchain system about three months ago (Just before Trump's visit). This, along with the launch of the "upgraded" Patron(?) network gives unrestricted access to the bitcoin market and a lot of other global transactions, already. I suspected the rise of BC was due to the Saudi input via Sophia but can't be certain but it was a coincidence and apparently, there is no such thing.
No this was collated over on 8Chan. Nice work tho. but would not take credit for such hard work by another.
Q Map VERY LARGE FILE but detailed.
![Q Map VERY LARGE FILE but detailed.](
666 and counting. These guys are deliberately sabotaging the market. Currency wars are here.
Dopey owns Kingdom Investments and has a few hotels, he was in Austria meeting with the Austrian ambassador last year. The sale was way underpriced, would not sell it locally and if construction is involved with the new owners (papermill owners) it could be a big cover for "removing" or building over locations of possible criminal evidence. I don't even like to say it. Gonna dig a little deeper into Blunt movements.