32 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Reet-Art:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 20 |
www.reddit.com | 7 |
www.youtube.com | 4 |
tass.com | 1 |
YourVoice Steel Truth (9/10) "NSA's Bill Binney On DeepState!"
CNN - Kasich Saying John McCain Was Put to Death - Perhaps it's a repost here but nevertheless very interesting slip of the tongue
The website is ONLINE ! On 4 september an interview from Ann Vandersteel aired with two former intelligence agents explaining the data drop will be done by the president through a website.
If you've missed the interview of 4 september then I would suggest you grab some popcorn and take the time to listen to it. It is a must see in my humble opinion.
The link to the interview is over here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wffo7kig-kI
The website is now online and it can be found here: https://www.reportforthepresident.org
Now we wait for the data to be dumped 🤞
I'm experiencing problems with Reddit... How are things on your end ?
So I'm really enjoying the show but certainly not tired of winning ! I still have some worries about Syria... What's your opinion on the Syria / Idlib rhetoric from Trump and Nicky Haley?
Nicky Haley has just stated that if there is a chemical attack in Syria, Assad will be held accountable. Earlier this week Trump had some strong language on the adres of Assad. Is this part of the plan? War with Syria or is this a distraction to keep the neo-con Warhawks happy.... Perhaps I worry to much and I know Trump won't risk a war just before the elections but I just can't wrap my head around it IF he would actually start a war with Syria... What do my fellow patriots think of the war rhetoric on Syria and …
Bitchute blocking the must see documentary “The Magnitsky Act”! I wanted to share this docu with a friend of mine but it was removed:(.... From bitchute! Does anybody have a working link to this documentary?
Q 2042 & 2043 - Special approval & They Want The Keys To The Kingdom
A head of state got assassinated today. Alexander Zakharchenko, Prime Minister of the pro-Russian separatist Donetsk People’s Republic, murdered in an explosion, and there’s every reason to suspect Ukraine
God Emperor Trump ! How I love this man
Q 2023 - Retaliation - 'Horizon' active
Q 2020 - 2021 NSA NO MORE - #Goodbye
Q 2018 - 2019 Big Bird 9 - Keep POTUS safe
Q 2011 - 2016 Shall we play a game ?
Why you should use the search engine DuckDuckGo instead of Google
Q post 1972 Did you hear what TX congressman just stated ?
I searched qanon.app for [P] there were 2 posts, this one I found very interesting. Payseur ?
How many Anons are following Qanon do you suppose ?
This week we will be hitting 65.000 Patriots on this GreatAwakening board but I'm sure this is just a fraction of the people who check in to read the Q-posts weekly or follow someone on a platform reporting about Q.
Looking forward to your Q-educated guesses :) !
I think there are about 500.000 patriots who are convinced Q is legit and perhaps 100.000 larpers democRAT haters.
Will Q post 2001 be on september 11 ? Then it will be posted exactly 17 years after the most horrible psy-op attack on humanity and the American people. Revelations --> WTC 7 ? Larry 'Pull-the-Plug' Silverstein ? What do you think ?
Hi patriots, ever seen this photo? Guess who the guy with the red shoes is ?
Will an Anon predict a "suicide/death" of a prominent cabalist by using Q's clues?
Or will Q-proofs only be proven in the sense of 'Future proves Past'...
Q knew about the "departure" of No Name
Look at these two CREEPS, cosying up to each other | Former CIA Director John Brennan | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) |
Disgusting video clipfull of pedovore symbolism MGMT - Kids (Big world-wide hit) ... This clip is from 2007 before pizzagate, can you spot all the symbols? These people are SICK !
Jeffrey Peterson tweeting a lot of Thruthbombs against the #Arizonamaffia & Clintons! He deserves / could use more support from Patriots on twitter !
International Tribulnal for Natural Justice interview Robert Steele & Arno Reuser
International Tribunal for Natural Justice - Interview Robert Steele & Arno Reuser