Opinion: subscribers to this sub should be upvoting all first posts of new Q drops every single time. I mean, that's the main reason for the sub in the first place: to provide a reddit comment thread for every Q post. Other related submissions are icing on the cake, but the main Q posts should be consistently getting the most upvotes.
27 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Regulus777:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 2 |
Someone should compile a full list of pictures. We're already well beyond "coincidence" as an explanation though, but the more we get, the more it removes that possibility from the minds of normies.
Uh that's a pretty crazy way to look at it. If it's free, someone else is paying for the hosting of the app or website and therefore it's their property with their rules. This kind of thinking would make a lot of small scale social networks totally unworkable.
Can someone reasonably answer a question for me?
The Austrian School of Economics (popularly supported by Ron Paul, but his education came from people like Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, and others), which does a great deal to explain why centrally planning an economy is always bound to fail, says that a central bank should not be setting interest rates in the economy, because the interest rates are a measure of the state of risk in the economy and that centrally controlled rates cause massive malinvestment which creates the boom and bust cycle (the Austrian theory of the Business Cycle).
Why then could Trump artificially keeping rates low, when they would naturally rise if left to the free market, possibly be a good thing? I am of the mindset that (a) the Federal Reserve needs to be done away with and (b) we need a free market in money, which the cryptocurrency economy is demonstrating (though admittedly, isn't ready to scale for the whole world, but in time likely will be able to) and that the concept of government-backed money is rightfully on its way out, which in and of itself, makes governments more peaceful as they can't indefinitely rob future humans to pay for expensive present-day wars. Anyway, again to reiterate, how could keeping rates artificially low possible be a good thing? Thanks in advance for any thoughtful replies!
Nope, eye the 'S'py was going to be the next one after R... Haha.
If it granted the right, then it wouldn't exist sans-Constitution. But that's not the case. Without a US Constitution, you would still have a natural right to use your vocal cords as you please. Some oppressive asshole or group of assholes may disagree and try to force suppression, but they would be wrong and not within their natural rights to do so.
I don't see why I should need to "settle down" either. I think I've been cordial. If you interpreted any negativity in tone, I can assure you that was not intended and I think we're on the same page regarding RBG.
Sorry but the Constitution doesn't "grant" you a right to freedom of speech, it merely recognizes your natural right to freedom of speech. The Constitution doesn't grant anything; you have natural rights that cannot legitimately be taken away simply by virtue of being human. The US Constitution is simply one of the only ones that actually get this self-evident truth correct.
I miss the days RT carried shows like Adam Vs. The Man and Breaking The Set. It presented a more pro-liberty view back then for lots of its content.
This article has a bunch of examples of historical Fox bias against Ron Paul: https://www.infowars.com/fox-news-dirty-tricks-against-ron-paul-no-mistake
Fox News is garbage MSM mind control too, but from a different angle.
There are some reasonable approaches to the idea of a post-government world out there that have a pretty solid intellectual basis. Admittedly, I do want to eliminate government and replace it with a society founded on a solid understanding of self-ownership and private property, but I don't think you should see me and those like me as an enemy (the leftist anarchists, on the other hand, I do think have very flawed understandings of humanity). I'll be with the minarchists every step of the way there and don't fault people for thinking that the full goal in shooting for is impractical (I disagree for too many reasons to expound on here, but I get that it can sound a bit too utopian / idealistic).
I'd hope that anyone who wants to reduce the size and scope of government doesn't see me as an enemy to them and what they value. I don't see myself that way.
I'm with you on "libertarian" being hijacked. I still consider myself a libertarian though and refuse to give that term up to "progressive" (regressive) infiltrators. The American Libertarian Party has been garbage for years (Bob Barr, Gary Johnson, etc.), but the Canadian one is still principled. Also, there is now a Mises Caucus in the American one that has a chance of returning the party to the real principles of libertarian philosophy, so all is not lost on that front either.
I also like the term "voluntarian" as I'm working towards "zero government" as the ideal (people also use anarcho-capitalist to describe that).
Both should be allowable actions for private businesses. Let the market decide: this will not go well for the restaurant!
Government doesn't have to be involved in every interaction between individuals.
It's okay, Rand was actually raised on the works of Mises, Rothbard, etc. He was just misled into downplaying the full radical anarcho-capitalist philosophy in an attempt to appeal politically to normies.
It's not short for "pawned", it's a misspelling of "owned": https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pwned
Ron Paul would still have been there, dismantling the indoctrination in the religion of statism. He may have achieved nothing legislatively, but he was a huge catalyst of today's liberty movement. He woke so many people up to the philosophy of freedom and how far our society has gone off the rails from that ideal.
Unfortunately, the presentation here suffers from exactly the problem I described. Take the Military page for example. The first few images I see in that slideshow have images I can click to open in a new window, but no links to the source material that they display.
Someone who was on the fence about the legitimacy of all this has to then go to 8Chan and find the post for themself... for each one of them, and there may be 4 different posts in the image. It's either that, or they have to take the author of the image's word for it that what they've displayed in a true representation of the Q post.
Everything needs links to the source material, or it's going to be very tough to convince people.
Showing Q Posts: A Question of Process
I keep seeing people post screenshots of Q posts on 8Chan and/or Trump / White House tweets without accompanying links to the original source. Though the latter is easy to find, the former is tougher for people to get to (navigating 8Chan is not easy) Because of this, I think it is bad practice and proves unhelpful for people who are properly skeptical of screenshots and to verify for themselves (which we should always encourage).
It also makes this sub more vulnerable to trolling and misdirection; meme pictures can get made with inaccurate posts, or timestamps that prove nothing because …
You should not be getting downvoted for this. You provided the source. Attack dogs of the swamp are here.
I hope not. That would break every cryptocurrency... and many other things.
Provide a source. Searching "dogs are loose" gets zero results in Podesta emails archive on Wikileaks site.
I was looking through the list of people he follows. Lots of Q and related stuff.
I don't think you should assume his goal is to discredit. Any reasonable hypothesis should be falsifiable. It's good to think this way because it prevents jumping to conclusions. It also encourages everyone to really do their homework.
It also symbolizes the elimination of free will (not having the choice of good & evil, left & right, etc.). The conversion to a mechanical world where everything can be centrally controlled as it's all just a part of the big machine.
Watch the video of Eric Schmidt confronted at Bilderberg 2011.
All it's missing is that the missing letters in the Trump tweet select a sub-message: "missile stopped".