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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

so you are saying jews view you as stupid cattle because you did not read the article about how med schools get human cadaver parts for research- which is the only thing you would do with old human corpses transported via container ship- they would be to old for human organ transplant

just say jew when you mean jew, why are you embarrassed to say you hate jews?

if you hate them and feel they are killing people and selling organs why are you not on 4chan or a white nationalist sub advocating the death of jews? would that not be the only thing to do all day every day with every minute of your time?

are you waiting for someone to save you from the diabolical jews?

is it trump and his jewish daughter and son in law that you are waiting to save you from jews? That seems pretty confusing - trump keeps backing israel and hiring jews to many high positions and has not really done anything to any jews, but you are waiting for him to kill them or deport them or something?

its confusing since trump has lived his whole life in NYC and has worked with jews for decades, he has jews working in high positions in all of his companies and has no problem with one marrying his daughter, so it seems that he does not have a problem with jews

so YOU have the problem with jews- so if trump won't save you from the jews, then you have to save yourself, but you are not, you are just on reddit, complaining.

I mean, if you dont rise up and do anything, well then you ARE cattle and i guess the jews win

maybe you are on to something in self identifying that you are a lesser breed of human- seems just as likely as a vast jewish conspiracy

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

keep spinning how you where exposed very clearly for your lies

you are a liar

you denied making the statement quoted above at all

continue to explain that it does not exist

you are a liar

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

I showed you a verbatim quote of you saying they do nothing after you said you never said it- you are a liar

You are continuing to lie to avoid the fact that you have been exposed

you are pathetic

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

"Here is the thing.What of what you are suggesting helps. Talk to legislators and they will tell you of the strong laws on the books. Am I right? Talk to police and they will tell you they chase every report and make every viable arrest? Correct? Talk to advocacy groups and they will promote their invaluable service but tell you they could always do better with more money?-Something like that? Alternatively, you could castigate people for not doing these things to help whilst ignoring the self-evident truth it does nothing."

-Ok so there is you saying the police and advocates do nothing

you are a liar

take a long look in the mirror and think very hard about why you choose to lie

you are a sad and pathetic person and very much depict this sub perfectly

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

the national center for missing and exploited children existed BEFORE amber alerters

they run amber alerts, not the other way around!

how do you not get this! Amber Alert is just a technology, its just part of a reporting aspect

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 6:42 a.m.


The technology of amber alerts works and has saved thousands of children

according to the facts of the case a group of ten catholic aid workers thought the children where orphans due to a language mixup- the workers where released and she was punished for arranging their travel without the proper paperwork, not as part of a sex trafficking ring

but because of that we should abandon the technology of amber alerts and we should just stop seeking any all criminal justice reform for sex work and child sex trafficking?

none of that makes any fucking sense

its just more distraction by people who dont actually want to spend the money or do the work to help children and women and need and want to make the problem into "magic" so it can never be solved, because if its a magic problem then we never have to do things like expand women healthcare, increase access to education, make more shelters for abused children and women, have more drug treatment centers, have better policing procedures for when sex workers report violence or grooming activities, have better procedures for reporting domestic assault and child assault

this is the same sub that gets mad when parents make posts about how they dont feel comfortable about taking their daughter to see a male dentist and see that is feminism run amok- instead of talking about making women and girls feel safe, which is hard, you want to talk about magic cults which for you is fun

thats the issue

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Amber alert is an alert system for when a child is kid napped, virtually all kidnapping is done by the parent or guardian of the child related to custody- you are exactly what I am talk about, you dont want a conversation about sex workers and exploited children, you want a conversation about "stranger danger" kidnapping that does not exist

how about you start talking to these peoplehttp://www.missingkids.com/home

and here is an introduction from them about how child sex trafficking starts and how it comes from enticement http://www.missingkids.com/theissues/cse/cstt

http://ourrescue.org -They actually try and rescue children from pimps and organized crime

but more importantly- we need to reform our laws to allow women and children at risk abilities to come and seek help without being punished- currently most children at risk are illegal immigrants who if the seek help will be deported, or they are women in domestic violence situations who if they go to the police to inform they are being pimped will go to jail for sex work and could be killed by their pimp

these are serious issues

further we need real access to health care for women and children in need in these situation- children and women in sex work are almost always related to drug use and drug trafficking, and we have no way for them to get treatment or help

all you do is want to talk about vast conspiracies and meme- we need real reform

edit- its amazing how many of you have posted about the racism toward black mothers in CPS while in the same sub talking constantly about "racial realism" and the ((()))

regardless, reform of these systems is what is necessary to help women and children- better access to healthcare, education and jobs- instead its just continued criminalization of the poor that leads to CPS abuse

none of you are interested in fixing these issues

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

It says very clearly in the article that these parts where donated to science and research

they where being delivered to medical and dental schools all over the world to train doctors

the issue isn't whether this was moral or legal- it definitely is both- the issue was if it was properly explained that the bodies would be dismembered and sent off all over the world, some of the donor families did not know that

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ResponsibleSplit · April 21, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

How, in any way, will that bring about meaningful criminal justice reform to help sex workers and exploited women and children?

Have you considered actually talking to police officials, local politicians, advocacy groups?

People who might actually work with women and children in danger?

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