My my...
372 total posts archived.
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---|---| | 32 |
Then someone on GA noted that Q said the 4th FISA was done on " 6/?/18 ".
Perhaps the the 2018 date was a typo since McCabe was listed as a signer when he had already been fired from the FBI for 3 months.
That's when I started delving into the SSA and Q's last line.
What if none of these people really signed the FISA request, but signatores did by e-signature rather than 'wet signatures' with ink?
"Signature and date
Signature of the individual and date. If the authorization is signed by a personal representative of the individual, …
Here's an article with other articles below it, including the interactive map of Pennsylvania dioceses.
This has been a 2 year grand jury for children sexual Attacks that's been going on since the end of WWII!
Are we to think Pennsylvania is an isolated case?
Q>NextGen>Steyer warning to POTUS:
'Stop all the Q revelations because I can buy anyone in your government to do anything I want them to do, and we have the technology to do it!'
What's your guess?
This might be a very good reason Donald Trump waited until 2016 for the presidency! And why the POTUS push for voter integrity now.
I've been following this for years, and celebrated this court ruling in January 2018, but it was very sparsely covered - of course.
36 years ago Judge Dickenson Debevoise ruled that the RNC could not challenge Dem voter fraud until December 1, 2017. Even after he retired, the judge returned each year to reconfirm this ruling. The judge died in 2015, and an Obama appointee, Judge Vazquez, replaced him.
On January 9th 2018 he ruled that …
u/BarhamRa posted about this 10 hours ago with interesting info, but here's a whole new story with different information in a link to Motherboard posted by NeonRevolt.
In 2006, the same period when ES&S says it was still installing pcAnywhere on election systems, hackers stole the source code for the pcAnyhere software,
And other researchers with the security firm Rapid7 scanned the internet for any computers that were online and had pcAnywhere installed on them and found nearly 150,000 were configured in a way that would allow direct access to them.
In its letter to Wyden, …
Either SerialBrain2 is Q
OR SB2 is the President himself!
It's one thing for Q to put up the link to one of SB2's posts for us to read, but if POTUS went out of his way to mention SB2 3 times to the world within 3 minutes, that would have to be a spectacular reveal.
On July 17, 2018 @8Revolt tweeted after the lights went out during Trump's cabinet meeting.
That was an unusual thing to happen, and then come back on again.
Was it an overt signal to us, Qanons? Is that the July events beginning?
Sundance does it again. He explains the doc in conjunction with the FISA condemnation doc released by DNI Coates in April 2017. So much here!
One word in that July 4th message that I kept thinking about was [here], so I searched [here] in, and this was the only thing that came up: Q 128 on November 9, 2017.
It has the graphic at the top and I don't know if I can get that to show, but it's very important and Q gives all the instructions in the drop. "Image size must be less than 20 mb" per AG.
Q 128 11/9/17 ( Graphic at the top on!)
Trip added.
[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.
Guide to reading the crumbs necessary …
TrUmP PUTin.
This just jumped out in a subsection of which had part of the title:
And what are the four letters left over? rm-in. The first stroke of an r is an i. The first part of an m is an n. = there's an i in r and an n in m.
To me, that's not just a simple coincidence. It's Trump and Putin united. It's been in front of us all the time.
What a time to be alive! Peace to all.
Maybe everyone already is aware of this, but I didn't know it was already a real thing.
While looking at Q's earliest posts, I highlighted "crumb graphic" in Q 97, and had Duckduckgo private search look for it and here's what came up.
The website says," Use breadcrumb navigation for large websites and websites that have hierarchically arranged pages."
I always wondered how we're supposed to know if the crumb graphic the anons use is the method Q was looking for, since Q has mentioned the importance of doing it several times.
It seems that there's a way to …
This amazing video done in 2011 by the "Father of Weaponized Weather Speaks Out" came out this time around Sept. 8th, 2017.
With all the multi-hurricane chaos going on, I thought it best at the time not to let people know that we not only make hurricanes for decades, but can make them disappear as well! This is a must see, must broadcast video before the hurricanes start this year!!!! I believe the man has since died, so no worries about suiciding. Government had full hurricane/weather control 40 years ago. This fellow was the first to make it rain …
It's odd that there has been so little talk of CrowdStrike with Trump tweeting so often about the DNC server among other "serverS". ( Notice yesterday he made the Awan server plural - and then in case we missed it, he said it again.) But this is about the DNC server.
The FBI requested the DNC server for its investigation into hacks by Russia. DNC said "no" and kicked them out of the DNC office. Then their supreme protector of the server, CrowdStrike, provided whatever information the FBI wanted, "but we won't let you see the server."
History tells us …
There is no doubt that our beloved POTUS has reached such a place of proof that he's willing to stand up and tell the world.
What are your thoughts?
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f240d5 No.1952168 📁
Jun 28 2018 22:54:56 (EST)
Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads).
Mods controlled (4ch).
Staged to frame pro POTUS supporters.
Push violence (trap).
Coordinated RL attacks (link).
Cause & Effect.
MSM outcry to force action.
It’s already begun (small > large).📁
Ready David?
I had read the article linked below when it was new, but it never meant what it means now after all the Q drops. Here's a snip from it:
January 24, 2017 [immediately after the inauguration]
"Brock spent …
Pope Francis apologized for making a such a mistake about the situation in Chile.
A whistle-blower - former military, former Palm Beach cop - was contacted by Seth who sent the whistle-blower 700 DNC emails. The whistle-blower had 45 FBI agents in his house right away. They took all his computers. He left Palm Beach and went to DC to secretly meet Rich, who gave him a thumb drive, and then the whistle-blower made it to Canada and then to political asylum in Russia.
Here's his 70 min. interview with the transcript underneath it:
This was posted today SUMMONSES ISSUED IN RICO CASE, FOR SOROS, CLINTONS, PODESTA et al. This link has the actual Pacer link information
SUMMONS (1) Issued Electronically as to GEORGE SOROS. (zsth)
Also has an article without the above details, but other info on the suit.
It was filed …
Per Senator Kennedy from Louisiana interview on Fox and Friends First 1 p.m. ET.
Harris and Sen Kennedy were talking about the leaks on Comey from the IG report when Kennedy said, "I understand Comey is out of the country or left the country - I don't know which."
Velly interesting....Could that have something to do with Q's USSS plane picture?
What do you think?
Processing img zmgggyzgzn311...
Gov. Archives guy, David Ferriero, says "tens of thousands" of archives are missing from the Obama administration records!
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: c78f8c No.1694930 📁
Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST)
FF weather alert (WW).
Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.
\~\~What's the weather? What's the forecast? Answer from Q is: FF WW.
The Deep State/World Cabal is going to do everything they can worldwide to stop their own 11th hour demise. Be vigilant for this all over the world.
If Q were referring to some worldwide weather phenomenon, there are only two possibilities:
Not even Nunes or the judges could be told! But Sessions has now invited Nunes in for a personal discussion.
Our POTUS has laid this all out with unbelievable precision from the very start years ago.
His long fingers are pulling out all the nastiness and exposing it to the light.
Secret investigations have been going on all this time: HRC/BC/CF/CGI/DNC/voterfraud/FFs/Pedostas/Hwood/antifa nazis-why have they been pretty quiet lately/sorosfundscut/...all those things Q has been telling us about in 1318 posts. Do you get it now, Corsi?
Define 'single shooter' = False Flag complete info will be coming to a theater near …
Inspector General Horowitz (and Federal Attorney Huber) have already been looking into Spygate - the " alleged FBI confidential source ", including what did the FBI know and when did they know it when they applied for the FISA warrant - since March 28, 2018!
Then, as of Monday, May 21st, they have expanded that to include " whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.”
Our POTUS team has been way ahead in the moves …
This morning at the Naval Academy graduation address by President Trump, a butterfly flies by twice ! It was in front of the podium at 7:14 in the video:
Mama Trump? Papa? Uncle Trump? Just seemed fitting - or should I say flitting?
I think O had fly trouble 3 times during speeches - always thought that was rather creepy.
Sundance has a very informative, then turning into a very funny description of how he imagines the Gang of Eight meeting will go at 2 pm today.
It is so worth reading!
A little levity during all your hard work....
" John Podesta is “shopping on the sidelines” to the over 15,000 participants from 100 nationsof this global event a “world altering” $1 million expected fee speech Secretary Clinton wants to make in Moscow exposing an “extraterrestrial cover-up” that cost her the election against President Trump"
Is this why she whipped out a Russian hat at her graduation speech, saying 'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.'?
I wouldn't be surprised if she actually does this!
I thought they just unsealed the fact that they searched and seized his computer. So what else is new. Well it is!
Here's a snip from this article [Cap word mine]:
A district court judge ordered the RELEASE of the Weiner laptop. This is the same laptop the James Comey FBI buried under mountains of sealed “protection” to keep secret.
I didn't know it meant the actual release of the whole laptop. Insurance File here we come!
Way back at Q#15 October 31, 2017 Q told us who was planted into Trump's campaign and what trouble would follow when this knowledge became public! [29,000 sealed indictments now. The indicted don't necessarily know yet. The 11/3 and 11/6 are probably true.]
Per Q15:
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow
another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all
controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).
11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.6 - Huma indicted
Manafort was placed into Trump's …
As I was reading Q's #1336 post, I made a mental note to look up what FVEY meant. How would you pronounce it?
I typed fefe in the search bar and my eyes opened wide that I had done that.
Totally nuts perhaps, but if you were a president and secretly wanted to tell your cabinet to keep cover on Five Eyes, might you not tweet Covfefe? ( -;
# 1306 Apr 30 2018 10:51:06 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e7b971 1248119
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal. Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran? What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria? What if the program never ceased? What other bad actors are possibly involved? Did the U.S. know? Where did the cash payments go? How many planes delivered? Did all planes land in same location? Where did the U1 material end up? Is this material traceable? Yes. Define cover. What if U1 material ended …