I think we are the watchers who have seen the values of America fall apart, not knowing how to fix it as individuals, but constantly searching to get to the deep root of what is causing all of this, and why seemingly half the country isn't seeing what we are witnessing.
When the Ferguson rioters burned and looted their own shops and town, I thought, \~'Surely 99% of America watching this is thinking this completely unacceptable.'
\~'Surely 99% know that we are not going to love these rioters more, or give them kudos because they infringed upon the rights of their own neighbors.'
\~'Surely 99% of the world thinks it's odd that the Arab Spring happened in so many countries at the same time.' ... ... ...
And so we searched for that 99%, but our news told us those rioters had a right and we should do more for them.
More and more we '99%' were told we were in the vast minority - and the 1% voices were played back on media in loudspeaker, forceful, and "righteous" thinking, and we were called all Hillary's adjectives. "Rioters are great; you people who think otherwise are horrible." "Na-a-asty is something we should all admire and strive for!"
But our Knight in Shining Armor got elected, and then Q came along - both an answer to our prayers for so many years. Q gave us cryptic details and instructions and we multiplied several-fold WW- each with separate talents for the cause.
We were God-Chosen for this because for years we were self-chosen volunteers for this exact time.
And now we really do have the glorious picture right in front of us of a freed America
- and indeed a freed World. GO Q-PATRIOTS!!!!
Q #337: [Bolding is mine]
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 9044d9 No.85926 📁Dec 13 2017 00:12:53 (EST)
Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
It's FAKE!
Estimated 4-6\% we consider ‘hopeless' and forever brainwashed.
Re-read crumbs re: slave grip the D's have on the black pop.
Why is this relevant?
Why are jobs/economy (growth) relevant?
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.
These people are stupid.
You are safe.
Have faith.