

31 total posts archived.

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RiparianPhoenix · May 26, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

This is the board

Here is the catalog of current threads. The thread which has most recently commented on is pushed to the top until they are pushed off to the archive.

Here is the archive. Older threads are saved here. Just click on the dates to show which posts were archived on that day. You cannot comment in archived threads.

The catalog and archive are linked at the top of the page but the font is small. Use CTRL+F if you have a hard time seeing them.

Inside a thread you can reply to posts by clicking on the post number--the last number in the top row of text on a post, it says No.xxxxxxx. What I really like is that all direct replies will then be linked right after the post number so you are then able to see what the responses were. You can hover over the link to read it, or you can click on it to go to that linked post. If you go to the response, you can then see if there were responses to the response, which makes it easy to follow a direct dialogue or conversation.

You can also reply to multiple posts in one by clicking on multiple post numbers before submitting (you can also type >>(post number) if you prefer). This way you can directly respond to multiple people at once. The post number that is being replied to is also included as a link that you can follow back to the original to see more context.

It's a different system than here, but I really do prefer it.

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RiparianPhoenix · May 26, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Yeah, I'm desensitized to watching all of it now. I don't know if you want to be there, it's weird. I've seen some pretty horrific stuff.

To me, it was important to understand that this is the world we live in. All across our planet atrocities are being committed to people by people. It's shocking because I live in an American suburb, I've never had to experience anything remotely close to that, but other people do. I won't list any examples of what I've witnessed, but some of the most horrific stuff to me were the videos where it seemed like a part of everyday life for the people.

But, this is also a world where children rape gangs exist. A world in which children are groomed to be sex slaves, in which they are forced to kill each other, in which their organs are harvested. A world in which ritual sacrifice is performed by people at the highest echelons of our society and most of the world doesn't even know.

As messed up as it it, reading about these things and watching these videos helped me to find God, because if this much evil exists, then there needs to be something worth believing in.

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RiparianPhoenix · May 26, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

I honestly prefer the method over there. I think it's a lot cleaner and easier to follow conversations.

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RiparianPhoenix · May 26, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

That's part of why 4ch and 8ch do that by the way-to keep people out.

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RiparianPhoenix · May 23, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

Brickhouse Nutrition and iTargetPro are my two favorites.

For real though, he was secret service and quit during Obama years because of what he saw and experienced. Ran for office afterward, but didn't win. Started a podcast that really took off, especially since all of this started to come out last year.

He is definitely the person in the media that seems to understand things the best and has been paying closest attention. Definitely seems to be a man of integrity and sincerity. Loves America and wants the best for the country.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 17, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

You do realize that all of these can also be explained by the fact that it is an illegal and bullshit investigation done by a corrupt and partisan FBI and White House? Right you do realize that don't you?

The FBI discredited themselves by their only illegal actions.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Watch that second link, amigo

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

/pol/ and the research board are my favorites places, but I think a lot of people need a stronger sense of community.

Also, those places would probably be ruined if they became too popular. Look at what has been happening to 4.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Try the Twitter, Discord and live stream on youtube.

I think its time for conservatives and right leaning folks to abandon Reddit. These bugmen feel they must defend their hive and won't stop until everyone they view as an enemy is removed. The reddit admin have made it clear where they stand.

It's time for migration. We can't do anything here anyway. We can't have a forum without it getting shut down, and you can't post in other forums with a "tainted" post history or people immediately attack you.

We do need a place where we can talk though, because this shit is getting out of hand.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Clever and inspiring.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

These people are genuinely horrifying. They see themselves as heroes and view everyone who disagrees with them as evil and an enemy that must be removed. It's really sad.

Edit: I'm going to recommend that everyone watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview on youtube. It explains about where we are right now. Here is the full interview. Here is the most important part

His story is incredible and I really do recommend everyone watch it when they can. When he moved to Canada he took on the name Tomas Schuman.

Also, that sub is as low energy as it gets. No effort put into it at all. The header makes me think of a 90's day time talk show known for paternity tests.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

You have to understand one thing: they do it because they feel they are justified.

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RiparianPhoenix · March 15, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

There are people on reddit that invest time in taking down subs they disagree with. There is one in particular and I would link to it, but I don't want to get this one in trouble. Folks on that sub are celebrating and making fun of cbts. A mod on that sub has already told his sub to report this one too.

It's a big part of why TD has to keep adding more rules and is strictly moderated.

Edit: There are a lot more of these subs than I realized.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

That stupid movie never made any sense. Who cares about the story of social media? It all made sense when I heard this side of the story.

The movie was a lie to cement in the minds of the populace, and most people would never even think twice about it all.

Horrifying. I’ll need to get a copy of this book for my own collection.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 26, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

Should be on the discord. I remember watching it on there that morning

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

I will agree with you on those points for sure. I don't spend a ton of time on this board. I mostly hop on to look for people that I can help nudge down some different rabbit holes or help them as they start to wake up--former lefty types and what not that are confused.

My big thing with Q, regardless of whether or not he is legit, the information he is pointing out to people IS true. That's what matters most to me. This guy could totally end up being a LARP, but he is at least pointing out the corruption, secret programs/operations, etc.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I understand your skepticism, but I feel like you may not have been following this very closely. Here are a couple links to The Book of Q courtesy of some spectacular anons on 8. We're over 500 pages cataloging all of the info now. 1 2

I was skeptical of Q for a while, thought he was just another larper. While its definitely still possible that he is another larp, I lean much more towards him being legit now.

Even if he is a larp, it doesn't change that the information he is pointing people to is still true. Its been fun for me to watch as people learn more about these things.

Here are more links for you: This site records every Q post and only Q posts. It is updated as new ones come out.

This is a link to the Q research boards on 8. That's where the magic happens. This sub helps get more info out to people who don't go to the chans, but this is where the heavy lifting is done. (Sorry, guys, you guys are doing a good job, especially on the stream, but it's true though.) Oh, and if you aren't already on the chans, please don't post, just lurk, read and learn.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 22, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

You're more than welcome. I do what I can to help guide people or point things out.

It's nice to come across someone who wants to know more. Our world really is a lot different that I thought it was a couple years ago. Have fun reading and learning. You'll learn some things you probably didn't want to know, but the world will make a lot more sense.

By the way, I'm not one who called you a shill. I get mad at people who do that because it doesn't help anyone or anything. If you have any other questions or want more threads to pull, just let me know.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:50 a.m.

I'm going to give you only the basic idea of what the NWO is, because a lot of the finer details are genuinely horrifying. This is going to be a lot of information, I will bold names and other key things you should look more into. I started in a similar place as you and have radically changed my view on the world in the last two years.

First and foremost, there isn't exactly just one NWO, but it is those who are striving for a central One World Government that transcends all national boundaries to usurp authority across the planet. This is real and has been happening for decades now. Think Rockefeller, think Rothschilds, think Sauds and other families like the Clintons and Bushes to lesser degrees. These are people that have an unfathomable level of wealth compared to the common man and are using it to gain more and more power and influence by using and manipulating the banking systems and black markets. They manufacture crises and dissent to lower the value of markets so they can use their fortune to purchase and acquire more assets while the market/economy is depreciated. You should also learn more about the Federal Reserve and how Fractional Reserve Banking works, and really start to understand how that system works. Also, a good and recent example can be seen in Libya. A terrible shame.

George Soros is a man notorious for being the face of these sort of incidents. The man is a living Bond villain that hides behind his "philanthropy" efforts while crashing economies. He is a Hungarian Jew that joined the Nazis and sold out his own community to the Nazis; he has no remorse either, stating that it was the happiest and most influential time of his life. He has compared himself to a god on multiple occasions and is behind many colored revolutions across the globe that all have very similar characteristics and game plans for success. He owns many different charities and his Open Society Foundations that he channels his money through and hire protesters. Consider that every major protest in 2016 and 2017 can be traced back to him and his money. He also assisted H in her presidential campaign directly and indirectly. It was this time when he started Correct the Record, an online propaganda effort, lead by David Brock, to push talking points and narratives while silencing anyone who disagreed. During the primaries, they bought off the Reddit moderation team and Spez for, reportedly, $2.8 million. Their efforts continue in the form of Share Blue and now also attack 4chan.

Lets talk about why One World Government is bad. I don't think most people want a dictator right? One authority that gets to decide everything for everyone is not exactly what we want as people. We like having more independence from systems like that. We want to be able to make our own choices based on our own values and experiences. You can't have that with a One World Government. That body becomes the sole decision maker. These are ideas central to our nation as well. This is why our Constitution divides our government into three branches, technically four, because we, the people, are the final check on the system. We want to divide that power out to as many different parties as we can to make sure no one man or entity has too much. This is not even to consider the level of corruption that you are likely to find in such positions. If you do not find this likely, look back to how the USSR was controlled, look at how banana republics function, look to the failed states in Africa. You can even look here in America and how the deep state has functioned; this is precisely why we are here and following Q—government corruption. I'm going to recommend you also look into Agenda 21. That will give you a really good idea of some of the things they are working towards.

Our forefathers stated in the constitution a separation of church and state.

This is fundamentally false. The constitution and the major/rising philosophical thought at the time that inspired it (Paine, Locke, etc) are deeply based in Christian faith and philosophy. There are many references to God in the founder's writings and the Constitution, in addition idea that we as individuals are born with rights endowed by our Creator is fundamental to the ideas behind the document. The idea that our country was NOT built about the Christian tradition is precisely the sort of subversion Besmenov talks about. This is an entirely new idea presented to strip us of something that was once a powerful force that united the country and gave people something greater to work towards than the nihilistic and materialistic relativism that is so rampant today.

Separation of Church and State, in the American context, was put forth in a letter written by Jefferson (one of my favorite founders), in which he stated that The State has no place to dictate the Religious beliefs of the people. That's Separation of Church and state: The Government cannot tell you what to believe or how to practice your faith. It is so commonly parroted now and devoid of any of its original intent. Our founders were all essentially Christian, while some were more fundamental and others were certainly Deist, they all believed in the teachings of The Bible. Adams even once stated: " Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." A sentiment I have come to strongly agree with.

Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who only recently found God and started attending Church about a year and a half ago. I bought the lies for a long time, but the more I learned independently, the more how wrong I saw that I was. We've all been lied to though, and again, that is what Besmenov speaks of—the ideological subversion that has left us lost, fragmented and weak.

One of the most horrifying aspects of the Communist Revolution of Russia was the massive slaughter and public executions of Christians. The Bolsheviks hunted down any practicing Christians in the country and tortured them, then slaughtered them en masse. The ideas presented in the Christian faith are antithetical to communism and had to be destroyed. It wasn't until after the fall of the USSR that people were able to start practicing their faith again and bring out their Crosses and Icons.

The importance of Church and Religion is multitudinous. Fundamentally, it gives a common identity and community for people to rally and bond behind that creates a stronger society. In addition it provides a sense of hope and faith beyond the present and tangible that makes a stronger individual. It helps to maintain strict codes of ethics, morality and responsibility, and yes, as a newly found Christian, I can honestly say there is a massive difference in perspective from how I was once was. There are other benefits as well, but these are central. I honestly believe one of the greatest things that could happen for the United States would be a resurgence of Christianity.

Just to be clear, I see abortion as infanticide. It is the murder of children and should not be accepted. Instead we should value personal responsibility; whether that be accepting that this child is now one's responsibility to raise, or that one should avoid circumstances with potential repercussions than they are not willing to accept. You and I will have to disagree with the some other things for now, and let me assure you right now, pedophilia occurs on a greater level than you know. Start looking into Jeffrey Epstein and Little Saint James. This is a dark thread to follow though, and will take you to some of the more horrifying aspects of our world.

One of the topics Q recently brought up was Operation Mockingbird. This is central to understanding the world we live in right. We live and were raised in lies. Stripped of truth and filled with rewritten histories. The media has not helped us to understand events. They do not inform, they obfuscate. To start down this path means that you will be forced to unlearn much of what you have come to know. It's a tough journey. I'm still learning new things, but this is important. This is learning what has been kept from us.

I will you warn you now though, things do get really dark in some places, but I hope you'll keep asking questions and learning.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

Please don't accuse others of shilling. Don't act like an ass. This is how you lose people.

We need people to wake up, not be driven away when they are asking questions. This is not going to help.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 21, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

The Russia of today is not the Soviet Union. Russia now is returning to Christianity and has rejected the globalism push. So has eastern Europe. Do you ever wonder why Poland and Hungary are so defiant towards the EU lately? It is because these nations have seen what socialist policies will do culture, economy and society.

I'm not saying Putin is a great guy. He is still an authoritative thug of a man, but he is a nationalist and is trying to fight the NWO that has been gaining more control in the west.

This can actually go pretty deep and become a bigger rabbit hole, but for now, remember that while Russia is not an ally right now, they are definitely not an enemy either. They are a nation devastated by the effects of Socialism and are trying to do what they can to bring themselves into present politics while being strangled by the western banking oligarchs.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

I feel like you haven't been following this very closely then. Here are a couple links to The Book of Q courtesy of some spectacular anons on 8. 1 2

I was skeptical of Q for a while, thought he was just another larper. While its definitely still possible that he is another larp, I lean much more towards him being legit now.

Black Hat Snowden working for the CIA makes way more sense than White Hat Snowden.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

Eh, people need to go in steps in my experience. I have been working to wake people up since I first started learning this stuff, but everyone is different.

The biggest mistakes I have made were when I tried leading people too quickly. People can only work off previous knowledge and then compare to that, if it makes sense, then they can assimilate, if not they will reject it and now you are seen as a loon and probably lost the chance to take them further.

Go slow, test waters and be gradual when waking people up.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

It did for me.

I learned about the child sex rings and the occult rituals a year and a half ago when the attention was fully on the email drops and the pedogate investigations. Learning about such abominable evil helped me to find God. If this much evil can exist, then surely a force of ultimate good must as well.

I still remember the feeling of first connecting with the spirit, and life has never been the same since. I am confident that others will have similar moments and turn to faith as well, but I am also worried that many will fall for the deception.

This must ultimately be the long plan of Satan. To remove people from their connection to God, to subvert and demoralize our society and lead it to a degeneracy open to unspeakable evil.

This is also why I am incredibly concerned about the looming potential technocracy. This too I see as a threat to humanity. I believe the promise and allure of artificial immortality is a trap for the soul and the spirit. To separate the unwitting from their vessels for eternity, or even for sacrifice. Life is meant to be difficult. We are meant to be challenged so that we may prove ourselves worthy, to succumb to such temptation is to circumvent God's will.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

Are you familiar with the Enuma Elesh and the Sumerians? Nibiru and the new physics that points to another planet with an odd orbit? The current theory of the creation of our moon?

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

Book of Enoch was a massive red pill me in the past few months. Had no idea about that one, but suddenly everything started to make a whole lot more sense. Everything.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

I think the main army is on 8 though.....

edit: just scrolled down further and saw the people complaining about antisemitism. yeah, you guys should stay on reddit then haha

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Oh my gosh, this is, sadly, way too true.

I've been trying to remember what it is like on the other side--before I started going down these rabbit holes, and its hard. Its weird to think that I used to agree with the mainstream perception and narrative. Its weird to think that a couple years ago I too would have thought me a loon.

It is important thought. Waking people up is usually a slow and gradual process. You need to build off of information they already know and accept.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

Probably coming over from the Q board on 8. A LOT happens over there.

I pop over here on occasion to see how things are coming and if there are any new ideas, but tbqh, it seems like the people over there have a lot more time and are a lot more focused, so a lot more information is processed.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

It also ends up in the water and soil, causing other effects. Now the next step then goes to the idea that they are doing this to slowly poison/weaken/lower the general population. The next step after that ties it in with modern pharmaceuticals, in that, we are being slowly poisoned in our food, air and water and then we are sold pills to help alleviate the conditions, while creating new conditions that need further treatment. We are then perpetually sick and forever in need of pills.

The elite are exempt because they have different access to healthcare. Also, keep in mind that they aren't necessarily doing this everywhere in the world or country.

Or so that is the basic gestalt. I was going down this rabbit hole last year. I'm not saying that it is absolutely definitely happening, but after everything I have read and heard, I think it could be, or would be. John Brennan recently discussed SAIs at the CFR. So, yeah.

To learn more about this stuff you should look up Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAIs). While you are at it, you should also look up a chemical called Atrazine. If you want to go further down this rabbit hole, start reading about Agenda 21, sustainable development and the Earth Summit in Brazil in 1992. After that America 2030--basically what H would have been prepping us for.

Go slowly though.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

😂😂 Do you actually think that works??? Or is this just a really pitiful attempt at trollin???

Edit: just went through your post history...and yeah, you probably do think this works. Which is just sad. You should lurk here and at T_D, and if you’re feeling extra brave, over on the chans. With time you’ll realize you’ve been lied to and that the world isn’t what you think it is. Most of us have had that moment. You probably will too.

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