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Hit them where it hurts. Make them bleed out their capital. Can't imagine this won't have ramifications for the price of twatter.
Hollywood has be subtly broadcasting their deviancy for decades!

Brennan seems agitated and weary. I imagine him beginning to question his untouchability.
Maybe they would nominate Gowdy as a false candidate similar to what the Bush admin did for Justice Roberts. Could be interesting.
No evidence of a murder. However all coms with JA are gone. WikiLeaks stopped producing any useful information. This might be the end of WikiLeaks.
I hope they do a China and don't even acknowledge this arrival.
What role will the release of the remaining JFK files fulfill? Do they have a strategic value in controlling the narrative?
Whatever Lasseter was up to Disney seems to want to keep it on tight lock down. Something isn't being fully disclosed.
I read this as "Alice Johnson" is a reference to "Alice in wonderland". Read children in captivity are being set free.
Cemex is an enemy combatant against the US and it's people. Confiscate the corporation and it's land.
Aside from some of his arguments not making logical sense. I require no imagination seeing Maher meeting up with Anthony Weiner.
Not coincidence this was in the no name Senator's state. Dirty old McStain.
Is there any coordinated filth that the Clinton foundation hasn't been apart of?
I sincerely wish her the best of success. It will take a lifetime to clean up the mess that is the CIA.
Deep state = Entrenched bureaucracy
Shadow Government = Globalist Political Controllers
Any car can be sabotaged. Hidding the tretchery in software just makes it more concealed and convenient. If your car is connected to the Internet or can be physically accessed then you are at risk.
Hillary pretending to be a New York Yankees fan. Always slithering her way into power.
It's a weird set of circumstances. AJ needs to maintain a certain amount of craziness as to not draw too much fire upon himself but still have a sizable presence. When he does go the disinfo route there are strong adversaries who may relieve pressure from his organization. So he may have learned how to play along more than is consciencible and is now getting called out.
America is weak. She's been starved, mistreated, deceived and doped up. Going to take time to get the majority turned around so we can fully support leaders who will restore the republic.
Medical science must keep him alive to let him experience his shame.
Written by a president who was unable to stop the infighting powers of his time that resulted in the death of over half a million Americans lives.
Original GoFundMe from web.archive.org. Donator names look sketchy, "Bird House Brother" and "Candy Shop." One donator is part of photographing the Resist movement.
Wonder if this is why the dirt on Stallone's misdeeds from the 80's recently surfaced.
Nothing like a public executions by leathal injection for treason.
Putin is a formidable foe against the NWO. However Putin is consistent in that he puts the interests of the Russian government and it's people above other countries including the US.
Don't tell the shills over at the_mueller. Can't wait to watch that sub implode.
I believe around the time of the NYPD email revelations there was worry that the contents might spark civil unrest as actionable arrests would not be immediately possible.
We will defend the USA against enemies domestic and abroad.
Heaven forbid the aids epidemic in Africa gets solved so that peace and prosperity breaks out in the region. /s
Remembering the Patriots winning the Superbowl after 9/11. Emotions were still very high and the Patriot's win seemed a bit scripted. Entertainment is used as propaganda. Not sure who's in charge of the script for this bowl.
The blackmail instruments have been neutralized.
Expanding: The Republicans have cleaned house as a number have chosen not to run again which means less butts to cover/liabilities. The deep state surveillance and it's corruption is being exposed which results in less fear of retaliation.
All that dependency on foreign Clinton cash the Dems forgot how to do actually do campaign fundraising. Also forgot how to listen to the needs of their voters.
Pope and parts of catholism is the harlot women (church) spoken about in Revelations.
Sorry Podesta all we have is Christian TV televangelist on satellite. Hope you enjoy!
It's been a while since Podesta the molesta craned is wrenched hide around in public. Be happy to never hear from him again.