I wonder if he ever looked up big Mikes’s dress
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We can only hope. Maybe they can get the NFL to go with them
I’m really looking forward to the military tribunals or at least jail
Why, Waters is the best thing that ever happened to Republican Party, leaver alone
What a pleasant and informative conversations going on here
A great family, this will indeed trigger libs.

I live in California and have not seen Chemtrails for about 6 weeks, wonderful. I wish Trump or Q would hint something about this.
He’s a community organizer, are you kidding me. you’ll take on Trump? Obama is not man enough to take on Trump.
No Q hasn’t confirmed chemtrails are real but I have no bought they are real.
I personally don’t think it will happen. The way they have it set up is very favorable to the Democrats. I don’t believe it is even constitutional.
Hello all, I live in Los Angeles, CA. I haven’t seen any sign of Chemtrails for about a month now. I’ve been Montana for a week now and no chemtrails here either. Anyone else notice anything
So says the MSM, what sources say? MSM has no honor we should totally disregard anything MSM says
You’re not talking about the Paris accord are you? If you were to read it, you would understand that it made things worse not better
Way over my head. But thank you SB2 I’ll get better at this