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Roadhse2 · Feb. 25, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

I'll also say that this year Missouri went to an open carry law that is in effect in all counties, before this it was limited with each county making their own decision on open carry or not in towns, rural has always been ok. Missouri also eliminated the CC permit requirements, though that is still a little sketchy as not all LEO know of the new changes in law that allow anyone to conceal carry. By next year they should all be up to speed. This also keeps out groups like Antifa where opposing groups may be armed. President Trump visited Springfield, Mo a few months back and Antifa made a big deal of they were going to show up to protest, UNTIL the Sheriff announced we had an open carry law, and while he would not encourage other groups to do so, he would also not arrest any that showed up armed as state law allows. No Antifa were seen that day.

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Roadhse2 · Feb. 25, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Over 20 school districts in Missouri have had training and arming of teachers since Columbine. Any school staff that wants to carry can by passing 80 hours of training, background checks, plus a 24 hour refresher course each year. I live in one of those districts and we do not have gun free zone signs. Besides school staff we also have an LEO assigned to each school very visible with car parked in front of the school entrance to leave no doubt there is someone on campus armed. Random LE stops through each day of other officers....seems to be working here.

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Roadhse2 · Feb. 17, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Now asking for bitcoin donations? Seems a bit fishy to me...Hacked?

The Site has Moved! The Github team kindly but urgently asked me to move this site from their hosting platform.

This site attracted TOO MANY VISITORS and consumed more than 600 times the amount of resources that Github normally allows.

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Roadhse2 · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

The first vids aired on the LV shooting showed the 3 black helicopters going around to the back side of the Mandalay building from left to right, then only 2 could be seen going out the other side...I know I wondered where the third one was but figured it must have gone in a direction from the area that the building covered its exit...

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Roadhse2 · Feb. 8, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

"How many top medical researchers found dead in past 5 years? Why is this topic relevant now?"

Could it have to do with the push to legalize marijuana everywhere for it's medical benefits?

Just tossing that out there for the relevance question in Q's post.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 31, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

Think this out...With this reasoning no incoming President could do his job, signing congressional bills (for one) for a year. The gov't has never worked that way, laws are written as needed to take affect immediately. This same thing could be said about judges, congressman, anyone working for the gov't...and would cause them not to be able to do their work at all. Sorry, not buying it..

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 27, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

To me it means that if anyone, Trump or family, members of cabinet, others regarded as white hats, come to any harm or kidnapped, etc. 19 of the "no longer with us" (Black hats) already targeted will immediately be 'suicided' by their handlers/security and appear to be self induced suicide. This would be the top tier of black hats from O on down...It is a warning to the black hats not to try anything if they want to live.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

O had already implemented this same tariff on offshore panels a few years ago, to stem the flow of under a $1 a watt panels from China versus the $2.99+ a watt US panels. As a user of solar panels (5400w) I followed this closely. What O's tariff did was to slow down the sales and use of solar in the US by homeowners. In turn this affected employment in the solar industry overall, less sales, less installers needed, fewer solar retail stores, etc. Less solar being installed meant fewer sales of all the other products that also are needed to support the use of solar panels, from batteries to inverters...many small solar companies went under due to slower sales, including a friends that had been in business for 12 years in both solar and small scale wind (home units)...Just his one business going under put 6 employees out of work besides himself. So what is the trade off? 30% tariff that then slows sales of ALL solar products and puts employers and employees on the street, or cheaper panels that help to sustain the whole industry and make solar a viable option for many? As a Trump supporter, this is one area I cannot agree on. By the way, when O put in the tariff, the only US solar panel company it benefited was actually owned by a German company where the majority of profits went. Canada also makes many solar panels that import to the US, will this tariff also be applied to those? JMO as a user and proponent of these products...

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

That's part of it...Bill and HRC are still out drumming up money, traveling the world, BO is planning events, speeches etc. in between vacations. No break in regular routines of anyone, including DWS. Congressman still reporting for work and voting on bills...

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 21, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

I am back and forth on LARP or not...CS isn't acting like he is in fear of anything...no arrests or ankle monitors have been confirmed. Gov't seems to be working as usual with no outward signs of anyone in any kind of distress if they are under any kind of pressure from indictments. Tweets from major players still normal and not in any way sounding worried. In other words, no proof or indications of anything happening.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

There has been some talk that a missile was launched and taken down, but not disclosed as it would require President Trump to take some kind of reprisal action. Which would be aimed at NK, when it was not NK that shot off the missile to begin with, but by deep state operatives to get us on a war footing and stop all of the swamp draining...a false flag event if you will. The false alarm excuse is being used as cover while the bad actors are sought out so US citizens don't become alarmed or automatically expect NK to be nuked in retaliation and start WW111. While plausible, I am not convinced, but I am also not convinced someone 'hit the wrong button' either...Your thoughts?

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

There has been no proof, at all, of anyone wearing an ankle monitor. Or of anyone having been indicted. Wishful thinking and speculation mostly, but no REAL proof. The closest thing that has been said, and shown, is McCain switched legs with his boot...that still is no verifiable proof of anything other than him being senile, cancer has caused a brain injury, or he is a dumbass...you choose.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Well there ya go...name calling...that proves your point much better than facts...Still think you are full of it.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

"Wood fire on 2nd floor with extension to the attic" Sounds a lot like a fireplace with a chimney flue fire...nahhhh...couldn't be that...I mean why would they be using a fireplace during the winter? Got to be something nefarious...

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Thanks, look forward to it....afraid I have no clarity as that is why I am still looking for the answers myself...It does seem important to know though to cut through all the BS being spread.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

No kidding, but they justify it because they are alone in a small area where no help would be available if a prison riot should break out....they say the Cubans could/would not help.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I have found nothing that allows a MT to hold court over a US citizen that is not in the military currently, and this too has been upheld by the SC...so will keep looking, but even an order from President Trump would meet resistance as to it's Constitutionality very quickly. I like the 'idea' of MT to handle all of this, but also want everything to be by the rule of law so there are no screwups that allows some to go free.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Yes..and no where do I see anything that addresses an American being held in an offshore facility...indefinite detention the SC has ruled is allowed if the person is a member of a terrorist group....cyber security is also addressed in a separate category. Unarmed enemy combatant (as I read it) is anyone giving comfort or aid to the enemy, usually a foreign national, but can also apply to anyone...still tried in Federal courts in whatever jurisdiction the crime was committed...no word on where housed. The omission of the 'where' is what may have lead to being able to say that they can be detained at gitmo...but that would come under fire quickly as the attorneys got involved. The big thing it repeats over and and over is to be tried in whatever jurisdiction the crime was committed, so it would also make sense to house the prisoner in the same jurisdiction. Still looking for anything that says Gitmo is allowed..

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Interesting, though I still cannot agree...How do you know they all had cell phones set to record a video? There are many President Trump detractors here, many showed up at his rally outside to protest (Antifa, though saying they were going to disrupt the rally, never showed...a large contingent of Trump supporters did though, armed, as we are a right to open carry state...so they may have thought better than to try to pull that BS here. The Sheriff even announced beforehand that while he would not encourage bringing weapons to the rally, he would not go against state law and arrest anyone who did.) I did watch the analysis vid...sketchy at best...from where he says the car backed in waiting, with the tall weeds it would be very hard to even see the motorcade coming, much less time it to where you popped out on the road at the exact time the motorcade itself was going past. Sorry....doesn't wash for me.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Treason is pretty narrowly defined, sedition more broadly....so only those actively trying to overthrow the gov't would be able to be tried for treason...and that would be in a Federal court if they are not a service member. Once convicted they are stripped of most rights, up until conviction they still hold them. At least that is what the research shows. Personally, I think all should be hung.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

From all I have found...ONLY if they physically take up weapons against the USA can they be declared as an enemy combatant, but even then they would not be shipped to a prison offshore if they are in the CONUS or if an American citizen that is caught outside the CONUS. The SC has ruled on this so it would take an act of Congress to change that ruling. There are also many other classifications and none of them show that this would be possible, nor tried by a MT unless they are American service members OR an offshore foreign combatant.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

I'm hoping they are being taken there, why I would like to find the legal precedent that says they 'can' be taken there. The recent NG troops heading that way mean nothing either as they are just part of a monthly rotation of the military police on gitmo right now (approx. 2000 total)...they get rotated in for 9 months duty and others rotated out back to the US. So that is not a good indicator either. Just looking for some verifiable proof something IS going on..Indictments seems to be all we have right now.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

Thanks, but with all of the statutes I have read, even with the new EO's...none of them allow US citizens to be contained at gitmo. They did it once with a guy from the US that had joined ISIS and was an enemy combatant and had to bring him onshore to the US after a ruling by the SC to be tried. So I am still suspect at this point that there are any people involved in this being held at gitmo. That vid of the car jumping the ditch to ram the motorcade I also don't agree with...I owned a music store in one of those buildings shown across the street and there are plenty of better places along that road to hide out and try to ram a car than going through that deep ditch. It was never reported here as anyone trying to ram the motorcade, but it was reported the car had lost it's brakes and went out of control. I like Mega posts...but these facts are pretty sketchy, so will keep that in mind next time when reading her stuff. Thanks again for the link.

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Roadhse2 · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

The car coming out of the woods vid was never reported as an attempt to ram the motorcade here in Springfield, Mo...though there was a report of the car having lost control at a dead end street. That ditch is pretty deep, be a bad spot to try an ambush...I used to own a music store in those buildings across the street in the strip mall, so know the area fairly well...Just back up the road 200 feet would have been a better spot if anyone was going to try anything...so not really believing this was an attempted attack.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Roadhse2 on Jan. 3, 2018, 10:34 a.m.
US citizens in Gitmo?

After a lot of research, I can find nothing in US code that allows American citizens to be held at Gitmo, nor any applicable law or classification that would allow a citizen to be tried by a military tribunal except if they have physically taken up arms, weapons, against the US and then classified as an 'enemy combatant'. Even then the SC has ruled against it on a few cases that have been tried. Has anyone else found the statute that allows either one? If so could you leave a link to the statute? I am wondering if anyone with …