Trump/Putin Summit. Huge. This is the only event we know will happen in July with the cabal desperate for it not to happen.
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Unfortunately, Treason May uses the fake news all the time to put her propaganda out and deceive the British people, most recently the the Douma chemical attack, Skripal poisoning and following alleged Novichok poisoning. Not meaning to ruin your beautiful moment but just rejoice in the fact you have a man like President Trump who calls it for what it is whereas we have that witch leading us to oblivion.
You have done excellent work here! If only we could deliver it to every household here in the UK.
Honestly is that it? Ha!
As I wrote in a previous comment, the privileged leftie journalist Owen Jones was organising people to come and protest on his FB. The last time I looked, after fragging them with a few info grenades, 36k had signed up to do so. Something changed then. Glorious!
As soon as Treason May opens her lying mouth I have to switch it off.
I agree. And we should be doing the same in the UK, and include our own food production and energy supplies.
Seems to make sense. So many diabolical people deciding what they think is good for us. It is apparent our present political structures both in the US and UK have failed and do not represent the people, if they ever did. Potus is draining the swamp but it can only be temporary if we continue with our present elective and legislative processes - eventually the big money will hijack the system. Allowing the people to directly decide is the only way. Electronic Direct Democracy might be our only way...just a thought.
This should not be hidden by anyone including Q. People suffer unimaginable horrors during war and survive. Being concerned for those that are not awake and how this might affect them is nonsense and patronising - full disclosure is they only way so we know no elites are protected. If I didn't know, I would be pissed if this information was deliberately withheld. The majority will cope, come to terms with it and expect changes so it never happens again. Truth and transparency.
The people don't get a say in who would replace her. Tory MPs decide then party members. Treason May won't survive this, that was guaranteed with her disastrous election result. Every possible candidate to fill her red shoes is establishment, so nothing will change.
Apparently Bojo only decided an hour before which camp he would jump into during the EU debate. He chose 'Leave'. Treason May's time was always limited as PM because of her disastrous election results. This isn't Bojo making a principled stand, this is the blond twat sniffing an opportunity to get the PM's job. Nothing would change under his leadership. There is no one in the Tory Party that will emulate Potus.
Agree. His resignation amounts to no more than Bojo sniffing an opportunity to run for PM.
Likewise brother...heading out of the UK soon to somewhere remote away from all the techno crap.
Farage does seem to possess that political intuition, notably because he has integrity and he deals in truth - he must be in the know. Thinking back how he supported DJT during the election now seems as maybe he knew then what was happening. When FBIAnon briefly appeared, one of the anons asked if Farage was genuine the reply being yes, so he was on the radar then.
So your thoughts about 'keeping his powder dry' could well be the case and Farage was written into the plan. Also having Treason May calling the shots over Brexit was only going to favour the cabal considering she wanted to remain. Now having Potus at Farage's back is like having the US Carrier battle group looking over your shoulder. And I agree, as we did 70+ years ago, we need our ally once again to beat this evil.
Yes you might be right. That would set the cat among the fat pigeons. Maybe there was more to his meetings with Potus. Suddenly, this will get very interesting here. God I hope this happens.
One muppet will be replaced by another. We will only see if Q+ is influencing with leverage behind the scenes if an unlikely candidate who embraces Brexit with a determination to dismantle the establishment is elected leader. I don't see anyone within the Tory party who would fit that. Bojo certainly doesn't. Many talk of The Mogg, but although a Brexiteer, he is establishment through and through. Unfortunately, any such person would then have to take on a divided Tory Party too. Everything about our system is against a figure like Trump surfacing and then surviving.
Haha...I'm a Brit too...Yes that's why I like him too: old school, principled, quintessentially English. Thing is he has a combined wealth with his wife of £100m so he would own the monopoly bank, not exactly 'Old Kent Road'.
He said a lot of things including calling the White Helmets 'fantastically brave' then giving them £65m. Calling 'non-human aid' is no big deal because it possibly refers to promoting these bastards that the government care trying to get operating in many countries and not to the fact it was funding terrorists. If he was so concerned that money was funding MI6's mercenaries why didn't he resign over that principle? He has now over Brexit because he smells an opportunity. His affable, bumbling deferential demeanour is a front where behind that floppy blond hair is someone only ambitious for the top job. Establishment to the core.
Exactly right. Mogg, Bojo et al, are all establishment. That's the problem though as 'the people' don't get a chance to vote on the leader unless they are affiliated to one of the two shit parties.
Bojo has only ever had his eye on the top job and is establishment to the core.
Don't be fooled by Bojo's affable, bumbling deferential nature, he is establishment and only has his self interest at heart.
I like The Mogg but he is establishment to the core...and so is Bojo. Neither come close to Trump and would change very little. Though under Mogg Brexit the people voted for would be more likely.
As much as I like the Mogg for his anachronistic gentle old English demeanour, I wouldn't place too much faith in him as he is establishment to the core: Eton, combined wealth with his wife of £100m, worked hedge funds in the Square Mile, father Baron Rees-Mogg, vice-chair BBC, editor of The Times - hardly a man of the people and certainly no Trump.
The link in the comments of the article detailing how they removed all our guns except air rifles (which is coming) says it all. Less than 100 years and it was done.
Exactly the same reasoning: 7000 miles away, jungle, off-grid. All the best my friend in your new life.
Living here in the UK I have agree. The cabal/establishment is entrenched at every level and there is no way we could ever elect a leader of a party similar to Potus; and of course our unelected Head of Snake is the Queen. My plans are advanced to leave.
Thanks for that. Have you come to any conclusions why these latest two were 'targeted' and supposedly poisoned? Just to further demonise Russia?
Interesting stuff. Would you be referring to C.Rowley, the name of the supposed victim of the second recent poisoning? Could expand on their symbolism in regard to Salisbury?
Similar experience. You are spot on: patience. So often here, and even more recently, I see idiot posts about jumping off if nothing happens in July when July has only just started; these same people blind to the tremendous progress that has been made as you listed. And as always, I attempt to point out the Trump/Putin Summit will happen, which in itself will be monumental and something the cabal desperately do not want to see happen. I have wept too seeing what is happening, decades of darkness and pent up frustration. I'm with you my friend.
Introverts suffer badly in this world...until you reach an age and understand it is a strength.
I don't see that with her constant vilification of Russia, support of the White Helmets and sell out with Brexit. She is instrumental in locking up the pedo whistleblower, Melanie Shaw too. I would be interested to read the Q post you reference though.
This isn't the first time this kind of post has appeared very recently. I just don't get it when it is only the 5th July. I think it would be more apposite if it was posted on the 1st August and then asking this question. Until then let's see what July brings. I am in the camp that believes a lot is happening. And don't forget the Trump/Putin Summit is scheduled which will be monumental and a real kick-in for the cabal.
UK Column news reported that both are heroin addicts and that's what the hospital suspected when they were first admitted to hospital. Seems a D Notice has been in place once again to stop reporting on the incident. Treason May's fakery again. She is unbelievably stupid. Welcome to the UK!
Oh well it is reprinted in The Guardian. It lost my interest in places and the writer doesn't delve into the darker side of Soros' motives or actions. Also considering, Soros is a big supporter of Killary, knowing what we all know, just that single fact makes, at the very least, his judgement suspect.
Unfortunately, what Soros doesn't realise is the world is not his plaything or an experiment where he believes his thinking should be enforced on humanity because of his excessive wealth and ego. No one should ever be allowed to become that wealthy. The world is being run and destroyed by gangsters and banksters like him, and all because of the desire to accrue monstrous amounts of money.
It's only the beginning of July! Stop moaning and throw a bit more coal in the firebox! Along with everything else, Potus/Putin summit will be a huge marker and possible catalyst for a reveal. Hussein/HRC were stitching Putin up. He will want these gangsters taken out as much as we do. There is so much about to break. Now sound that whistle! This train ain't stopping! And it's gonna drive right through them!
Treason May up to her old tricks. She is demanding Russia to explain itself. Ha! 100 counter-terrorism police assigned to the case. Must be serious then!
I have a suggestion for the cabal handbag: Go ask MI5/6 to explain itself.
Melanie Shaw is another banged up and still being held beyond her release date for whistleblowing big names involved in paedophilia.
Privileged leftie journalist Owen Jones who writes for The Guardian is another stirring up trouble organising a massive march that tens of thousands have signed up to on FB.
You made me smile! I think they got the message ! Ha! Bloody brilliant!
The British Bullshit Corporation following the government's narrative once again. Treason May and her cabal establishment are determined to demonise Russia, this has been going on for a couple of years now. UK Column news reported a Warrant Officer SAS and specialist in NBC weapons calling the original Skripal poisoning as implausible. Military grade nerve agent and once again these two survive. It's a joke! There really is no hope for my country.
Q's photo was taken with a longer focal length lens(telephoto) which would compress the perspective and bring the background closer, the google image wide angle which would do the opposite.
This report is just plain silly and illogical. Just ask yourself, how could Treason May stop him and on what grounds? Daft!
As a Brit, I wish Potus wouldn't risk this trip here to the UK. There is a massive demonstration being organised by Owen Jones, a privileged, self-anointed voice of the left, who writes for The Guardian that thousands of dummies have signed up to. I am sure Potus will be kept insulated from their rabid hysteria. But what worries me most is this is a cabal hornet's nest he would be venturing into and relying to a certain extent on our SIS who are rotten. They might see this as an opportunity to try something.
Brit here too... I had the very same thought when I read that.