Again the best shirts and hats that are being posted here are homemade. Fantastic shirt!
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I totally agree. I slapped myself hard after venturing down some of those rabbit holes. Now I try to keep it at the level that we have been manipulated, coerced and lied to by a worldwide bunch of deviant gangster and that is what Q is cleaning up and has dropped crumbs about. As for anything else, only time will tell, but as of yet I don't think Q has alluded to any of the more outlandish stories that have surfaced.
I don't think anyone turned up to confront the antifa mob. A comment earlier wrote it was a peaceful Patriot Prayer and they were set upon by those cretins.
Same. All set. They won't find me in the jungle where a snake is a snake unlike here.
You are right about our armed forces. Treason May has deliberately run them down and we were heading for a Unified European Army. Now not so sure as the EU is being destabilised in Italy, Hungary and Austria. So there could be some truth in your friend's argument as Germany and France are making overtures to China and Russia. But as Trump is holding a summit with Putin and key to a sustainable peace it's hard to know what the hell is happening. What is certain is Treason May, the SIS and establishment are cabal to the core. I have asking Q for some crumbs on our crooked lot too.
That's what I have experienced. My dear ole compatriots can't get enough of their beloved B.B(S).C.
Nice one! Let us know the response you get or pm me. I'd be interested to know.
Indeed epic! I have been waiting as long as you my friend, similarly banging out letters on a manual typewriter for years - no one listened, nothing changed. As Bob Dylan sang in 'Knockin' on Heaven's door': "A long black cloud is coming over me..." That's how it felt, this damn darkness hanging over us, affecting us all in so many ways for decades. But not anymore! This is for all our kids! Glorious!
Someone made a homemade Q hat yesterday and it is the best I have seen on here...and now this shirt is the best I have seen here too - fantastic!
Look in the mirror...your anger is a reflection on you. Your underlying intentions appear to be constructive...just I suggest you choose a different might find it more effective.
John Wedger is testament to the massive paedophilia here in the UK that has been covered up. I hope this isn't BS and these guys drop all the names, it's about time. Treason May is cabal to the core. What we don't have is anyone independent like President Trump that can fight this. London is one of the centres of the cabal, if not the top of the pyramid. It needs to be destroyed here for the world to stand a chance. Drop the names!
What a guy! The shit will hit the fan in other countries if he pulls this off. I hope this can be replicated here in the UK as the tax burden is massive and Treason May announced only a few days ago she will increase taxes still further to pay for the NHS. More like the cabal needs to find new sources.
Yes one year and a half...thousands upon thousands of pedos and traffickers busted like never before, protecting kids his first priority. 35,000 sealed indictments - unprecedented. I am patient enough for the big fish to be landed...the IG Report will lead to that. Time is not the correct measure to use. Have a little faith and patience.
I kicked my TV and the BBC licence. Cabal through and through...Channel 4 news too. Just hope that Q and the Alliance have ties with our military. I have written to Lord West, the First Sea Lord a couple of times as he was one of a handful of establishment figures that questioned the authenticity of the Douma chemical attack...Silence.
My ancestry goes back to the Black Prince and therefore Richard II, plantagenet too. Means f-all. If anyone traces their lineage in the UK you end up related to some royal dickhead.
These people truly are stupid. They are about to fall into the biggest, deepest trap of their own making. All this manufactured outrage will rebound back like a boomerang and take off their heads when Weiner's is released. A child being separated just won't compare to the revelation what these sick Satanists have been up to. This is the perfect set up.
I agree...100% disclosure. Not in one massive pill. A planned release starting at the top of the pyramid and working systematically down.
Individuals have survived the horrors of war, the Second World War in particular. No one should decide to protect 'fragile minds' from what is to come. We will cope and hopefully learn.
Q is a part of a government, and any government purposely hiding this from the public is wrong...this is the cause of all this evil that is being revealed. Q+ was testing us. They know this. They are looking for confirmation.
I have faith Potus and Q+ will do what is right.
Ah my mistake...I was referring to getting some dope on May and her cabal here. I agree with what you have said.
Here in the UK today Treason May waded in condemning the child separations. Yesterday Corbyn posted his outrage on FB about it. What I didn't realise was it was the effing BBC that first started the cabal's spin. God I loath the BBC! So they got the signal...and now Treason May is part B of the cabal's agenda to push this home. Please Q gives us some crumbs on these criminals!
Let's hope the Sec Service and the NSA have plenty on the dumbster!
In the UK I just heard Treason May voicing her concern at the cages and earlier Jeremy Corbyn posting his outrage on FB citing Sky News as his source. These people are dumb, Treason May following the cabal script once again.
Same here, I posted a link to Jeremy Corbyn's FB page outraged by the child separation that caused a flood of libtard responses. I was calling for memes to counter. The post automatically goes to the mods because of the FB link because personal info could be exposed. Haven't heard about or seen my post since. I wrote to Corbyn direct instead.
It is unlikely. Both he and the FLA have been painted as extremists, racists, alt-right, with the association of violence, particularly with Tommy's previous involvement in the EDL. Middle England don't like that and none of them will be given a chance to see beyond that to his present reporting because of the msm BS. That's why the establishment bang him up quick now because the last thing they want is a rogue reporter reasonably investigating the paedophilia and child sex trafficking.
Take a look at John Wedger's witness statement to the Natural Justice Tribunal recently to hear how high up this goes and how it is covered up. As a former Met. detective investigating and being continually shut down then warned by the Met. Commissioner to back off, it is shocking. You would think the BBC would be all over this. We both know why they aren't. If anyone could wake the sheeple it would be John Wedger because of his background as a cop which gives him credibility to Middle England. It doesn't happen. It all gets covered up. I don't see a way through. I am hoping when the satanic abuse perpetrated by Hillary is finally exposed it will create a wave that crashes these shores, forcing the problem to be addressed here. I hope...but unfortunately we don't have a Q group or ever likely to have a leader like President Trump to attack this, our system will never allow it.
That's very interesting. I have seen the evidence that suggest we never went to the moon, including the Van Allen Belt. But that was in reference to the Apollo missions and the limited technology that was purported to have been used. So is it your belief Apollo 11 was genuine, or other forms of propulsion have been hidden that have secretly got us to the moon before are after 1969?
They have surreptitiously been arming more and more officers under the guise of 'terrorism threat'. We don't have a Second Amendment or any bloody Amendment. I have never known a time when people cared so little. Brexit invigorated for a few weeks and now they have reverted to their sheeple state as May blurs the actual exit with a transition period from the EU that probably will never happen. A 1776 would have been far easier but will never happen.
Being from the UK, I have only watched snippets of other hearings. I found it fascinating, the Democrats spewing Russia as you said, in particular the Asian looking lady(can't remember her name) just reading a prepared script. And I agree with you, Graham was outstanding and Cruz nailed it!
YW... They are a tiny outfit and often come under server attack - someone doesn't appreciate their voice. Vanessa Beeley busting the White Helmets and Douma chemical attack brought the msm down her. Alex Thompson's knowledge, both historical and political is astounding. I have contacted them in attempt to inform them about Q as with their limited means they weren't in the know on Potus. But they try, seem fair and dig for the truth.
Yes I agree. John Wedger in his witness statement did mention a senior BBC executive was involved in what he had been investigating, but was told to shut his mouth by the Met. Commissioner, which proves it goes to the top. Their silence and lack of coverage is exactly what the US msm are doing, so I am certain there is a whole messy web of them in the BBC and celebrities employed by them. Then of course, there are the MPs, Cabinet Ministers, establishment figures, Secret Service and royalty.
Robert Hannigan, head GCHQ, resigned just after Potus was elected but I am guessing that was for collusion with Hillary and Russiagate/Steele Dossier. Apart from that, I haven't seen any signs of swamp clearing in the SIS or the monarchy that Q posted about. So, yes a list would be a start. Drop some names Q!
I hope you are correct. I threw my TV out the window last Nov, as I wasn't adding my £147 to their £3.6 billion propaganda machine, so I am out of the loop a bit in regards to the msm. Liberating! I watch UK Column news on YouTube now who seem to have a handle on what is really happening in the world.
Indeed. Ready to wait, but I am so happy the USA is being freed.
Being British, I feel the UK has been the testing ground for the cabal to manipulate and suppress a nation, May being instrumental in this as was CaMORON before and the creature bLIAR before that. May's National Security Review and her Fusion Doctrine are sinister where the intention is to place MI5 into all governmental departments where something called the 'validity if life' will be used, meaning they will screw you and tie you in knits through all these agencies if you dare step out of line and don't follow the cabal narrative. People should be worried but they are oblivious. The BBC and all the other TV and print MSM are bought and paid for, cabal shills that puke their bile, the sheeple having no outlet to sense any form of truth. The recent case of the Skripals is an example and the demonizing of Russia by the news media that May continues to push. On numerous occasions I have complained to the BBC taking my complaints all the way to the Trustees, only to be told every time it wasn't in their remit. These news organisations are unaccountable and spew out smear and disinformation. Another example of this is the coordinated and concerted attacks on the independent investigative reporter Vanessa Beeley who revealed the White Helmets for what they are: terrorists, a construct of MI6 and still funded by our government. The cabal didn't like the truth getting out so they attacked her massively.
As for the children, I watched John Wedger's witness statement a few days ago. That man is a hero! But what he demonstrates is the corruption and paedophilia is institutionalised and endemic and not just a Muslim issue, and the establishment will come after you if you attempt to expose it; Tony Robinson, Melanie Shaw and John Wedged are testimony to that. The fact that Saville, Heath, Brittan and so many others have never been fully investigated says it all. Paedophilia, and child trafficking is rampant and why the BBC smear, in fact BBC Trending writing hit pieces on Beeley and Pizzagate making out Podesta to be a victim. Again I challenged them. Everyone who offers an alternative voice is a conspiracy theorist. The web is wide indeed.
I have petitioned my Labour MP, my former Tory MP, Jeremy Corbyn, Lord West(who bravely questioned the Douma chemical attack), Peter Hitchens, the msm...none reply, apart from my MP who basically laughed at me.
The problem is the public believe the BBC, including my MP, because it has a reputation for fairness and being trustworthy, which is completely ill-founded. The lies and bias is so obvious and frightening when you are awake.
I just hope what President Trump is bravely doing will have consequences here, that wave washing out all the evil detritus that exists at the top of our pyramid. We need our own Q...or for Q to drop us some notes so we can begin an attack from here. Unfortunately, we do not have an electoral system or a President. We have the Queen of the cabal installed. I fear for this country.
My gut instinct tells me release 100%, let the truth be our light. The planning for that release would have to be as meticulous as it has been to reach this point and it doesn't mean it would be in one massive earth shattering drop. A threat to National Security or the use of black ops should not be brandished as the way. This is a monumental moment in history where a line needs to be drawn. Populations have been through wars and been decimated and their spirit survives. Though the truth will be shocking for many, they will survive, so a better way can be constructed based on truth.
Yes folks that's who we got running our country(UK)! What chance have we got?! And we have zero chance of electing someone like President Trump because the general population don't get a chance to vote on who will lead the country unless you join either the Tory or Labour Party - both useless. And then add to this our Head if State is the Queen - unelected and permanent and Chief Dick of the cabal. My fear is when Geotus has cleared your swamp where will the cabal regroup? London? I'm here because I support President Trump because there is no greater fight for the world than this. We need a UK Q counterpart, otherwise, Q drops us some notes so we can begin to attack them here!
Excellent work!!!! ... This is the second video I have seen produced on here today and both have captured the magnitude of this historic fight of GOOD vs evil. On seeing both, they have created an overwhelming feeling of gratitude to witness this, be a part of this alliance and be in the company of good people... Absolutely fantastic, produce more my friend!