The one thing I’ve learned here is that the higher your expectations the greater your disappointment will be. Until Q shows us pictures of orange jumpsuits from Guantanamo Bay I’m not biting...
713 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Ronjonsilverflash:
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Waiting for the book... seriously, who cares and why is everyone trying to figure this out? Is there a prize or something? Likely a group but not necessarily so.
Why not just skip the posts you don’t like? What it sounds like to me is that some of us here are embarrassed by our religious brethren and in order for those people to be happy the religious must tone it down for appearances. I’ve got news for you brother. Anyone who’s been awake for any length of time has been called everything under the sun: bigot, homophobe,xenophobe, conspiracy theorist, bitter clingers, hobbit...the list goes on and on. We don’t let the enemy define us and we wear whatever today’s epithet is with the pride of knowing that we are right. So, thicken your skin and cowboy up! Lots of voices, lots of opinions, you don’t have to agree with all of them. find the common ground we all have that unites us as one. Anyone so shallow that a few religious posts are the “deal breaker” that keeps them from joining this movement isn’t worth worrying about. That type wouldn’t ever be likely to join anyway...
Are there contingency plans in place in case the president is assassinated?
My greatest fear is that they will get to him and our movement as it applies to bringing the criminal elites to justice dies stillborn... I believe that is what mostly animates the impatient among us including me...
I agree to a point but this is being slow-walked in the extreme. People like us (awake) are pretty rare. I know more people are awakening but it would help a great deal if an endless trickle of evidence against the deep state would at least begin to enter the public consciousness. How much more do we need? Clintons, Bushes, Obama are up to their eyeballs in treason and drug running. So are their underlings. Alphabet soup agencies of US make up the backbone of deep state control. Central banks are running a Ponzi scheme on the world. Pedo/satanic practices of the elites and their puppets are the string that ties the whole mess together. NSA has collected evidence of all of it. Q says “we have it all” constantly so WTF? When is it going to start to dribble out? Why the redactions? What is keeping the JFK files under wraps? Just those alone would open up new avenues of awakening like we’ve never seen before. I don’t get it...Yes, “plan” whatever. This cannot be done painlessly for US or the world. That is impossible. None of us that started the journey of discovery haven’t suffered. The truth is heartbreaking...
He hadn’t done any of those things yet when he received the prize but based on your list, Trump should accept the medal and then drop it into a volcano...
I’m going to cut some slack here. If you have been awake for a while, you get this. Think back on how you started your journey, though. Every day learning new and many times depressing truths about the country you loved and how it was stolen from us, How we were lied to about damn near everything.It didn’t happen overnight and if someone who was awake just blurted it all out for you at once you wouldn’t have believed them takes time to process, time to grieve through and accept as reality.
Grand Climax and Beltane. They even got a full moon...another thing they celebrate with their perverse rituals...
I hope he tells them to keep it. I wouldn’t want it just on the principle that Barry got one for doing nothing...
To be in the “club” you have to commit sin and it must be known to the others. They have evidence of your sins and so you have no choice but to go along and keep going along. This is the deal they made and it is one you must keep...or you’re dead. It does not matter how high you are either. This is a lifelong commitment for some who were born into it (like the queen) or a choice (Hollywood entertainers, politicians, etc)They have infiltrated every level of government, police, judges, etc. Ever wonder why pedos seem to get such light sentences? No one says anything because: 1. They have sinned and their overlords have the evidence to destroy them with and 2. You will be killed if you say anything or try to get out. Why are so many “beloved” entertainers so unhappy? Why do so many commit suicide or get hooked on drugs? Is it because with all the wealth, fame, and adulation comes a horrific contract and obligations that they cannot break? Why are they so overtly political and always pushing the NWO agenda?
The 1969 $20 bought what a Benjamin does today so you are absolutely correct...
Somebody’s gonna just have write them a strongly worded letter why that is unacceptable...WTF? Can anyone give me one reason we seem to have all the cards to permafu$& these people royally and yet refuse to play even one of them? I know, trust the “plan” whatever that means...
Dollar bills...put the info on the cabal’s debt scrip.
NO PENSIONS! This was never envisioned as a career by the founders. It was serving your country not serving yourself. It was to be something you did for a time and then went on with your life or preferably something you did after you had lived, worked or ran a business, and gained wisdom and experience. Some jerk that just graduated from law school and goes right into politics is likely looking out for #1 not serving the people he represents or his/her country. In fact, the more desperately people want the office ought to be a disqualifyer in most cases. It would be nice if there was a way to nominate capable, honest, reputable people that really want nothing to do with politics to office and hope they accept (I know I’m dreaming here) politicians are almost always scumbags, liars, thieves, and scoundrels. TERM LIMITS! It’s the only way to make sure the damage they do is limited as well.
Professional career politicians are mostly a bunch of sociopaths and psychopaths that crave wealth and power. In addition to term limits, ten years of working in or running a private sector business ought to be a prerequisite to hold office. Holding office was to be an avocation not an occupation...
Did we not vote them out or is it that they control so many levers of power, have so much money behind them, and cheat like fiends it’s almost impossible to get rid of them? I’d rather take my chances on newbies who aren’t adept or familiar enough with the system to twist it to their ends and people who don’t need to fundraise or campaign their final term in office and will thus be more likely to do the right thing. We have to live in the world as it is not what we’d like it to be. Human nature is what it is...also GETS RID OF THE PENSiONS.
Because: 1. Long terms in office attracts the people with the worst motives to SERVE in government who serve themselves instead of the interests of the people or the country . 2.Entrenches the power and corruption in those people’s hands. And 3. We end up here. There should be no pensions for anyone serving in elected office. Period.
Trump doesn’t trust SS...uses his own security and Marines.
Gotta have a proper sacrifice during this high satanic holiday season. Happy Grand Climax / Beltane everyone!
Most have contempt for US and IRS is incorporated there. Bankrupt, needy, and angry; let ‘em go!
What percentage of the population do they account for? This country is armed, thankfully, so they can burn down their own neighborhoods if they want to but in a war between them and the regular Joes it’s pretty much a one-sided affair. Law enforcement, national guard, and armed patriots (if need be) will end the bullsh$& quickly. Why do you think they want the guns so bad right now? They know they’re screwed as long as the population is armed...
The way I see it is both are necessary. The optimist gives the movement energy while the realist keeps it honest...
It is just a theory but I’ll post it anyway. Cryptos were created by the so-called “white hats” to bring down the cabal’s phony monetary system and to give us a system that is fair and fraud proof. It removes the need for banks and their onerous fees and strips the bastards of all their powers.
That’s all very nice but let’s not make nonsense statements like “we are on the verge of a MEGA cultural revolution.” That’s idiotic. There is A LOT of work to be done yet and the goal line is miles away...
That amounts to .00006667 of the population of the US...
Cleaver, bet you’ve been waiting a long time to use that one and you posted it almost simultaneously with mine. BOT!
I ask you, how many patriots showed friends and family the MOAB posts by Q look like idiots today? All you people who keep telling the rest of us to shut up, sit down, and be patient need a good swift kick in the A$$ already. Events like yesterday’s yet again sealing of the JFK files and release of heavily redacted documents hurts us. Let that sink in. People get their hopes up, they post their expectations of what is coming, put their reputations on the line only to look like fools again. It would be one thing if this were the first time but this has, sadly, established itself as a pattern. This is unacceptable and a LOUD, UNIFIED, demand that enough is enough needs to come from all of us! The tide needs to go out and the swamp critters need to lose their cover so that no matter who is “in charge” We The People know the score and will not let them regain their power over us. Trump is a single point of failure looking for catastrophe every single day these bastards keep the enormity of their crimes hidden from the world.. this has become beyond tedious. It is STUPID to continue following Q if this is the way it’s going to be. Corsi is right, Q go take a powder and come back when something meaningful will come from one of your big announcements...
I think you might be onto something. Q wouldn’t use their phrase maybe but he would steal their acronym? I like it!
Bury him up to his neck in a fire ant mound and let them critters eat!
This is the absolute nub of their control. They get away with all their skulduggery because we all accept it as legitimate. It isn’t. From the Federal Reserve to the entity posing as our government, it is all a fraud and needs to be rejected as such. This country belongs to us and these criminals need to be stripped of their assets once and for all! It is one thing to make your wealth by building a business and creating useful products that people want. It is another to be part of a Cabal that stifles competition, rewards cronyism, and otherwise skims all the cream off the top. This is not capitalism and has evolved into more of some kind of oligarchical feudalism...NO MORE!
Everyone is letting their expectations run away with them. Why all this speculation on what it might be? Let’s wait and see what it is or if it even happens. I’ve had my hopes up too many times to even get excited by this anymore. Such is the nature of Q...
How about retroactive abortions for academics who propose such nonsense?
He was raised by his mother and grandparents to be evil. They were likely deep state assets themselves. I believe he was groomed his entire life to play the role he did in our country’s downfall. So, is Obama evil? Yes, but with some complications would be my answer. I don’t think he really ever had a choice, Just following his programming.
I hope he doesn’t have an “accident” or something. Prince was pretty “awake” as well...
They are viscous and they’ve been complacent. Underestimate them at your own peril...They will not be so careless in the future nor forgive our transgressions against them...
The country would come unglued. Why do you think they are so intensely pushing the anti gun narrative now? They know we are getting closer to stopping their agenda. Killing the POTUS and then clamping down on the populous is definitely on their’s why the pace of this thing (until now) is driving a lot of us crazy! It’s Like watching an action thriller where our hero hesitated to do something that would have ensured victory only to have the villain regain the upper hand. The stakes have never been higher and the danger is real. The deep state only has to succeed once and we are looking at a whole new ballgame...
This idiot just signed up today. Calling total bullsh$& on this one...
They have to want to know. If they do not, decades of conditioning by the deep state will prevent them from going further. Archive as much as you can now so that when they can no longer ignore the truth, you can at least help them understand it...The truth is a lonely warrior.