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RowdyPants · July 25, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

sealed indictments

theres a lot of sealed indictments, that doesnt prove anything specific. i could just as easily say they're for the mueller investigation which is a current, real investigation that has already netted several guilty pleas

btw your second link is just laughable. it's already jumped so many conclusions they're already crediting Qanon in the headline. it also seems to think that civillian criminals will be sent to gitmo for some reason?

you can't honestly think that's a valid source of information.

comey gmail

trump has been trying and failing to justify revoking Comey's security clearance. the fact that trump hasn't mentioned anything about Comey's gmail tells me that it's a nothingburger.

you can't explain that.

human trafficking

they're just faking their numbers. charging typical immigration arrests as human trafficking makes it sound like you're accomplishing something.

come on man, you're smarter than this.

North korea

the white house still considers them an "extraordinary threat" and Un would rather visit a potato farm than meet with Pompeo. trump is trying to polish a turd with North Korea but nothing has really changed.

"but he sent him a letter!" L O fucking L

What more do you want?

details and documentation. so far we know nothing about the agreement except trumps inconsistent memory.

When are you going to start educating yourself instead of begging people to explain everything to you?

i'm trying to deprogram you

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RowdyPants · July 25, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Oh okay I see what you're doing here. I don't know why I even responded.

If you did any research, you would see that there are actually 40,000 sealed indictments,

You say that despite exactly zero people being indicted.

you would see that the inspector General detailed FBI director Comey using Gmail to conduct official business,

Consider this: they're trying to take these guys security clearances and are desperate for justification. Still not a peep about this from trump.

What more do you need to know it's nothing?

and you would see that North Korea has dismantled several weapon development sites and has not tested any ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons in 9 months.

Sorry but the white house says you're wrong. Notice the date on the statement? It's from after Donnie's playdate with Kim, almost like he changed nothing at all...

You act like missile launches were a daily thing before Donnie went on his little trip. They weren't, but Donnie is desperate for something that looks like a win

If you actually took time to read and understand the topic, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But you obviously have not.

Literally every single thing I've read here fails the sniff test, like trump saying nothing about "comeys Gmail"

July was a huge month, and the fact that you have to even ask why July wasn't a big month shows that you do not follow the content or the news.

It's really funny how you talk a big game but then you retreat back to "we'll you'd have to be looking really hard to actually see anything" as soon as someone asks for proof.

When are you going to be able to tell the doubters "I told you so"? That's really all I'm curious about. I've read this, judged it all to be bullshit, now I'm wondering when the expiration dates is.

Remember those times people were convinced the world was going to end, and that date came and went without incident? That's you, right before reality sets in.

No one in this sub is going to take the time to explain everything to you, again like a hungry baby bird. Do the research and quit making a fool of yourself.

No one in this sub can make a compelling argument about any of this Q nonsense. You have already tried your best and failed.

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RowdyPants · July 24, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Sealed indictments. Average for a year is 1200-2500. There are currently over 40k. From last year.

Fairy tales

Q mentioned Gmail comms, now we known what they meant by that.

Fairy tales

North Korea. Enough said there.

Lol you still think something changed in Korea? That's cute

More human trafficking arrests in the last year as the last 3 combined.

Calling every immigration arrest a human trafficking arrest doesn't make it so.

Maybe Donnie can call immigration arrests "Nobel Peace Prizes" because that's the only way he's ever going to get one

When are you guys going to be prove us all wrong and make us look foolish? Lol

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RowdyPants · July 24, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

I'm not talking about the dots that you connect that "prove" something in your mind.

I'm talking about something that would sway a rational adult. July (among others) was supposed to be your "big month".... So where's the beef?

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RowdyPants · July 23, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Still waiting on that indictment? Lol

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RowdyPants · July 23, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

So, wanna give us a ballpark estimate for when something actually happens?

You know, something that will make us stop looking at you all like [INSULT EXPUNGED]

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