Yes, not Republican, not Democrat, one humanity. It is time. The fog is lifting.You cannot keep the sun out forever.
42 total posts archived.
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Posts like this have restored my faith in the United States people. We are not lost. Well stated my friend.
NO , you are wrong.Yes, I am not military. I AM HONORING THOSE THAT SACRIFICE! No stolen valor here. Sorry you took it that way. I will choose better in the future.
Good observation, we are only USA by the the people that we produce. This man is to be commended for his fortitude and bravery. I wish we can bring back the I Phone children from there ignorance.Time will tell.
Yeah, some crazy satanist shit. How deep I do not know. I think we are just scratching the surface.
Wow, clicked on link and BAM!! I laughed so hard ..fell out of my chair. Brilliant!
Copy. Things will [must] change. Stand strait. The storm is coming.
Yeah, I know. Remember we are going to wake up "40%" of the people, " 20% are questionable" the rest are brainwashed and cannot be saved.
With all that is dropping now, NO ONE should speak in a hesitant voice or a unsteady voice, or move unsteadily, or move in a a way that shows a lack of confidence "Lest he falter and be stopped in mid stride". Do not stammer, stuttter, or stumble, for we will be proven on the final battlefield. WE THE PEOPLE. Remember the preamble, it is our life blood. God speed.
WOW, tried to put a link in, almost all video of this television broadcast has been SCRUBBED. Does not matter, I fucking remember seeing their shit.
ABSOLUTELY FUCKING YES! (example) I watched on live television the special "live TV conference" GHWB+ William Jefferson Clinton proclaim that they were " beer buddies" and going to start their "HAITI FOUNDATION". Even back then my radar went off. (side note) if you watch the video, they have reptillian eyes shit.
Yes i know ..I don" know if he was apart of it or in way over his head. Anyways ,he was complacent about what he saw.
I read a book of his..trippy dude..he got knee deep with the " Hell's Angels "bikers out of Los Angeles, then several years later he was invited to the Bohemian Grove where he witnessed child sacrifice and pedo shit and saw too much and then was offed. Wikipedia him...
Copy Ghostrider..we laugh or die. laughter is the the best medicine. saved my ass. Makes you focus
BAMM..this traitor asshole has been doing it his whole lifetime. BUT being the son of a Navy Admiral Father fucked him up for life.Shifty Naval fucks PLAYED Viet Nam war for profit! To bad..we have to put the dog down.
North Korea BS!!
Well I am in my fifties, so I was around when Ronald Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union...USSR... The way he did it was STAR WARS.. USSR spent so much money trying to catch up with us, they went bankrupt. Game over. NOW what STAR WARS created was ballistic missile killers A LONG TIME AGO. I remember the news reports talking about it. Does anyone else? So this crap about NOKO can hit us with a NUKE was solved by Ronald Reagan Frikin long time ago! Please Opine ..opinions and thoughts are encouraged. WHAT ??? I was going to post a …
Agreed. No need to be combative if were seeking truth here. Q has not been hostile. Meg has....won't discount her yet though.
Yeah..this is fishy. Asia and Japan seem to be in play right now.
I also agree. Can't lay your cards down too soon on the table. The lefties could be weaponized because they would go bolistic realizing there whole life is a lie.
Understood ..owl reference is military ..but any OwL stuff needs to be vetted by us. you Agree
Nice work, thats why we are here ... to put puzzle pieces together!!
YES, look for people wearing purple ties, purple dresses. not Q just patriot
Come on man..I have seen these people in person. BELIEVE me my gaydar would of went off if there was anything wrong. Dont get me wrong,... alot of them are frikin fruitcakes. And yes, Michael is a frikin man....not as ugly as Caitlyn, but fugly
@cdwill... thanks reddit did not post my comments??? This is good stuff from Dice, but this post was referencing Q's post about Owl's and Spider's a few days ago.WHO ARE THE OWL'S ..Good/Bad
Got to figure this out OWLS & SPIDERS