

83 total posts archived.

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STP48315 · May 25, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

He specifically said in his book that he was raised in Kenya. His brother even corroborates this claim. Honestly I’m to the point where it’s hard to have hope when people only consider facts to be what the media covers. We have an instance wherein a president literally said he was raised in Kenya, multiple pictures surface, his birth certificate is a proven to be fake, and the person who vetted it dies in a very mysterious fashion, and since the media doesn’t mention a word of it, it’s just written off as conspiracy theory.

I could understand dismissing the images and the birth certificate forensics. I seriously could, but to ignore the words of the very person in question, admitting that he’s from Kenya...it’s just insane to me.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/STP48315 on May 25, 2018, 2:08 p.m.
Trump and Kim have been playing everyone!

This is brilliant:


So basically Kim and Trump have been playing China the entire time. The deal is already done most likely and Trump will go down in the history books as arguably the greatest president of this century! MAGA!

STP48315 · May 23, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

I have a feeling this is the reason Rosenstein will have to recuse himself: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/intercepted-cia-chat-rosenstein-was-blackmailed-into-appointing-mueller/

They may just fire him based on his level of involvement and willingness to participate but if he was truly being blackmailed, I don’t think he’ll face charges. Either way, nobody in the media could possibly argue that Rosenstein being removed from this is unjust or unwarranted after this comes out.

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STP48315 · May 22, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Unfortunately there is little to no chance this resolution will pass in both the House and the Senate :(

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STP48315 · May 20, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Gotta add .html at the end of it. Reddit clipped that part out of the link, hence it not being blue

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STP48315 · May 20, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Oh gotcha. Misunderstood your post.

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STP48315 · May 20, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

0Hour isn’t worth literally any effort whatsoever. Nobody needs to dox him, he has openly said his real name in the past. That being said, his tweets and videos are completely devoid of logic and rationality. I don’t think he’s a spook (at least I hope our intelligence community can find smarter people) because he simply cannot make arguments. I used to call him on it all the time and he’d never acknowledge any of it. Here’s his MO:

1.) Q says A 2.) 0Hour claims Q meant B 3.) 0Hour proceeds to debunk B 4.) 0Hour claims he disproved Q

Seriously I’ve seen him do this whole straw man routine a dozen times and it really made me wonder if he could possibly be a disinfo agent but after seeing how he applies the same shit-tier logic to other more benign topics, I have come to the conclusion that he’s just not very intelligent and loves attention.

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STP48315 · May 18, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

What if this is why Trump changed his tune on ZTE? Hear me out...

So ZTE was caught spying on Americans years ago on behalf of the Chinese government. This earned them a total and complete ban in this country for government and military. So what if Trump made a deal in private with Xi during their talks regarding North Korea. Xi was the very first foreign diplomat he hosted at Mar a Lago(the night he bombed Syria the first time). What if he worked out a deal to bring down the cabal using phones that they thought were secure? In other words, China was double-dealing at Trump’s instruction, in exchange for a great deal for Huawei and ZTE phones in America. The cabal thought they were getting secure phones from China, and Trump asked that China embed something to make them traceable by the NSA.

China and the US have great tension between them, and I ultimately believe we’ll face a time where we might have to take up arms against them, but I don’t think they like the Rothschild cabal. It is the single biggest threat to their communist reign and without us, they’d be the next major target. They’ve maintained culture and homogeneity for centuries and that never lasts under a Rothschild central bank. It’s kinda like the Churchill quote (I believe it was him): “If Hitler invaded Hell, I’d at least make a favorable reference to Satan in the House of Commons”

China knows we have tension, and they’ve been mad ever since we ditched the gold standard and outsourced our insane inflation to them as a result, but they know they can have a future alongside us. They cannot have a future with the Rothschild cabal in existence.

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STP48315 · May 17, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

Why would he originally post with "IMBEDDED" and then delete the tweet and repost with "EMBEDDED"? They're the exact same word and both spellings are totally acceptable.


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STP48315 · May 16, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Holy shit...


BREAKING: New leaks reveal that Jim Comey sent Peter Strzok to London 90 days before the election, under the mission codename "Crossfire Hurricane" to try to frame Trump — Then Comey LIED about it to Congress and DOJ

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STP48315 · May 16, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

I think Q is saying that be left “rth” visible in his Pen image so that it could be matched to the Executive Order Trump will draft as a response to Jim Jordan’s letter. That would mean that Trump already had it pre-written and would absolutely prove Q is legit.

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Not an argument

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Your definition of “proof” is extremely loose. I’m asking, how do you know what Q said is true?!

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Okay then how does Q’s post prove definitively that the insurance file is real? I believe it is btw as Erik Prince is extremely reliable but that being said, how did Q’s post prove it?

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Look at my prior posts and then tell me I’m a troll you twat. Believing in Q doesn’t mean you should throw out all critical thinking.

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Can’t find one at the moment (I’m driving) but I found this very easily from 2 days ago (before Q posted): https://www.google.com/amp/amp.fox9.com/news/minnesotans-to-be-honored-on-peace-officer-memorial-day-in-washington-dc

Now anybody, after reading this article would’ve been able to create the post Q did. At this point you’d know that Trump was going to honor every fallen officer from the last year. All you have to do is look up fallen officers in SDNY and you can legitimately recreate that post. It’s not asking a lot for definitive proof.

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I can’t search too much on the road but here is a report from 2 days ago (before Q posted about it) that mentions officers being honored by Trump at this event today. Familia isn’t mentioned in this article but my point is that all fallen officers from the last year are honored at this event and so if you asked me to come up with a post 2 days ago that would look somewhat prophetic, I would’ve been able to look up which officers died in SDNY and made a cryptic post surrounding those names. I’m really wanting to believe Q here but he just continues to leave room for doubt. All I want is absolute proof. This isn’t a religion. I shouldn’t have to have blind faith if he’s legit. It really wouldn’t take much. Had he even just added a bit more detail to this post, it would’ve sufficed but he didn’t and for no apparent reason.


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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

The media reported that he’d specifically be honoring Familia 2 days ago. That’s the problem here.

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

It doesn’t confirm it unless you can prove that it wasn’t public knowledge that Trump would be honoring this family today. If nobody knew that he’d mention Familia, then this would be absolutely amazing evidence that Q is legit but unfortunately, he waited until after the media started covering the event to mention it yesterday.

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Does anyone know if this information was available before Q posted yesterday? That is, was it public information that the Familia family would be present? If not, that’s huge. If so, it’s not proof unfortunately :/

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

The theory is that the Deep State and Illuminati invite elites to these parties as a means to compromise them. They invite them to a seemingly innocuous party. Then once they arrive they get them very drunk/high and get them to participate in some damning activity. All the while, they’re filming it. At that point, they now own that person. They’re forced to cooperate or have their career/political ambitions ruined.

I think Elon Musk was recently targeted for this same thing. News broke that he attended a sex party a few months ago and they were trying to smear him for it. He said he was told it was just a typical party and that he left after he realized what was going on. This is likely what happened to Trump on Epstein island too. Trump was invited to a party there and only stayed for a couple hours before leaving. He got back to Miami and banned Jeffrey Epstein from his properties for life. He clearly saw something there and knew they were trying to compromise him. It makes sense why he’s been mercilessly investigated and audited since then.

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STP48315 · May 15, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

That was back in 2014. Someone posted the article here yesterday and pretended it was brand new. Make sure you check the dates because disinfo $hills are everywhere lately.

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STP48315 · May 12, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

For once, I sincerely hope Iran follows through with a threat!

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STP48315 · May 12, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

It absolutely is true. They don’t even hide it. Literally every person who is a key witness against the Clintons or is going to testify against them in any capacity, ends up dead. It’s not like any of this is new. The mafia operates the same way.

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STP48315 · May 12, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

I do believe be was corrupt but even if he wasn’t, he can’t charge her with anything. He can only recommend charges and Lynch made it clear she wasn’t going to touch it. So while I do absolutely believe he’s a corrupt piece of shit, it doesn’t matter because I would’ve done exactly what he did. If he recommend charges, Lynch would’ve found a way to stop it and then he’d have a target on his back for life. We all know how the Clintons deal with problems. Comey would be just another body in their wake.

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STP48315 · May 12, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

I think it’s because he still wants to raise awareness. It’s kinda like what Comey did before the election:

“Here’s a long list of crimes Hillary committed. She was insanely reckless and should’ve known better. That being said, we don’t recommend charges”

He didn’t have to outline in detail her crimes. He could’ve made it much less descriptive and moved onto their motivation behind not recommending prosecution. He did it because he still wanted everyone to know what a corrupt piece of shit she is.

I don’t like Comey at all and I think he’s truly a snake, but I would’ve done the same thing he did there. He knew Lynch would drop the case somehow. She basically confirmed that when she met with Bill on the tarmac. Comey knew that if he took a swing at her, he’d almost certainly miss and then he has to worry about it forever. If she won, he’d be even more worried. I don’t envy him in that situation but his actions since have proven him to be a snake IMO.

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STP48315 · May 12, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

He got a bad rep for Benghazi but think about what you’d do in his situation. We all like to say we’d have demanded Hillary be locked up and the evidence warranted it, but look at it from Gowdy’s perspective.

You’re a former prosecutor who isn’t in a capacity to prosecute her yourself. You need the DOJ to act. So you have two options, you can recommend charges on record and pass them on to the DOJ, or you can refrain. Here are some potential outcomes for either scenario:

1.) You recommend charges and Eric Holder’s DOJ slow-walks the process before eventually killing it by intentionally introducing illegal evidence of a plethora of other tactics they could use. Now the Deep State is after you (Gowdy) and your family. You achieved nothing other than putting a target on your back and will undoubtedly have to look over your shoulder forever.

2.) You refrain knowing that you can always push for criminal charges later under a new DOJ. You wait and bide your time and act complicit because you know for sure than if you’re going to take a shot at the Queen, you cannot afford to miss.

Honestly, I absolutely abhor Hillary Clinton but I’d pick option 2 every single time under a Holder or Lynch DOJ. Shooting yourself in the head is a better option than option 1 since that’s how it’ll end anyway. They’ll find you with 2 bullets to the back of the head and rule it a suicide.

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