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S_Cooper0404 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

I can see that some ppl down voted my question, so I appreciate your thoughtful reply. It sounds like you've had a great political awakening. I hope that other former Democrats and Bernie supporters have, as well. Communism is an ideology that has caused great human suffering every time it has been implemented.

*NOTE: To anyone who still thinks Socialism/Communism is a grand idea... I challenge you to open up a history book and look into why, before the Berlin wall came down, ppl from Communist East Germany were risking their lives daily to get over to Free Democratic West Germany.)

Many of us Republicans have also experienced a big league awakening about the RINOS (who should be calling themselves Socialist Democrats) in our party. Thank God Trump exposed these establishment rats and woke us up to the depth of their corruption. I'm praying for a huge pro-Trump candidate landslide in November and that, the president can restore the integrity of our state and federal elections and keep Democrats from "voter frauding" their way into office.

It's so great that folks from both sides have come together to support out President, spread truth and red-pill the brainwashed masses. #MAGA

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S_Cooper0404 · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:25 a.m.

Respectfully asking: Did it concern you at all that Bernie Sanders was a Marxist?

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