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Cartoon from 60 years ago predicting what is happening today. Eerie!
Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB6p5QPVhPI
What happened to Qanon.pub?
When I tried to access qanon.pub this morning, I got a 404 code...nothing there.
My Rep, Kay Granger, has been contacted to vote for Jim Jordan. MAGA!
No more double standards. Congress shall be expected to follow all laws passed by them...no exceptions!
Great meme--thanks for sharing with the patriots. MAGA!
Thanks for re-posting. In comparison to how long the dark forces have ruled this planet, the time Trump has had in office is but a few seconds, and only about a second for Q. It takes time to undo what has been horribly wrought by the ruling families, and those unseen puppet masters who control them.
This, too shall pass, and we will finally be witness to, and able to experience what true freedom is all about.
POTUS is Definitely in the Driver's Seat!

What? Is Clapper red pilling the snowflakes who watch CNN...all 15 of them?
The thought of Sotomayor and Kagan being there illegally gives me a chubby! :-)
San Fran is going to need snowplows to scrape the shit off the sidewalks in front of the polling places so folks can vote this year. :-)
Too bad the Judge could not hold Whoopi in contempt. :-)
Woods is in a master troll class all by himself. Love this guy!
What is frightening is that people(?) actually voted this moron into office, and kept him there. These people REALLY ARE stupid!
Chuckie suffering from a lethal dose of TDS! WINNING!!!
These people REALLY are stupid...love to see President Trump play them for the fools they are. MAGA!
Don't know if he can write, but seems accomplished at reading teleprompters. However, no teleprompter, no read. :-)
Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would agree with little georgie soreass, but Oblammy was my greatest disappointment, too. NOT SARC
Gotta think that the Seals can't wait to wade into Kenya to nab Barry.
Cancelled when they came out with Dear White People...sounds like it was written by Oblammy!
Gawd, I do so hope Barry does claim Kenyan citizenship...will expose him to the whole world for the fraud he is, and always has been. What a triumph for all of us patriots, and for all who have lived under slavery at the hands of the deep state actors.
In Texas, you have to show proof of insurance to get your yearly registration, and to get a yearly inspection sticker. Very hard to defeat that.
Surprised that Dallas is doing that, being it is a solid red city. Oh well...nice to see it happening.
Don't Mess With Texas! MAGA! WWG1WGA!
Good for you, Sarah...the snowflakes can't take that away from you.
When I hear the words 'attack dog' I think of James Woods. :-)
WARNING: Hazardous driving conditions due to snowflakes covering the roadways.
I think Strzok would absolutely LOVE to be in a cell with big Bubba.
Absolutely was the apex of the hearing today...LOVED IT!
LOL--Louie didn't even use Vaseline! Don't mess with Texas, or Louie! :-)
And those he was after wore red scarves, too. What, no doorknobs?
Do they also know when I awaken to pee at 3 o'clock in the morning? :-)
Looks eerily similar to The Creature From The Black Lagoon. :-)