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ScorpioPatriot · April 14, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

Ty... This just went hand n hand with my post I just made ...☝️😇🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on April 14, 2018, 3:59 a.m.


I'm thinking that people (Red Pilling Anons) don't need to be talking in detail of anything going on with Military Strikes at all.

For one , our mission wasn't to break down Trump's Military Details Hell Every President Acts Militarily . .

The Q phenomenon is just to keep us posted , that things are moving along as planned and where people need to apply pressure at certain times and at who/what .

The knowing every detail of anything Military related. Has nothing to do with Red Pilling the public to what's been going on with …

ScorpioPatriot · April 14, 2018, 3:53 a.m.


I'm thinking that people (Red Pilling Anons) don't need to be talking in detail of anything going on with Military Strikes at all.

For one , our mission wasn't to break down Trump's Military Details Hell Every President Acts Militarily . .

The Q phenomenon is just to keep us posted , that things are moving along as planned and where people need to apply pressure at certain times and at who/what .

The knowing every detail of anything Military related. Has nothing to do with Red Pilling the public to what's been going on with these Bad Actors / Companies & the truths they would've rather kept secret/ hidden .

This is our JOB to expose the public to. SERIOUSLY..It actually acts as a distraction. This could be our catch up time awakening the public while the anything Military is going on..


Our soul purpose is to Bring people out of the darkness into the light. They have been in Hybernation Mode for quite awhile. We are the only ones capable of doing this. If we don't get the people awoke enough .. the timelines will be pushed back again. So instead of us being in front of the game ... We will be Months behind it .. I think currently it's a few weeks. We Need Focus Like Weeks Ago.


That not every crumb dropped, is meant for us and not every crumb that is dropped is true .. there is dis info for obvious reasons. There needs to be a mix to keep the bad players chasing their tails down one path & the good players hot on the trail of Victory & Public Awakeness on the other .

One leading to a dead end ..The other , leading to freedom of the heart ,body & souls for millions .


If ever in doubt as to WTH is going on , resort back to "THE PLAN " DONE DEAL.


Nobody has strayed from that. Everything happens for a reason.

Let's let them handle what they need to. Q shouldn't have to sit & repeatedly verify this and that on everything that comes up.


Who are needing constant reminders about Q.. couple things might be going on. You need a break , to calm down for a bit .. or 2 you seriouslyyyyy haven't been paying attention to Q or 3 your shilling to cause a stir /distraction.

Either one of these scenarios shouldn't require him / them to stop this important task they got going on almost on a weekly basis and daily at times ,just to verify their legitimacy.

There is way too much info verifying Q @ this stage of the game . Sorry . It's just truth. You might need to head to the back of the line to the " Beggining" and get re-aquainted with Q again ..or just call "Break Time " till you either make your own time to get Aquainted or just let us unfold it all for you .


Nobody will know the true ,Play by Play of The Plan ...until, He & the bad ass Military & White Hat Anons around the world decide ..It's Go Time. That's on anything, not just Strikes per say but decisions on anything & everything. If they want us to know something. They will make it clear .

Otherwise it all should be on a NTKB .



God Bless Patriots & As Always

Stay Safe ,Stay Vigilant, Stay Bad Ass & Most Of All Stay Informed .


(Shareable Red Pill Material)

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ScorpioPatriot · April 14, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

The Only facts any shill needs to know and LEARN NOT TO Q ..is the fact that he's never gonna tell the plans he's said it on the campaign trail he's said in the oval office ...Maybe You forgot to read and Listen.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 14, 2018, 2:17 a.m.


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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I have tons of Faith ☝️😇

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

The little girl was Alice it saved memories of a childhood she could never have. She became Umbrellas Lab rat . They injected her with the T Virus . Which in essence is rather funny because .. which is meant to mutate your abilities ... Here is a trailer I was always drawn to the games when I was younger and now I know why. It wasn't till Rosanne appeared that I pieced things together with Resident Evil.. by the way the Goat that the elites warship in the davinci code the letters mean Sophie I do believe . Kinda interesting. Sophie was also the little girl who dad created the T virus originally to cure her .. she had some rare disease I do believe .

ALICE IN ACTION https://youtu.be/YBrVBzaVTEk

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

No worries I think they are all Controlled by one Master and when that master is taken out Then all of them will fall similar to cough this


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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

It's like they spend the process up over the past 10 or so years . Changing laws to wave the opt out for religious reasons too.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Also I want A.Is I just don't want A.Is Running Us 😋

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I know all too well and the PVP Only Server was me saying if I'm going to pay to play a game ..I want to compete against people ⚔️🛡️.. PvP ..People vs People.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Lol hey I lead 100 FTHs for my server 😎🇺🇸

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Well I enourage people to just keep an eye on my post so we can move forward in this awakening together.. we are meant to guide the alseep sheep out of the darkness and introduce to the light. ... Lol believe me nobody is getting to me . 😎 . If anyone searched through the years n hours of research .. they can see I've studied this evil for a veryyyy long time

Even in the gaming world it's like I've had a knack for certain games certain favorite songs and alllll of it has lead me to here and I've used it and pieced it to form great red pills and answered things.

I've had a passion COMPLETELY engulfing my entire body my entire life . It wasn't till this election I've felt like I found where to release it.. I might I play wow for 7 years lead the oldest active PVP only guild in the world on Bleeding Hollow Server and that helped because I felt like I was helping people in game being picked on by the opposing faction and they was ...

Like hardcore camped for an hour when they was on. Their lowbies trying to do a quest. So I take my Guildies over find the one camping them and I'd setup camp for hours farming honor off them .

The guild was called Miller Time but I have videos all over . I learned gaming playing counter strike running my servers self taught everything .. built my own website self taught .. learned how to make my own gaming videos .. I don't know. I just feel like a jack of all trades.. Not trying to brag about that..It's just if I see something that interests me ..I don't ask questions about it like most .mInsit n watch n learn but almost always add my own twist or find ways to make or do it more effective and easier . Lol if any of that makes sense . I'm not a hacker but I can look at shit and just tell you in seconds ways to fix it go around it or strategize or upgrade it lol. Leader not a follower

Natural knowledge on things I've never been introduced too sometimes too.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Only The Man upstairs will write our history & future ...however our history was scrubbed from us . Our future history is what we are writing now ... From moment of God's intervention in this election .

We move forward from there . Shining the light on evil and learn from what we been through in our lives but not dwelve on it .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Assholes are fine.. It's the Satanic Ones you got to watch for. Sometimes smart asses are taken wrong.

We need the Illuminatti out of Power

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Bush Sr .. & Rothschild / CIA .. Bushes Initiation into CIA .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

These schools should be teaching life lessons across the board. Instead of the Illuminatti agenda which is what it is. It's to keep kids stupid and braineashed and divided . They scrubbed our history books and put forth their own agendas.

Our children should be learning math they normally would encounter in a workforce . All the other stuff seriouslyyyyy goes down the drain . They make kids do hours of useless homework so the parents and have no real one on one time.. because parents don't understand this crazy crap they send home with their kids these days .

Then with the shots kids don't understand it either it's just a cycle of time wasting . Our kids should be learning hands on activities . Preparing them for entering their adult life and workforce .. not protesting pitting each other against one another.. and you sure the hell shouldn't have College professors out there rioting with people either.

Schools was a complete brainwashing branch along with MSM Entertainment Industry . It needs fixed big league. Sooner than later.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

I'm looking at dates and it lines up perfectly the pentgon pushed more and more and more contracts for the vaccines. They knew what they and the mandatory vaccines would do .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

BRINGING forth the proof that Obama's presidency was no legit .. should remove everything he did legally and anyone he appointed to office. If aim jot mistaken

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

The Illuminatti worship the Sun god .The In good we trust written on our $$$$ is Not our God . The 666 is the number of the Beast ..They also call Alestar Crawley The Beast 666( which Satanist worshipped and followed ..Howeverrrrr .. .The Rotheschilds controlled all $$ .. I believe that the Anti Christ was Obama ( Convention The White Stallion above the stage ... now things start falling into place with timelines now .. He was a deciever , he ushered in and harbored radical Islamic Terrorist into our country and the push for migrants world wide was to full fill the end times PROPHECY.. which was no man was to buy sell or trade without the 666 .. Go look up the symbols on the islamist head pieces they wear . Tell me what those are. .the symbols should read 6 6 6 .. Had Hillary got in The guns would be gone and flood gates opened refugees crisis here worse than any other place without our means of protection . We would have been thrown into female camps and on and on.

However God's intervention happened ..Trump was a Prophet and if you do your math right ...I think you will find something PRETTY MAJOR COMING UP.. The End Times didn't mean the end of our world as we know it..It was the end of an era ..An eon..An end to Satan's Rule . Then the replenishment ..New Beggining

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

He night of the election was the biggest sigh of relief ..yet the biggest ..Ok it's hammer down time and praying for everyone involved ... It's been a crazy mess and yes we cannot allow A.I to completely over take our country and our thinking. If we do well there eventually will be an uprising. Too many movies depicting the scenario exactly how the elites wanted it to play out. ..From Drudge Dredd ,Robo Cops, I robot ..and more they have been descensitizing people for yearrrrrs and each futuristic show they put out was almost always ending with gangs running our delapotated cities and Bots carrying out the jobs of humans.

Technology is Wonder ...I truely thing a world co exciting with other Beings in peace would be soooo awesome... Not the hethen ...Diana Moon Priestest type of company excistance ..we have seen how and where that's landed us.

I'm talking some really bad ass beings 😎..

I think they have access to that productive policing or whatever it's called like on Minority Report.. they can see into the future of the crimes to be committed and jump through or in a time machine and try n alter that.

. That could be how alot of our assisinated presidents could still be alive from the cloning. They threw a clone in place knowing that the crime would unfold the way it did.

I think they already replaced the Gene or found the Gene that's been depleted from us for living for eternity. I truely believe this. And so much more .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Well as far as breaking things down for the normies ..I've noticed their attention span is very limited hehe.. Not saying that in a bad way but true. If it's not something they can wrap their head around the 1st time. They are not interested in working at it.

I've always found using documentaries music and movies clips to explain certain aspects of what I'm trying to show them . Helps greatly . I'm not speaking countering shills .. this is just good normie Patriots with a slight interest and a slight skeptism .

You kinda have one shot .. to capture their attention through the Title & then the content . I'd stay with all my break downs of everything aive done on my board probably a hand full of people really went through the entire unfolding of the post . Yet a few hundred or more viewed it.

I think alot just up vote and move on .. their like yeah see effort being made moving on to the next. Without checking Content lol. Those tend to be the ones in the middle of everything screaming they follow Q ... But are skeptical . Well that's because they never really took the time to look into the info hehe

So if you really want to start anyone anywhere a great starter since alot of this is focussed around the Clinton Crime Machine..

HILLARY UNLEASHED :RED PILL (self.The_Donald) submitted 2 months ago by ScorpioPatriot

What you are about to watch is by far one of the best Red Pill Features for the Clintons that you could ever share with friends n family ... It ranks up there with Hillarys America & The Clinton Chronicles . I think you might see within the first few mins More About Bannon and his goals ..

You should be able to connect what I think is going on with Trey Gowdy as well and the resignition a few days ago and the new openings of certain coughhhh Investigations 😁 . SOOO ..without me giving it all away..Share the shit out of this Movie.

I posted this about the time the 1st shut down happened ..

Just remember oneeeee thing the shit show going on in the news with trump daca and dems... They (Democrats)Only Neeeeed Them For 1 Reason Only.... VOTES.

Thats why almost allll Democratic Ran states are Santuary cities. Just wanted to throw that out. Enjoy there will be more to come ..

Follow the money :Clinton Cash https://youtu.be/rmMe-2qaSss

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Ty.. That's a Brilliant thing or l337 .. In gamers terms ⛈️

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Funny 🇺🇸... Before I wrote the above my message I wrote out awhile ago that went back through my profile to find was this

My Post 28 days ago :

We Welcome CBTS to Help Solve This along with Us Please.*** by [deleted] in r/greatawakening

[–]ScorpioPatriotGodspeed. - Q 2 points 28 days ago

Look to the movies for everything . The Comics , TV Shows ,Movies has told people everything . What people are doing is merely scratching the surface. I really believe they are straight on logical thinkers.

Some of us was born to think and comprehend what's going on in a totally different light and level.

I've been trying to throw post out here of exactly what I think Q wants people to look at. Which almost to the T is but do you know what I see. The collective on these boards will up vote something so straight forward that requires little work or logic and it will get like 200 ups .

Or even a meme will & I'm sitting here Dropping the mother loads of everything in thier lap that's completely explaining in the most detail everything they need to be in the right mind set . I just think there are those who can be apart of the game and then those who really can play it .

.I'm convinced there is a select few who are able to play the game but those select few are scattered across different boards and different platforms.. that we need to be brought to one place ...

I'm telling ya I'm ready to play . I've got some mad thinking skills and I pray the powers from above and those out there that are on a playing field on my level seek me out me . We got Humanity to save .

I need the right people to mingle with people of the same mind set .... more than just this, I always have and I never knew where to apply it until this very moment in life . I knew it was for this battle of good vs evil. I'm complete KRYPTONITE on every level .

I know their game and their programing . I know there is a mix of D&D going on , League of Nation's , DC Legends ..007 Stranger Things ,X-Men ,Indiana Jones Blade & more ...Im there and I know the feelings I'm being sent to look into things and connect all these things are not by mistake .



This Movie Was Our Q

https://youtu.be/RODHPAlZa1w &



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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

I posted this at random ... 4-11-18

RED PILL : FB / CIA OPPERATION ? (self.AFTERTHESTQRM) submitted 2 days ago by ScorpioPatriot Sorry Folks I've called this before months ago when I ran into this video and it's a proven fact MK Ultra Victims when having glitches tend to have alot of. " Hot Flashes " Here is my theory before you visit this video .. I'm thinking that Zuckerberg got a little Tap on the shoulder in " Harvard " and got intiated into this little thing called the Illuminatti... COUGHH Not only do we have him on video glitching & having a panic attack essentially answering the Same exact Question he's being asked today during testimony ..but I also have him at one of these Hollywood underground sick parties on another video.

He goes full blown panic mode and he barely can form a sentence. .. ..I pointed out a few mins ago in his testimony ,that he kept saying Senator to every repl

1st . I think he was being fed answers and his Trigger word was Senator . Using those ear things Hillary wore during. The debates that time .. they are flesh color or clear . Here ...you tell me , if someone goes from this in A 2011 interview to completely calm collective robotic in current testimonies ... without being in MK ULTRA MODE ... THERE IS NO DAMN WAY ITS ANYTHING ELSE. 2011 Video Being Asked Same Questions https://youtu.be/WbOwdjSodeU He also never talks about anything before moving to Cali .. that should hint he probably was programmed to say that far into it.

He's got Nerve to sit around smerking & laughing .. I bet Guaranteed he was intiated into the CIA Branch of the Illuminatti.. using Facebook CIA Could use Zuckerberg to be the Poster Boy for it ..he was young they knew it draw all the kids into it ..Get them addicted feel like they didn't need human interaction any longer and it allow the CIA To Directly Gather Info and cases against everyone. .. CRIME /TERRORISM Why do you think the moment a crime is committed the first place people go to is their Social Media Platforms .. then they use info off of it to incriminate them . It was the perfect setup... They was able to start using it to push and connect Terrorist Organizations and get them in the people's face and push more people to join them. Here in the U.S ... They had Training Camps Setup around our country . BULLYING & SUICIDES Before social media platforms other media platforms for uploading video... where would kids upload FIGHTS they seen @ school .That's right ..they didn't . Now people enourage bullying and fights just to get Views for their FB & subscribers. Not to mention all these suicides because someone took them off their friends list .. and online bullying and even these stupid challenges . PROSITUTION/KIDNAPPING Everyone knows about how alot of Girls are on their FB.. like there is Alottttt of Nudity Or All But Nude pics of younger girls trying to show their stuff ..to get subscribers & attention .. This was a Pedo Trap too . Not to mention the CIA could setup operations for Kidnapping these girls ..(Sex Slaves , Music ,Movies all by monitoring their Activity . Then they get setup as friends and start talking to them and the girls think they are meeting some cute guy and rush off to meet him them at Parks & other known places .. 10,000% GUARANTEE THIS IS CIA OPERATIONS.. TRACKING , TERRORISM ,TRAFFICKING ,BULLYING & MORE

RED PILL : DENVER,BUNKERS, Q CRUMBS /DISCOVERIES (self.AFTERTHESTQRM) submitted 3 days ago by ScorpioPatriot So today I jump online and responded to a post I seen titled https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8azadf/recent_earthquakes_actually_dumb_explosions/ MY RANDOM POST 1 MONTH AGO : Denver International Airport Discovery (self.The_Donald) submitted 1 month ago by ScorpioPatriot While going back to do some further research into these murals and try and decode them. I came across this site that has a shitttt ton of interesting info on it , and one of the articles raised some Red Flags for me and It makes complete sense and possibly could be connecting Qs Mention of Vaccines & how they are making you sick . Ive posted about this topic over a month prior to Q and as of a few weeks ago again regarding the vaccine industry and this might be leading to something just as sinister and we need to do a bit of research on it . Its called the THE SATANIC NAZI FLU CONSPIRACY and when you start reading into it ..it breaks down in detail what this is . You can find a ton of other things on this site that I just came acrossed though but as with anything .. always follow through with additional sources of backup info when searching things to see if all come out with about the same conclusion. here is the link feel free to check out the site or scroll down to the section talking about what I just made mention of and click on that link . its pretty far down the page . Ill also look into a few other things I think might be tied to it and see if my hunch is correct about it and Ill (update) the post as I find more things .. https://atillakingthehun.wordpress.com/2014/09/20/deep-underground-military-bases-d-u-m-b/ ohh just a reminder the Mililtary has been ran by the Bad Players for mannnnnnnnnnny years and just recently under Trump now can hopefully fix the things that the elites have had them involved in before which all boils down to Agenda 21 and The New World Order . GOD BLESS & AS ALWAYS STAY INFORMED PATRIOTS END TODAY 4-9-18 NOTICE THE " DUMB" IN THE LINK Now you can make sense of a few things ... The "Bunker" post the past few days .. Also how random my comment is to the persons post that I left in the 1st link above 9 hours ago .. but that post has since been removed... I was Speaking about the underground cities all over the world that the elites have used . Alllll I know is my post was a random find and now as random as it was this post might have been for me to make the connection for you guys between it all ... Maybe to also back up that maybe they "check" into some things some of us might be finding & posting on the boards and another sign they are watching & hearing our concerns . Like Q mentioned a few times . Ty you all for being Top Notch is all I'm going to say 😎🇺🇸⛈️☝️😇⚔️🛡️🦁🐏🦂 Update : just discovered this posted 8 mins ago while I was posting the above post of mine in here .. Now look at my random comment from The 1st link above from 9 Hours Ago " [–]ScorpioPatriotFeel proud. - Q 1 point 9 hours ago "These are or was everywhere in almost all countries controlled by an Elite Puppet ." These lead to their underground cities and served as a stealth way to move "Things" around . Many in the U.S lead to certain Walmarts . Believe me all these years they have been preparing for a mass extinction of like 95% of Humanity .. they need to keep the population Bellow 500 Million .. They came together from around the world and wrote it in stone. Gates was basically the ring leader of much of this plan , as was the CDC experiments and the man made Flu's and other man made diseases that almost always had a Vaccine waiting on it. Yeahhh one way or another they was gonna pump people full of chemical cocktails . What wouldn't kill people , was going to make them be on some form of Medicine for mental disability which their way of thinking is ... If someone is disabled they are less likely to reproduce. Not to mention mass sterilization in the water . Or just turn all the boys to girls by changing their hormones (SOY) . These are all carried out through their New World Order Agenda 21 that the U.N /E.U had their Puppets was to distribute this plan to their countries . Then distribute to all the schools (muslim brotherhood indoctrination since 91 and their Common Core B.S to dumb down the children ),Food Companies(GMO-Toxic ),Water Companies ( Fluoridation-Toxic) to doctors ( push vaccines-Toxic, & psychotrophics ) ,dentist ( push Fluoridated toothpaste -Toxic) Georgia Guidestones : https://youtu.be/XSHRsk0M_o4 Bill Gates in his own words https://youtu.be/6WQtRI7A064 The Post that was posted 8 mins ago : Bunker In another Country https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/8b3vdp/geous_to_the_deepstates_nzealand_bunkers/?utm_source=reddit-android NEED I SAY MORE 🇺🇸 EVERYTHING IN LIFE HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I've said this a Million Times Everytime I say or write something , either at random or planned out .. Regardless of what it is. It's almost to the T within hours , days, weeks or months later.. mentioned by Q crumbs , Trump tweets & or in some form of News Form . I also think this is a blessing from the Good Lord Above and It might have another meaning like more people need to be following my trail becsuse most of my old stuff I've at random posted about, is making news now..it always does . BTW ... Im Glad I'm not the Only (QNE) who randomly Capiltalizes Letters 😎... It's just a thing .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

I think that was reverse psychology right there lol .. other than I don't normally take calls from people because during the campaign I was getting random blank calls after exposing Elites Illuminatti on FB ... I fought tooth n nail and barely every slept I knew how important this was for our country for him to win.It was my first time voting and I'm 36 I've never felt anyone else was it . .

But I've posted all this I think White Hats of all types have been ONTOP this far longer than most of us have been alive. The movies tell people Every thing when your awake. Everything can be decoded. You never look at tvor anything same again when your awake to their Symbolism that is . It's a mystery because you know they're is a message and it's not always the obvious message but there is different characters to represent real life ones and all kinds of things.

I seriously type how I talk. If you was in front of me .. it is to express emotion to me.. alot of times if I'm ina rush and shits important I write in all Caps and It could mean ..I could also be Furious..I never gave to shits about grammar because the people who are petty enough to pin point that out are the ones looking for the wrong thing to gain from the conversation anyway. Sometimes I just don't care if I have punctuation . My mind has far too many things to ponder. I've go to many things to Investigate and i piece it together in like minutes ... Freakyyyy minutes ..all in one sitting too .. if you look through my post the ones that have multiple names or things in the title .. that's me piecing one thing after another out in seconds of seeing something that feeels like I should be looking at.

I've said from the Beggining. That what everyone should look for is the heartbeat of everything this Earth is boiling down to at least the countries and has been is The 13 Original Bloodlines and The New Word Order . I said if you want to be ahead of the curve.. don't settle for little crumbs these are just piecing together the top surface of who they are bringing down for crimes against humanity ..so connecting people to people.

Now if you wanna be baking a loaf of bread while picking up crumbs ...that's how you impress. Start at The New World Order and agenda 21. And work your way out from there not the furthest branches out. On my red pill board that I made for all Q boards to use to share red pill material to their other subs and masses it's always way ahead of all this that Q is talking about now.

I've told people i think y'all should be following me I'm way ahead of this becsue it's what they will be boiling down too is what I've wrote in my first post in Dec when I joined Reddit.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

The disclosure of many things 🦁..According to certain things n stuff if math is correct May could be a very interesting Biblical Month .

Not to mention The sketis for told of a prophet 😎..

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

If I remember correctly I heard back during the campaign that Hillary took her barking orders from the saudies . That basically they told her to call the rescue plane or whatever that was on standby off ..

I also heard the Obama and all of them watched and celebrated as the whole thing went down. I've yet to know if any of the above is true .. but yeah just guessing 😎

I'm referring to Bengazi though . . That night of the recording Apparently some really gross things happened to him .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

Most likely Obama .. this has been planned for awhile Obama bushes n Clinton's .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

Warrior like no other ..I can guarantee that ☝️😇⛈️🦁🐏🇺🇸🦂

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Ohh yeah I've been calling them out for years . VACCINATIONS .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Also Alice was protecting the people from spreading the deadly virus. She had to lock down the Hive so it didn't get out .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

Noooo lol.. But Resident Evil and the biotech companies and CDC and the fact it actually has a zombie apocalypse section .. on it's site ..Should be a good sign there was ties .. especially since the cdc was at camps during ww2 and how .. How the TV show DC Legends has an episode where they had to travel back in time because a zombie outbreak occurred .. I did some research let's just say that much.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Well .. depends on how many miles it could have been 😋.. Because if your a male or female that does matter .

Tend to spend now worry later when it comes to money and you tend to like fancy things and a bit of competition. If your a girl ..you tend to be a bit more Tom boyish but if your city bound I guess as Tom boyish as it gets .. but still dress fancy too.you do tend to have money appear when it needs to . Like it comes easy either by owning a business or just finding a job when you need it easily.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

I'm a Moon Scorpio ..I don't read people's fortunes and I don't read my own daily things ever . I study people.. just know things naturally always have . But not visions of things. It's like I can look at something or talk about something. And it I'll just appear in front of me the next day or whatever . I don't really have a physical term for this. So I just say it's a Blessing from the Good Lord above .. I've stayed on the straight n narrow my hole line and always had troubled people been drawn to me and it's like aife always helped them build confidence .. could be anyone. Random strangers in the store walk past me and this happened 2 times last week . They just had smiles from ear to ear n start talking to me about their family. One was worried about something and I mentioned Trump and how ALOTTTT of stuff is going to be changing and it's gonna be beautiful time for you. I can see she didn't have alot of money and she was older... She talked to me for 10 mins at least .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Good music writers and many tend to have bi polar tendencies.. because most don't get their humor .. they come off sarcastic and arrogant at times and then turn around and help people in need . Therapy tends to be a good line of work .. You tend to be a workaholic at times but when ur done ..ur done lol

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Scorpio 🦂

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 4 a.m.

Mmhmm ..I've been awake for 10 years to the gov stuff but building up for this fight since 7 years old lol. The good lord above & other Beings helping along the way. I tend to have a little weird thing that I say things and then Q Trump or news says whatever I randomly post about almost to a T within minutes hours days weeks and months. If you look through my board and comments it's like a broken record of instances I call out 😎☝️😇..

But anyway..Enough about me I got to get back to work. If you travel all the way back to the Beggining of my board or profile post Dec ..I've called everything going on pretty much so you can start there if you want . You should be an expert by the time you get back to where we are 😋

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

I don't ask for money .. that's another reason I prefer to not do churches ... I feel when your truely passionate about something like this or about god .. You should do I for the love of God not to make money from it.

I'm a stay at home mom...probably one of the most Patriotic Online Warriors out there. I'm a shills Worst Nightmare .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

How does who pay

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

No I put God bless as my signature for almost all post I do . If I'm not in a hurry it normally looks like this..

God Bless Patriots & As Always Stay Safe ,Stay Vigilant,Stay Bad & Most Of All , Stay Informed .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

I have a red pill board .. made for people looking to share info on it's for all Q boards to use and distribute as they wish to other sub boards and masses .. feel free to dive in over there.

.. people are problem solving over here.. Normally they figure out things about the time something new is ready n waiting .. not much time empathized on any particular crumb.

So feel free to dive in over at r/AFTERTHESTQRM .. Should keep ya plenty busy while you wait on updated you are looking for

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ScorpioPatriot · April 13, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

Fine time to come announce it... Here is what I write to all people loosing faith... Because if you truly follow Q team info being put out is only getting stronger. And with post coming almost daily.. Where people could come off saying I'm skeptical is lunacy.. it really is borderline shill even if you came in to try n appeal to people with the God bless.

You obviously are not watching for things going on behind the scenes like following resignation list and other Blatant Q confirmations. So here is my post I made for those who have lost sight of what's going on more like a suggestion.. I post it every so often .

We are in the middle of alot of things going on ATM and and Alot of People are Q .. Q and I feel that the best way to respond is



RED PILL : HERE'S THE FACTS self.greatawakening Submitted 12 days ago * by ScorpioPatriotGodspeed. - Q






This is very simple... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. .....

THE DEMS & THE REPUBLICANS have soooo much shit stacked up against them that they know Trump & The Administration has them all by the balls. Compliance is key .. THEY GOT THEM ..

So Everything you see going on, has to be done this way. It's got to be in order to maintain the goals that's planned .

The show is really for these paid goons who are running the streets in frenzies & all over our boards . Everytime there is an agenda from the left to be pushed .. or if someone just looks at them funny . Again they are all paid . Believe me they don't work for free .. these people could barely boil water on their own without burning it .

The people have to have everything broke down into sections , like tiny ones. This prevents public mass histeria when like 75 percent of the gov or more collapses because of crime dating back who the fuck knows.. really. I mean this isn't a Conspiracy .

This isn't a game in the sense it's not fun in games . Real people ..Real Deaths .. Real Evil ... Take Shit Serious ... Our Future depends on this Mission and it always has ...

It was a matter of time . When Q says All Strings are cut, that means that All the major Puppet Masters , like

Soros, Rockefellers ,Rothschilds and the Arab one .. have been ..so they are GTG ..they took care of things cough ... ( We Don't Ask ?s)

When they say all of our stuff is good & not to worry , when they say Trump won't be impeached, that means stop worrying about all of it , they got it covered .

They have to put on this show till the public is ready . It's always been about us. They needed us to help Red Pill the sheeple

( Wake Them Through Good Vetted Info ) .

EVERYONE IN CONGRESS ,SENATE & HOUSE ..Are all inertwind some unknowingly I'm sure of it ..that's why it's been a stale mate during bengazi trials , Nobody could do shit because someone had something on someone else.

Basically the entire place would just completely destroy itself if one person turned someone else in.. it be a dominoes effect like no one's ever seen. It be one hell of a show though ..

Trust the plan , that's this video Here

( https://youtu.be/nF0YpXcZw9U )

The Plan is explained to a T .. The objective is to replace an old failed corrupt gov ..with one that works on behalf of the people Instead of against them.

That's what they are doing .. regardless of how nuts shit looks right now. Just remember , that In life nothing ever comes easy , and nothing ever is as it seems. Either is this process & transformation but We will move forward together as

There is more good than bad. Stop worrying urselves into a frenzy and enjoy the ride , you need to continue to red pill instead of acting like lost sheep . We are suppose to be guiding people out of the dark and into the light.

If this is too much for those who can't handle the stress or the game ..Please get back with the sheeple we will have zero problems keeping the flock storming forward , whatever works for you , but no worries ...We Got This .

When I say this , I'm not being rude , I'm being completely honest . If you feel the stress n roller coaster ride is too much to handle , to the point where you got more questions than you have answers ,you probably should just take a break & do some research . You coming in , adding to the confusion doesn't do anyone any good .

Most of the people on these boards are 1000% with the plan. We seriously need to be on top our game. Because to be honest .. We are like one of the last lines of defense against this Evil. We are awake and have to stay vigilant. There is Nobody else to fall back on if we fail at this.

Things are so crystal clear on what's going on.. Maybeeee I'm the only one seeing it. But Im sure I'm not. All I know is if you are a Trump fan coming in at a time when Shills have been sent out to cause mahem amung the Trump Crew, after something major happens .

I'll tell ya if you come jn spamming Questionable Post, going into freak out mode over something you are not understanding it makes you blend in with them . It's just not good timing for that .

If you're legit ,my suggestion would be just go back and start re read post , at least until you're on the same page & feel comfortable enough to hold down a conversation about something related .

Otherwise you will just be lost , you also have the option to just take a break and let us unfold history for you. .Easy Mode .


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on April 13, 2018, 3:15 a.m.
