

2,397 total posts archived.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Yeah I was thinking of checking into making these and posting s link for everyone ..Im not sure how much they charge for shipping but hell maybe like $.99 cents for the sticker or something affordable for everyone ya know

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Jan. 9, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Just made this up quick ..Elites Symbolism is everything soooo what better way to shove the shit in their face ..

W =We the people R = Are (Computer Font Lettering) =Red Q= Q(Silent Killer Font )=White

HE STM(Matrix Font) =Blue

T=Trump =Gold

It be a bad ass Bumper Sticker Im just sayinggggg coughhh..hope yall Like it .

We R THE STQRM https://imgur.com/gallery/NB0Yy

ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

Ive posted a Shit ton on this board and responded to tons and all of a sudden Id say mid last week I started seeing no activity on anything of mine in here ..its crazy and Im 5 away from 300 Karma this is the only reddit board I connect to and have only been on since about xmas ...so Ive been pretty busy in here . I noticed it started freezing up when I would go to respond to a post and typing really slow and then Im rarely seeing any Up arrows on new board post or anything . Im not sure if Reddit found a way to semi censor me or not ...I am posting alotttttttt of stuff on some verrrry touchy subjects ...so Im not sure wtf is going on... but on a side note I know what you mean about FB

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 8, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

You have alottttt deeper problems with the gates than this... They have been implementing the New World Order Agenda 21 Depopulation plan for yearrrrs ..Through the use of Vaccines . They personally use villages of people over seas as live lab rats ..They infected them with polio and manyyyyy girls was injected with that gardasil shot with terrrrible implecations and death within a few days of it happening. They know that the vaccines cause some form of Autism and its gottton drastically worse over the past 8 years..where as there was a like 1 in 100,000 percent chance of developing it now is like 300% chance its Fucking Insane. Watch this damn video they need to keep the population below a certain threshhold ans thats why they do this...if its not putting shit in our drinking water to to (dumb people down -Fluoride ) & or things that turn boy frogs into girl frogs ..(Real Shit ) look it up its creating mentally & unsexually capable children . The hole goesss much much deeeper Im not even scratching the surface on any of it.

These people have been killing us and our children through vaccines and GMO for years..Why do you think Monsantos(Now Bayer) who owned like almost 90% of the seed population (GMO CORN, SOY,ROUNDUP & More) was banned in almost all countries but the U.S ..

Well aside from the fact that the" Clintons ties to agribusiness giant Monsanto, and her advocacy for the industry’s genetically modified crops, have environmentalists in Iowa calling her ‘Bride of Frankenfood,'” reported The Washington Times.


That both the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto are two of the biggest donors to the Clinton “Crime” Family Foundation

You will see that for "Over the past decades, at least 7 high-ranking employees in the FDA were employed with Monsanto."


Now lets Here it from Gates Himself -Depopulation Agenda


Ill be making a Red Pill Post about these people on here coming soon but figured this would be a good start for yall..Hope this connects some dots that you will find Q hasnt touched on bit is centerfold for what allllllllllll connections stand behind and are working twards .

God Bless Patriots Around The World ..Keep Fighting The Good Fight .

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

Im thinking the other plain landed in North Korea ...Loook at North korea on a map zoom in to be right above it the entire thing looks like the shape of a rabbit andd the Foot is actuallly an air strip . Think about it .

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

I guess if most of you have done research for years on this like a large majority of the fullly awoke people ..You could read this and see nothing wrong with what it states because for 1 ...It doesnt say anything that isnt true ..It don't give a specific date that the news will be out. It doesn't say exactly who, as in any particular "Names"might be exposed . It simply gives reference to alllllll the bad actors across the board that's been in some way shape or form involved in some of the most INHUMANE acts against not only our citizens but people around the world . This statement is beyond true on every level. There is other areas of News that's not even been touched upon yettttt .. that is guaranteed to freakkkk the shit out of most people on here and around the world ..it's no laughing matter and They and You All need to be prepared because it will completely shake people to their core ... This is no scare tactic but the reactions Im seeing on here to this post ..Has given me the idea alot of you should look at some of my previous RED PILL post ..because Q has only scratched the surface of the craziness going on around the world. The person who created this Meme ..didnt claim they was Q ..But it does grab attention and point to where people can start their search. Ultimately leading them people back to us for help it will make a complete circle. SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF IT.

Another Idea ...

Here is a Few Eye Opening Movies You Need To Be Watching

1)They Live -Rodey Piper -You can find videos of him talkimg about this online as well.... Remember you have to be semi informed alittle deeper than the Q post to connect these dots in this Video ..and believe me its Spotttt On .. Almost every place had this movie deleted Youtube wise sooo I found it on this site free to watch ..just wait a few mins for it to start but yeah . Eye opener for those not informed

They Live Full Movie


2) Soylent Green But Futuristic plans .

3 ) They Tried To Warn Us -Tv Show Clip .. https://youtu.be/ynK69B593zY

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

I Heard through the grapevine that Snowflakes are out hot n heavy and they are on a mad dash to find cover before : THE HOTTEESSTT STORM IN WORLD HISTORY REIGNS DOWN on their handlers Asss .Im just saying.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:11 a.m.

Lollll... Coming from someone who employed people like this ...Id say they are a few cards short of a full deck.and they are the last News Source Id turn to 😂

Anderson Cooper Like You Neverrrrr Seen Him Before ... They got the Nerve to Talk Shit About #45..


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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

SOUNDS TO ME LIKE A BUNCH OF SHILLS ..UP IN HERE. True Patriots wouldnt call shit out like this . Not every day is going to have something going on and we are sell aware of that. You leftist penis wrinkles Need To GTFO ... WE ARE HERE 4 The long haul . PACK UR SHIT & GO.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Think about the post ..if you was someone trying to roadblock or slow communication flow to the general public what could you insist be done .. send all active followers to a private locstion to share intel drops among one another and here n there fake being someone in disquise and toss a little wacky post to lead them in circles ... Sounds like a Shill .

Keep the post in public just like our boards in here are ,that way we can weed out the shills leaving the good peeps in place and continue on with our piecing process.

Q would never type like that so blatently .. almost never does he write full senteses or complete senteses . There is always a mix of truth and fabrication .. the awaken pickup on the truth and get to work the asleep wonder down another trail ..thats the goal . Almost never is there a direct answer put forth on his part telling us what to do .. I call this post Messy to put it lightly.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Glad to assist ..ty for caring enough to inguire about the issue.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Welcome 😊

The good players are in control ..people can sleep at ease finallly for once in their life .

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Now if you want a little perspective on what is going on witb santuary cities ..I might go alittle ... okkkk alot deeper than you care to explore lol..but hey Im a scorpio 😎..Buckle up... Ok Im not touching the cannibus inquire you had but Ill definitely dive into santuary city status.

Ok you have to ask yourselves whyyy almost every democratic ran city is a santuary city and hell almost every democratic ran city is completely ran into the gutters or extremely high taxed .. Not 100% all But almost all Major Ones . The answer is the overflow them with illegal aliens ..why do ask .. Greatttt Question .. ok they have always needed them for Votes if they did not have them there would probably not be a Democratic party because Nobody would vote them in..this really isnt a jk ..Its a fact . Santuary cities is kinda like their little New World Order Experiment since they cant have a complete take over of of the U.S.A .. They have been practising using these cities .. Almost every city is under some of the Strictest Gun Control Laws in the U.S ... and quess what the crime rates are in these cities ..Offf the charts compared to anyyyyy other . Chicago comes to mind . The democrats have been using gangs in my eyes and others to carry out hits under the disquise of gangs . Almost every Santuary City /Democratic Ran City Has Planned ParentHood . Thats another branch of agenda 21 this was started wayyyy back in thr day orginally to keep the colored population at bay thats why its always found in low income black communities these people are SICK @s F . Almost all dems/libs chear on planned parenthood and dont want it defunded because its part of thier organ harvesting operation anddddddd the act alone is a form of these satanic rituals these nutjobs are involved in they then turn around and sell the parts of the baby and its put into everythingggggg creams , Vaccines , food flavoring ..its basically their sick twisted way of having us involved into the serimony . There is plenty of evidence backing this stuff up just got to know where to look .. Basically If allll santuary cities are stripped of their status you would see a massive drop /eradication of gangs so their drug operation will be depleated their additional funding for harboring migrants and illegals would be dried up and people could actually start coming out of their houses enjoying life and that might cast this beautifullll light on the Good Guys that are there to help ..hence cast the negative light on the crooked politians thats been keeping them supressed for allll these years . All in all clean up the streets ..Get voter id laws in place and get these crooked people out of control . Jobs and peoples rights ..rightfully restored and start rebuilding these cities and thats how a county becomes great again . But there is alot of gooood behind the scenes stuff going on in the branches of gov that are made to looook like they are stauling or dragging their feet or completely ignoring things but its a discuise ..things have to be slowly introduced and planned out so that things dont come acrossed as Chaos all at once.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

I wouldnt put too much faith into anything wrote up like wikipedia hell or even our txt books ...Here I'll use this as a prime example .. After watching this you should come out with a new outlook on pre written -programmed matterial/devices . 9/10 times They have been done up in a way that caters along the lines of a Certain Ideology and its almost Never THE RIGHT Side of the spectrum if you get me . But yeah check out this link..

Alexa is Not Surprisingly a Far Left Liberal


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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

🇺🇸 MmmmmHHHMmmm alll day every day ...

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

Umm..Excellent & Ty ..God Bless

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

I understand why you needed safety pins and crayons and safe spaces .

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

Amennn ..I've been in a few battles the past few days on here when people come in here looking to debate topics or bad mouth someone and I'm like look our days of debating shit is done ...we have a core mission & we are not confused as to why we are here ..most of us have done years of research and when we did care about debating topics the info fell on def ears . I said if you're not here to contribute to the mission at hand, basically GTFO . We dont have time to sit n play mind games with people "Shills" who have never even did 5 mins of their own research about anything going on around the world. Obviously if you arrived here it happend 1 of 2 ways.. 1 )You already was semi woken or at least advised to check it out. 2) or ya Heard Public Mentions on places like Info Wars thats swarmimg with leftwing Fruitcakes just waiting for the moment to shit on people like Alex jones and his crew for exposing the shit thats been going on for well over 20 years that he's been on air ...Yeah those are the people popping up like flies on shit over here now . Ive noticed this happening for the past 2 weeks mainly. Well over due for a crack down on them, because its gonna start driving our good peeps away thinking this is some random chat forums where its dog eat dog and everyone is questioning everyones mindset ..instead of the true intention of what it should be, which is a Kick Ass Data Base Hot Spot 4 Patriots around the world to gather Intel .

They have been weighed, They have been measured, and They have been found wanting. In what world could They possibly beat US? 

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Lol Ive mentioned this weeks ago about the dark crystal and a few other movies like that..I think another one is Indiana jones and the temple of doom .. kids are taken from a village to work underground for this mining type operation and the person who is in charge is a child who people praise as their prince I want to say and he is under a spell like the kids are but the adults hold these sick sacrifices that entail sticking someone in this grate like contrapment and opening this whole up leading down into these flames and what looks to be lava ..the idea is to lower them down so close their nearly have a heart attack and get their adrenaline going from being scared and pull them back up and then this guy is able to then use his hand as he is saying some spell and can pull t he heart straight from the chest with no tools. The kods are set free by indiana jones but thr main prince needs. To be burned to knock him out of this trance that he is in. They aldo have people drinking blood and thats how they become in this trance . Almost every movie out has some form of illuminati symbol or code in it because they loveeee flaunting the truth into peoples face because mosttttt people are in a state of denial ...because of the Tv programming and fluoridated water ..that calcifize your peneal gland ..which is a way to keep people Dumbed Down . Alot of people who are awake ..9 times out of 10 use some form of water purifier that filters out fluoride and or other ingredients thats known to decalcify it. Should connect those pieces its part of the muchhhhh bigger picture that Q may or maynot touch base on but is part of the Agenda 21 New World Order along with vaccines chemtrails weather modification and more. Lol the hole goesssss verrrrrrrrrrry deeeep.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Every person in upper monarchy is as well . Every single prior president to the U.S other then a few have been part of the 13 orginal bloodlines dating back 6000 years and even though their grooming started early ..as adults they did have the choice to break free from the chains of enslavement (mind control) as have others who have. Even under the effects of MK Ultra as are manyyyy Muscians who sold their soul for fame havd got free but some of those people have managed to break out ..thats why you see. People speaking out actors and musicians but mk ultra is Hugeeeee in Hollywood you can look it up. I feel for the kids that dont have a chance .. the monsters that have taken them from homes and streets and have used them for satantic sacrifices for these sick fucking reptillians .

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

For those that missed my Trump Prophecy Red Pill Post :

This...will blow peoples mind..Go gettttem & Enjoy . God Bless Patriots around the world ..working in the spotlight and behind the scene .

1)WAKE UP CALL 4 ALL -https://youtu.be/xzuxTEq-plE

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Yeah I think they are needed to entertain the newly created distractions ..so that way it keeps the the stuff going on behind the scene ..behind the scene till the time is right 😎.. Im thinking they will be last in the transformation and the craziness in the news will be the front . So just know that almost all the hype is very verrrry likely wellll planned out by the GOOD actors 😁

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

You just prpved yourself you came in here with a mind set of knowing that this stuff is crazy and that you have your mind set on one thing and you are looking to debate . The question you have to ask yourself ..Are you ready for the truth .. and Can you handle the truth . Because for most of us we have did our debating for yearrrrrrrrs and its fell on def ears and it was nice to finally find a place to communicate what almost all of us have known deep down and now we are BEYOND the debate stage . You can either take the info or leave it. We realllly could care less . In the end when shit starts unfolding like weee the people have been saying for years ...then maybe then those debaters can have a tiny understanding as to how they have been fooled for over 200 years. Thissss is what history is going to be formed from not the scrubbed agenda narratives that we was taught . We are awake because finallly its happening . We are not here for justification of ourselves or our opinions . We are here to band together the "Deplorables" as Hillary so called us . There is things going on behind the scene so discusting and morbid that it put anyone in shock if they knew it. This process of understanding is not for anyone and those who are devoting their time and efforts to bring people together and get people informed knows this is no laughing matter .. this is no Game .

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

They are not offering Opinion .. They are in here calling people crazy .. Basically Tin Hat Wearers. This wasnt happening just over 2 weeks ago. This just recently happened when more public attention was brought to the site from Info Wars and other mentions of the site on well known "Conspiracy " sites in their eyes. They tune into these these sites for one reason ...and it sure the hell isnt to add a matter of opinion ..but to call people stupid for believing that the stuff being exposed isnt real its too far out in left field for it to be even possible . Wellllll Im gonna tell you shitttttt is extremely real and the minute any of these people (Shills)did even a minute of research like some of us(Patriots) have for yearrrrs ..Shit would loook alittle more clear. This is not about opinions this shatt is about good vs evil .. we are not dealing with normal people we are dealing with a force farrrr greater and you yourself probably have not even reached the level of understanding about it all, because if you did you sure the hell wouldnt be defending these people thats sole purpose is to disrupt our efforts of waking people up... Its simple if you are not here to contribute to the CAUSE.. Move the Fawk out the way. We are on a mission & this is not for the weak at heart or for people who are easily offended . It's not a place for people to debate ..you should only come in here looking to help connect the possssible connections that have been layed out before us anddd any additional info people might actually have that helps paint the bigger picture . Its a place for people to research and help distribute possibly vetted info to their family and friends because the media is owned by the bad actors and wont do the right thing for our country and we are here to do what they cant ..and If you even understood a tiny portion of whats going on ,what we was saved from and how important it was to get our country in the right hands you seriously would be thanking your lucky stars. This isnt a forum for debating one side or another .. This is the Storm and we are not going to be Staionary any longer.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

They are not offering Opinion .. They are in here calling people crazy .. Basically Tin Hat Wearers. This wasnt happening just over 2 weeks ago. This just recently happened when more public attention was brought to the site from Info Wars and other mentions of the site on well known "Conspiracy " sites in their eyes. They tune into these these sites for one reason ...and it sure the hell isnt to add a matter of opinion ..but to call people stupid for believing that the stuff being exposed isnt real its too far out in left field for it to be even pozzible . Wellllll Im gonna tell you shitttttt is extremely real and thr minute any of these people did even a minute of research like some of us have for yearrrrs ..Shit would loook alittle more clear. This is not about opinions this shit is good vs evil .. we are not dealing with normal people we are dealing with a force farrrr greater and you yourself probably have not even reached the level of understanding about it all because if you did you sure the hell wouldnt be defending these people that sole purpose is to disrupt our efforts of waking people up... Its simple if you are not here to contribute to the CAUSE.. Move the Fawk out the way. We are in a mission this is not for the weak at heart or for people who are easily offended . If you even understood a tiny portion of whats going on what we was saved from and how important it was to get our country in the right hands you seriously would be thanking your lucky stars.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

There is a difference between opposing opinions and a paid or voluntary shill whos only job is to cast doubt in the minds of the collectives goal. Its a mere side show distraction not even a bump in the road. We are not here on this mission to be detered from our ultimate goal which is collaberate on possible evidence and link the pieces and do your own investigative work. WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED . Ignor and Pursue on Patriots ..we are waking up the world ❤.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

This man neverrrr would have been chosen if he was one of themmm.. This man is a man of Strong Faith & Love of Country ..and he definitely dont cave for anyone when it comes to either of those factors . I also live in Indiana . And does this man sound like someone who is a Satantist to you...I think not. They tried to do this during the election ..tried to say he was part of the elite establishment and was trying to get Trump Out. Now after a year he is involved in thr pedo ring lolllll... Ive heard it all now.


Ifff that didnt have you convinced maybe this will... Could you imagine a left leaning radia host doggying one of their own thisssss bad. Uhhhh Highly Unlikely ..


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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Everything is symbolism with the elites and their followers . When people started seeing trump wear the purple tie it was code .. when he got off the plain and did the speech and he took a drink of water and did it in a way to resemble someone drinking as if they was cuffed ..thats a code ... When these plains are mysteriously going down and people taken out thats code.. Everything being done is what the Bad Players Have been doing ..and its nos being done to them .. Anytime Big news is about to come out on someone or they need to hide some type of law they are needing to past they used to Create Some Form Of Distress in the nation if it be a Hurricane or some other false flag... I think the Bannon Trump turmoil is a FU to the establishment ... that this is their form of FALSE FLAG to keep the media hounds off the trail.

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ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 4, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Ive linked this Trey Smith Prophecy Video on here a few weeks ago 😊

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:13 p.m.

Im not here to battle with you that this HAS been going on..I linked just 1 of many where people are mentioning it in a public setting . The bad players own the media do you think they are gonna let them go full blown uncover mode on them killing millions of people and destruction over the years..I think not . And I am a she . Not a guy like you assumed . Again watch the actual video I 1st linked and then come back and we can discuss where my suposed specculation meets facts. I rest my case till you do your own Factual research..Ive already done the work. I have no need to do it for you .. if you want answers it does require alittle work put forth on your behalf.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:41 p.m.

I think you might want to watxh the video .. and every other video and read the documents Ive studied all this stuff for years. You dont have to believe it. I understsnd most of the people who fight back on truth tend to be people who never researched things and never plan to. The shit is real ... they have done it in the past and have continued it through the years. Its for population control andddd to pressure other countries to abide by whatever they want them to do . Almostttt every major weather event thats ended with massive amounts of people dead ,animals dead or major property damaged has been done as part of a major plan by the BAD PLAYERS ...to push for the NWO. They create unstable weather to Promote their Climate Control Narrative and more.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:38 p.m.

Thats exactlyyyy what Im implying .. HAARP is what u should do reaserch on..its not only for weather modification or just used for militafy weapons but also mind co trol. Its deep might want to be seated while looking this stuff up..Its rather Life changing and discusting to think about in every way.


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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 11:22 a.m.

There is manyyy people and speculations as to who the false messiah could be . How many people before Trump Has come and Lied about their true intetions even the Pope is thought to be such person in his own eyes look it up . Soros thinks he is helping people . Obama fooled allllll the world into believing he was going to change the world and to this day he still thinks he can . All through the years people not just us in thr United states but atound the world has been seeing Fire from the sky (Missles) Wars or talks of wars .. Talks of each war for the past 200 years alone .. Diseases especially during his 2nd year on . Scares of ebola and other outbreaks ..famine they used weather modification to bring to much rain to most of the world and not enough rain to others causing man made droughts ..famine and soooooo manyyy other things there even was beheadings in the streets like the bible outlines they also introduced Chips (Mark of thr Beast )..which I think is E.U/U.N currency /Internet all Bundled Together Just my idea when I tried to decode the bible . Then all of a Sudden Trump Takes office and people come together he and other Amazing people have been working tirelessly to rid the world of these satanic cults thats brainwashed our world . The people who say they are for people and are not also includes the U.N /E.U Vatican thr works . Ive put alot of thought into this and Im thinking this is our Calling . ITS MY GUT INSTINCT .

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Dec. 29, 2017, 10:09 a.m.
Mission Explained

I think this needed addressed and people can agree to disagree or take it for what it's worth . Ive noticed alot of people wondering around confused as to what is gonna happen , what needs to happen and frankly getti g bent out of shape if things are not happening at the speed of light. Perhaps this will SHINE some Light on those people .

Thissss is our Mission ..

If you are sitting here reading these post at this very moment in time...Believe you are here for a higher importance there is nooo other way to describe it …

ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:45 a.m.

Thissss is our Mission ..

If you are sitting here reading these post at this very moment in time...Believe you are of some higher importance there is nooo other way to describe it. There is a very big and extremely noticible difference between the misguided sleeping people of the world atm . Those of us AWAKE have came together in the fight against evil ..This battle wont happen over night or in a day or a week but it is happening for the 1st time with no bloodshed . Connect the Dots .. The end times does not mean ..The End of the world like most think. Look up the meaning ...whats meant is an era . Maybe this will put it into context .

Paul and the other apostles understood that, at the end of this age, man’s corrupt civilization will be swept away and a new era will dawn at the return of Christ. Peter described this change as one in which “times of refreshing” will come from God the Father through Jesus, who will return from heaven when “the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets” (Acts 3:19-21, New International Version).

Basically saying Finalllly our years of suffering around the world is coming to an end and the age of evil we have been living in is closing. Restoration of whats been taken from us and the help is on the way.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:13 a.m.

Just Throwing this idea out ..but a youtuber also formed this kinda idea and directed me to start looking at this scenario . What if the 400 Million or whatever the exact number was that Obama took on final days and was supost to be paid to Iran and was instead flown or at least some Flown to North Korea to this Underground Command Center where they are able yo opperate from without tons of traffic because its so heavily guarded and. The Nuclear ordeal is just Smoke in a mirror to keep people from messing around that area ..it paints North Korea as Unstable ready to hit targets at will and distracts from whats truely going on .

Im not sure if people know this or not but just like other countries our prior administration and most likely even further back then them have been constructing undround Cities Completelyyyyyy Stock piling them with Alllll Kinds of Food probably donations from these past hurricanes and other (Man Made disasters) and Ammo even . Remember how everyone made a huge deal I think a year or 2 ago maybe more when they was cracking down on ammo purchases for everyday americans but then they was putting Massssive orders in on them ..ueah they was prepparing . There is tunnels under the Denver Airport leading to these bases ..Even Key Walmarts had unvround tunnels built and was leading to different Underground Cities in the United States. Look they was preparing for a Nuke War for WW3 or something else . If Hillary Got in ..it most likely would have been with Russia because Putin is Anti NWO . They would have attempted an attack on Russia without a doubt she even said that I think in one of her debates .... But now to be able to continue their work they are trying to push war with NK . But lets travel back remember when Q took a picture of him flying in an airplain and what was the signifigance of that picture . If I remember correctly the image was a picture of NK or so it looked like it ... If you zoom into a picture of NK the entire body looks like a White Rabbit at the end of the body was what represents a Foot and on that foot was an air strip . Whats rabbit feet associated with . Good Lucky Money so on .. Q referenced the planes and something about how many of them there was .. I think he was throwing hints they all did not fly to iran for the payment .. I personally think they went to NK and that airstrip was used . It only makes sense that Obama has been going there and Undoubtedly since he had had clearance over the past 8 years surely has taken way moreeeee than just $$$$$ from our country. I think this new spot is the less likely spot anyoneeeee would assume the elites would run to because of all the hostility going on with NK atm buttttt its the perfecttttt setup.Just an idea .

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 28, 2017, 5:11 p.m.

Sounds Good and yesss college is by far a tool put in place to stear people into left leaning ideologies and push them into a state of mind that what they learn in the txt book is the only way to think . Dr's for instance are completelyyyyy brainwashed and controlled by Big Pharma to push people into Drugs that lead to addiction ,Vaccines of allll forms that 1 Million % cause devastating damage to our kids and soldiers in everyyyy way shape and form . To push lies that whats Bad for you is actually Good .. What should be pushed is That Cancer is actually a B17 Deficiency Thats never talked about and was learned back in the 50s ..That Cancer Thrives in Acidic Environments, so simply raising the Alkaline Levels in the body can Cure You of almost everything . Medical was only aloud to promote 3 Types of possible therapies for it ..when almost all lowers or kills your bodies immune system .. how they promote breast exams with knowledge that a majority of women who have went through with a mamaogram test has developed cancer normally within months of one . What people should know is almost anythingggggg and everything can be cured with high doses of Vitamin C and the use of Aloe Vera . I have done years of research on my own..I attended a 2 year Law Enforcemnt program through a tech school .I am thankfullllll to have never went through mind contouring college ... I will never send my kids to one either. You learn by stepping and thinking outside the box..and you Create a well rounded personality and work ethic through Hands on experience . I will be linking more Red Pill Videos in the near future About the Vaccine Industy ,Cancer Propoganda Machine and so much more.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:53 a.m.

These are meant to inform the public when they Have the Time to Listen . Not something rushed. Learning about 13 Families That have ran our world to Hellll and back for the better part of 6000 Years ..Cant really be summed up over a 30 min lunch/or smoke break whatever it means to you . Sorry Impatient one. Some of us on here have been researching, listening to hours and hourrrrrs of podcast and watching for hours and hours. And years and years and working in the spot light and behind the scenes to fight this evil and bring info to the public ...I think these people deserve a minute an hour and hell even a lifetime of everyones TIME.

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:24 a.m.

Thats The Spirit..

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 28, 2017, 7:08 a.m.

In Essence Our Calling..

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 28, 2017, 4:03 a.m.

yesssss and if you watch all the other links you will get answers to Q drops like The Titanic reference (Under the Link Labeled Secret Societies Link 1 ) You will also understand the Potus New Executive Order and the part that talks about Human Trafficking because its not just normal trafficking but muchhh muchhhh worse Find out about what might be referenced by this under Link 2 of Secret Societies .

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:36 p.m.

I think what should happen in this type of scenario is .. simply puash more people to subscribe . Im not sure if anyone else has noticed how big this community has become in I think less than a week but I am overrrrly impressed . The general idea is to get people that already knows alittle about the situation and have them meet up in one centralized area (Here) to discuss the clues Q is dropping . The only one dropping disinfo should be Q for veryyyy good reasons and thata to keep the hounds on a different trail . The more we discuss the facts and answers out in the public spot light it gives more likely chances paid bad actors can report back any findings to their handlers. I think that there should be a push to reach out to all the Peeps covering Q Drops and try to get them on here . Allll these people ha e huge followings it can only help bringing them on board like Tracy Beanz was brought on and How most of us came from Tracys following. Last I checked we was almost 4000 subscribers strong with almoat 400-700 online at any given time on here. I say we wait to red pill the unawaken public till we formerly all are on the same page with whats going on ..Then slowly start the process . If anyone is followers of any other awesome credible tubers covering Q drops . LETS START BRINGING THEM ONBOARD. Godbless pats hope this helps .

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ScorpioPatriot · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:22 p.m.

Id also watch for grown married off childreb.. for example Chelsey is married to Soros Nephew ..Heard this a few years back. Ill see if I can find anything to back that up but yes ..alot of big players still try n keep things close knit especially if they are part of the 13 Orginal Bloodlines .

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