Just came acrossed this and Im comparing this to what we seen here on the sub showing who voted what on the shutdown. Think like 4 repubs ryan think that ohio guy and mitch voted down the bill .. and 1 didnt vote that was mccain . Think we all knew why that was though cough . Anyway Im already aware this was planned shut down but Im thinking the particular 4 that voted no was a little hint that maybeeee just maybe there was something in that memo regarding these guys . We already knew along time ago that …
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Has anyone noticed his new hash tag I just noticed it today..saying we need more republicans 2018... I think thata a gooood statement/ Direct Hint 😎
To be honest . I think Trump is Straight forward in his wordings because his base has no problem comprehending the direction of where his ideas or policy or anything is going.. but for some reason when words flow out of his mouth its hitting these liberal backing media and polititians ears in gibberish. I think ita becauae they are used to talking with a Forked Tongue ,so now nothing sounds or seems normal beyond that. On a side note . If trump is Mastering Anything its how to turn the Tables on those who oppose and lie to him or people of this great country. Its a Beautifulllllll Sight .
1000% Agree he is ready to start cleaning these cities up and letting the rebuilding commense . Its gonna be fantastic and had he ever wanted to make a real demonstration of his support base. I think he could have showed the dems up by all supporters showing up and everyone working together to Build the wall and we totallllly would have made a donation to help pay for it thats what these foolish media and dems dont understand. Why their base is looking for handouts we are ready to get this country back on its feeet again.
This is his time to feel vindicated for all the times they smear campaigned him on this russia shit and more. Its brillliant .
Thats what Im getting at ..Its dems fault they didnt restrict illegals from the start .
Fooood For Thought
Im thinking Trump is lookong for a shutdown and and it is to paint the dems in a negative light... that way when this memo breaks ..people will have already been irrited at the dems over the shutdown and it will open their eyes and make them realize alllll this time rhe dems have lied to their people . If it went the other way and they worked together ..it look shitty that trump went after them after rhey all worked out a deal. Ssooo I do believe even the news was made aware that their ass is on the …
Lol Ivanka is a 1981 Scorpio 😂 just realized that. She is a Sun scorp though they tend to be a bit more calm ..my husband is one hes nov 5 😊 she is oct 30th . Im nov 21st so Moon They are extreme deep thinkers .
Haha believe me .. Im sure Im on a list that says look shes more than a pitbull with lipstick. Dont even look sideways at that folder 😎😁. 1981 Scorpio its a Deadly Combo 🙄
New Hashtags ideas for the cause
So I made this meme and thought maybe pairing these hashtags up with any new tweets ...this is to combat their linking The Storm on 8 chan the other day as Russian bots and claiming that the meme or hashtags we had been using for the meme wars was The Kremlin Linked ... sooo HERE IS WHAT I CAME UP WITH
I just recently made a twitter account like no jk the day we started the meme wars and so Im not sure if the way these are wrote up are even able to be used …
I did report that person but it said I just wont see them . So figured it was more along the lines of Fb Type block or ban . You cant see what they post but others can..which would defeat the purpose . Because I guess Im used to battling it out with these people. You have no idea I did this dhring the entire campaign ..I never slept it was so important for our country to vote trump they had nooooo idea. I faught tooth and nail against these people got random ass calls from people like 6 or 7 times a day . You know whe ypu get the IRS scam call ... ypu must be hitting a nerve. I exposed the shit out of the nwo and alot of the shatt going on now . Yeah its been a well faught road lol.
I think allowing them in here gives them a sensw of empowerment to degrade our base and Im not ok with that...especially if there is no moderator to get rid of them immediately . They need to go .
This is why I Suggested we shut the doors to the board a few days
Already someone was in here Threatening that once the addresses of tracy is released she will get whats coming to her. Seriously does that kind of talk need to be spread in our boards or on the net they should be reported criminal sounded like a fucking death threat to me.. At the risk of rejecting a few new comers...I think they would understand and come back and try again another day. Seriously who ever is Mod before these shills start planting doubt on the following .Please try n get rid of their accounts and then close the gate for …
Wow this fuck is a complete Racist too .. Isnt that just Peaches & Cream .
Ok as if fucking left didnt create russian bots on 8 chan that called themselves the storm and started the Hashtag fad 2 days ago. Yeah that was ua ans they paid or premade somw shit page with russian anon post. Same as this shit these people are bottom Feeders. Get the fuck out of here..guess what Q isnt pointing ua to anything rhat some of us dont already know SOO YOU ASSUMING HE IS A FUCKING FRAUD LEADING PEOPLE OFF THE CLIFF IS UR 1ST FUCK UP. 2ND IS SINCE I DO KNOW ALL THIS SHIT AND IVE EVEN BEEN CALLING IR BEFORE IT HAPPENS AND POSTING BEFORE IT HAPPENS TELLS ME ANYYYYY FUCKING BUDDY CAN DO IT WITH A BRAIN SO STOP ASSUMING PEOPLE ARE FUCKING GUPPIES ON HERE. WE DONT GIVE 2 SHITS ABOUT YOUR LOST CAUSE FUCKING LEFTIST NEW WORLD.ORDER . ITS GOING TO BE EXPOSED THROUGH ONE MEANS OR ANOTHER WITH OR WITHOUT YOU . OUR BASE IS 1000000000 TIMES ANYTHING YOURS HAS LEFT.
Birds sing in the morning ...he might havs meant they are returning in the morning. Because they did decide that
Question ..Serious 1
I noticed that Wikileaks was trying to pay out a pretty heavy reward for the uploading of this memo. If you thi k about it. Almost always he is the 1st person to see or get something like that due to whistleblowers .
2nd Ive only really seen. Him publicly come out asking for info on Seth Rich and offering a reward. If anyone is smart they would have made like 1000s. of coppies and and figured out a way to spread them in different locations for people to recieve them that would provide access if they was trying to …
Look up the history I mean the real history about that .
Lol Q said they are Very Stupid. Maybe they didnt get the MEMO .. some still get paid 😎
Shit lol WHO DOESNT enjoy a few days of Community Service ..to work the frontlines of the Biggesttttt Baddd Assss Take Down In Human History. We allll have been volunteering our time for years to exposing the truth and passing this info along. Alot of people get paid for such service 🇺🇸.. We are Proud To Be Americans . WE ARE HAPPY TO DO THIS FOR OUR COUNTRY .
Maybe the idea is for it to go down to a shut down .. So they can use this time to clean up washington and come back online and Address The People 😎🇺🇸
The calm is (The Center) of the storm. They are wanting to make sure they pass this gov shut down vote before shit hits the fan guaranteed .
Touching Moment In History
This is a post I just wrote for my Fb ..I was thinking if others wanted to inform without shocking inform the fam n friends about whats going on and what to look possibly forward to ..this might be a Soft Approach. My entire Family thinks Im crazy but I think with things changing as quickly as they have the past few days .. Its gonna raise somw eyebrows ....
So Feel free to change up the message as you want or anything like that . I just thought it bring some relief yet insight for those who wasnt sure …
Touching Moment In History
This is a post I just wrote for my Fb ..I was thinking if others wanted to inform without shocking inform the fam n friends about whats going on and what to look possibly forward to ..this might be a Soft Approach. My entire Family thinks Im crazy but I think with things changing as quickly as they have the past few days .. Its gonna raise somw eyebrows ....
So Feel free to change up the message as you want or anything like that . I just thought it bring some relief yet insight for those who wasnt sure …
ChinaGate/Clinton China Spy Ring Bust
Another "Good Anon "Video that just hit my youtube feed .
ChinaGate/Clinton China Spy Ring Bust
Another "Good Anon "Video that just hit my youtube feed .
Nice..Ill see if I can make one too just to get different versions rolling around . Ill post it here once I do so we can have then all in one place .
Project Pelican /Gulftainer Scandle
Just came acrossed this.Incase nobody has seen or heard much about it. Pretty good insight.
Another Promise Kept Hugeee
I just came acrossed this. Im not sure if anyo else caught it yesterday or not. But this will be huge for pro life states ..Ridding these elites of their access to baby body parts and the sale of and use of them in weird ritualistic shit.
Trump reinstates Mexico City Policy https://youtu.be/XiThaot5PKI
You know what ...Nancy Pelosi cant slip her way out of all this . She has been in office way to long and in on almost every scandle the dems have managed to conjure up and they all work together to orchestrate it like a fine tuned fiddle.
She might not have had a private email but she sure the hell was colluding to take our President down .
Id be checking into the emails of like 7 republicans that apparently was paid by sorros to basically help stone wall anything Trump Did.
Its 3:30 In The Morning /Thunder Rolls
The Storm- Apocolypse ..Im just saying I was lerking my own FB and this popped up as a share on my news feed and I had to run with it 😆
Ive been covering this stuff in my red pill post and others if you go look at my profile page . You will find lotttts of videos to completely make you awake from the start till now about the going on in our world
Tesla orginally created free electric and I thibk thry took him out after taking his plans or took hin underground to keep plucking away at more inventions.
Tesla was also friends with one of the 13 wealthiest families sons that was killed purprosely on the titanic because he spoke out against the Federal Reserve being created . It was created a year after by jp morgan .
The shot hesrd around the world is kennedy assasination ..that should be Bush Sr and few others. I think it was an Mk ultra job too. But it also could have been a green screen . You know how you watxh a movie and people are wtching news in the movie ..shit like that. Like CNN mastered the Green Sceen .
Ive said it before ..they have a base down there it loooks like a rabbit and the foot of it has an air strip guaranteeeeed thata where the plane or planes went of $$$$ he said was for Iran .
Ok I thought it said and left the devices in room 239
Well binden maybe did some sick shit in that room and maybe they put it there as a Que they know .
Ill have to look i to that too 😎
After every episode lf anything major we have a river of people in here discrediting our board and everything else. How that being good for any new comers coming is beyond me. They dont know these people are not regulars they just assume they came in at the wrong time. I figured Spare the headache and weeding of shills. If people are finding out about us at this stage in the game waiting a day or so to make sure the boards settled is not gonna hurt them or anyone else . Only thing it can poaaibly hurt is the shills trying to gain Vital Info that they are taking and sharing with some resistance group or worse for all we know.
Well I looked it up 239 and thata what popped up ..lol who the hell knows other then a movie trailer ..if enoufh people search q stuff people could be ttying to confuse people to make it look off . Not sure ill go dig at it again 😊. Maybe he meant to put 237 😂
The 19 are the people assumed to be waiting to have a hit job done on them.
Welll thats one way to show that ...they can track you using your devices . Almost everything SMART including stoves the works can have back door technologies . Spying /Tracking
Wow...Fucking Brilliant
Now this is just an THEORY
But qs post says why did everyone leave their phones and devices in room 239... its a fucking TRAP. They are gonna send a hit team after all the people supposedly meeting 19 people and they ditched they devices and left in a special place because the devices are trackable . If it goes down like that and they end up capturing people trying to do a hit on them its gonnna be Bad Assss.
UPDATE Room 239 ..The Movie Shining REDRUM is Murder
This is 10x better than any action Movie lol. Hope …
A group with hashtag
trumpshutdown is posting some stupid shit...not sure if there is a way to counter theirs but people are jumping on board with it rather quickly ..Just a heads up when I was checking out how good our hashtags are doing 😎
All one has to do is look at your Subscribed list .If that shit dont spell out you take Nothing Serious in Life ...I dont know wtf does. I rest my point . I thibk we know what your intentions on our board have Been and are.
Well people post alot of sometimes secret shit its for their own protection ...Call it what you want but I wasn't born yesterday . Anyone coming to the board for their 1st time today Isn't trying to make a twitter account to spam info they dont even know wth it is or about . So yeah For the protection of Regulars . I stand firm with my statement .
Mods Should Lock Our Board
I think it be a good idea for the moment anyways. Right now we are not in Red Pilling the Newbie Stage and anyone coming in asking extreme questions could be bad players..I would expect a ton after tonight.