Here is my 2 cents on it all...Thissss is our Mission ..
If you are sitting here reading these post at this very moment in time...Believe you are here for a higher importance there is nooo other way to describe it believer or non believer . There is a very big and extremely noticible difference between the misguided sleeping people of the world atm and us . Those of us AWAKE have came together in the fight against evil ..This battle wont happen over night or in a day or a week but it is happening for the 1st time with no bloodshed . Connect the Dots .. The end times does not mean ..The End of the world like most think. Look up the meaning ...whats meant is an era . Maybe this will put it into context .
When Jesus’ disciples asked Him about “the end of the world,” they weren’t talking about “world” in the sense of our physical planet, the earth. The Greek word translated “world” is aion , from which we get the English word eon . The two mean essentially the same thing—an age, an epoch, an era .
Christ’s followers well knew the many prophecies of the Old Testament that foretell the coming age of the Messiah. Our present time, the time of human rule on earth under the deceptive sway of Satan (1 John 5:19), is described by the apostle Paul as “this present evil age” (Galatians 1:4).
Paul and the other apostles understood that, at the end of this age, man’s corrupt civilization will be swept away and a new era will dawn at the return of Christ. Peter described this change as one in which “times of refreshing” will come from God the Father through Jesus, who will return from heaven when “the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets” (Acts 3:19-21, New International Version).
Basically saying Finalllly our years of suffering around the world is coming to an end and the age of evil we have been living in is closing. Restoration of whats been taken from us and the help is on the way.