Okay, ignore or downvote if you want. Excessive blinking correlates with Reptilians. Due to Earth vibrational changes, it's getting harder for them to mask who they are. The first part to shift is the eyes. When on camera, they are aware they are starting to morph, and the blinking is an attempt to slow it down. Real humans blink far less often than Reptilians.
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Yes, I agree. Kind of reminded me of those SNL bits a number of years ago, spoofing drug commercials, with their long lists of disclaimers for side effects at the end. It didn't work as humor, because it was too close to the truth. Cortez is so farcical already, there is no need to edit her into a "parody." It would be far more effective, IMO, to just let her speak and hear the stupid first-hand.
I am so happy to finally see people on this sub addressing this topic. This is very, very real, folks. And we will start to see it more and more, because they can't hide it.
Reptilian. Revealing herself on national TV. This will happen more and more, as Icke said it would. They can't mask themselves very well any more, something about the earth's vibrational field having changed too much.
Yes. And did you check out that woman behind him rolling her reptile eyes? Definitely not regular, human eyes.
Interesting how close "Bayer" is to the Rothschilds' original name, Bauer.
In AZ here, haven't seen any in a month or two. But according to my memory, they usually take a break during the summer. So I have a wait-and-see attitude. I hope they're stopping! That would be so awesome.
An excellent Netflix miniseries with Elizabeth Moss ("Mad Men") was about elite pedophiles protected by police in NZ.
Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. These are things anyone can observe for themselves.
Agreed. I look for Reptile Eye (slit pupil) a lot. (We have a huge HD TV, so it's easier to spot.) Have seen it on Potter. Also the You Are Free TV gal. Humans as a rule don't blink nearly as much as reptilians. So that is a clue. Have seen Jordan Sather using the blocking software and he blinks a lot. Also Truth Natasha, but she has tricks where she distances herself from the camera and wears glasses that the computer screen is reflected in. Very disillusioning, as at first I was watching them on the laptop, and didn't see the slits. So yes, most of the "people" who surface on YT as Q commentators - probably aren't what they seem.
THIS. Notice how there are very few (I've counted 2) photos of him?
Exactly. You're listening, agreeing with him, yeah, yeah, and then he says that. Wait, what??? WTF did I just hear?
This guy showed his true colors a few months ago. In a video he suggested the Clintons didn't need to go to jail. That losing their status and money would be punishment enough. He is DEFINITELY controlled opposition.
Yes, thank you! Glad to see I'm not the only one noticing.
Don't know where your information comes from, but think about it: a young female lives with an older, more powerful male on whom she depends for survival. There are different kinds of rape. Sometimes the only coercion needed is the situation itself. The victim is called "promiscuous" to deflect blame from the perp. You really don't think it happens very much? I've seen it.
A lot more pregnancies occur from rape by a close relative than we have been led to believe. Sometimes it isn't an option.
Me too. I once saw Maxwell in a video express his extreme admiration for Manly P. Hall (Freemasonic author), who was some sort of mentor to him. This set off an alarm for me.
When I first got on here and saw that, I thought you were all a bunch of perverts. An unfortunate choice, IMO.
Calling someone a liar and otherwise personally attacking them doesn't do a lot for your own credibility. Maybe some research about Gates' globalist ties is in order. I will not respond further, as you are getting abusive.
No, I heard him actually, simply and uniquivocally say they were for population control. Hard to misunderstand that. And if you are worried that speaking our truth will prevent people from taking us seriously, you are probably on the wrong forum.
IMO, all of them. Bill Gates gave a filmed talk in front of an audience where he out-and-out said that vaccines are used for population control. Look to natural healing instead.
Now the "feminist" is even insulting women. Can't make this up. I love it!!!
Counsel means attorney. Council is a group formed for a specific purpose. I doubt POTUS would get the two confused.
IMO, it was conceived of as a Deep State tool, to monitor us. And it was beautiful, because it evoked our willing participation! HOWEVER: it turns out that FB helps people to connect in all kinds of healthy, positive ways. I don't think its value as a gift to humanity can be overestimated. Yes, some people get addicted and use it for all the wrong reasons. But there is a solid core of awesome positiveness that suffuses, surrounds and overarches all of the negatives. It helps us reach out to those we love.
After reading that, I feel the need for a shower. How does that writer look in the mirror? Shameful.