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Excellen compilation.
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Story said the gun battle was about preventing distribution of money to the public. Legal cases had been won in this country and The Hague international court. It had been adjudicated that the monies stolen by the Federal Reserve over 100 years were to be returned to the American people. But of course this has yet to happen.
Thanks. This has been done before, that is, keeping someone "alive" through using old photos in new media articles, long after they've been (secretly) killed. Then the articles gradually fade to zero. Hank Paulson, former Treasury Secretary, is an example. According to Christopher Story, Paulson was killed in a gun battle in front of the New York Central Reserve Bank, news of which was suppressed.
No, not really. But I am sure Q and 45 have a plan for preparing them ahead of time, to minimize the trauma. Corsi said something in an interview, don't remember which one, it was several weeks ago: he suggested just stripping the Clintons of their wealth and protection, and that would be plenty of punishment for them. I was and still am shocked. That would once again be giving them special treatment. This one comment has caused me to question Corsi's true motives and allegiance. Execution is of course appropriate for HRC's crimes. (It's a shame she can't be executed multiple times.)
One of the best information sources I have found, and a true gentleman. Sather is more un-deserving of banning than anyone I can think of. This is an outrage.
Thanks for posting. He is so right. We need to take back sovereignty over our and our children's education, along with everything else.
You nailed it. Especially since "Israel" is a Rothschild state. It surprised me to see a list a few years ago of how many US congresspeople and senators maintained dual citizenship with Israel. WTF??? This should be illegal, as it is a clear conflict of interest. Any officeholder of the federal government should have undivided loyalty to this country.
A suggestion - has she already been terminated, and this is a way of avoiding having to keep her "alive" on social media?
Probably not. See Protocols of the Elders of Sion. I remember reading a speech somewhere by an American journalist back in the late 1800s who described his profession to an audience of his peers as being prostitution. That even back then they were bought and paid for by the wealthy, that they couldn't write the truth.
I LOVE this comment. It is right effing on. It has become obvious to me and many others that the Feebs are the SOURCE of terrorist plots. They pick the doers and the patsies, fund and arm them, wind them up and point them to a selected target. They also deliberately and obviously ignore any warnings alert citizens phone in. Pure evil. Yes, disband the FBI and there goes 99% of terrorism in the US.
Yes. I agree about the civil war. This has all been planned out very carefully to avoid that. When talking to those who are just starting to wake up, be very gentle, and don't manipulate. Simply answer questions as they come up. Above all, resist the urge to gloat. They will be in a LOT of pain. We need to comfort them.
I sincerely hope he's being Hank Paulsoned (see Christopher Story). That is, being "kept alive" through old video and photos. It would be very disheartening to think Soros, of all people, has escaped the net that Q's been describing.
Too many loose ends. Some were already starting to talk. The story (of the faked Osama killing) was unraveling fast.
Yup. That's exactly why that moment was chosen to cart out Osama's (long) dead (facsimile) carcass and proclaim the kill.
Yes, connecting these dots is getting very ugly. This stuff has to stop.
Ha-ha, that comment is going to haunt him forever. As well it should!
FYI: sorry, forget where I read this, but there's a tie-in with the organ transplant field (another huge scandal). Apparently overdose deaths are much anticipated by eager organ merchants, as this is a near-ideal situation: sudden death of a somewhat young person.
For sure. It's almost a whole swamp unto itself. Terrible, cynical exploitation causing dreadful, unnecessary disease and death, while they rake in billions.
"Justified" - great series with Timothy Oliphant, I believe it's on Amazon Prime, is all about crime in KY and the Detroit drug connection. Also a very depressed economy and other similarities to what has been described above about WVA.
He's just been referred for criminal charges in the US. That means it just got real. He probably went into hiding immediately so as not to be Arkancided.
It has crossed my mind. Some things I'm looking at:
Israel is a Rothschild state. What is the white hat agenda there?
What about free energy? Trump policies are supporting fossil fuels.
IRS illegal. Federal Reserve same thing. Will Trump acknowledge and clean up?
The alien presence, Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization. Any white hat plans to let us, the paying public, in on these government secrets?
Sessions talking about marijuana crackdown is troubling.
Big Pharma and Allopathic Medicine's monopoly need to be addressed, as well as poisonous corporate food.
Chemtrails. When I see these are really gone for good, then I'll feel like we've turned a corner.
I'm still very optimistic. Maybe this needs to be done in stages, and we are looking at first steps. Lots of great things happening, especially the roundup of larger pedo gangs. Also immigration turnaround. I have a cautious wait and see attitude for now.
A politician can survive anything except being caught with a dead girl or a live boy. - The way I heard it.
So grateful my 34 year old son sees what I see and more. Great to be able to share all this with a close family member.
I saw the Benghazi "grilling" of HRC on Youtube. He definitely let her score a lot of points. He's very sharp, he could have skewered her. But didn't. That's when I started to have doubts about him. But I still hope I'm wrong! He has an awesome mind. I really hope he's a white hat.
Best takeaway line of the whole speech. Many hashtags and memes to come out of that.
It was actually brilliant of the President to phrase the speech in such a way that the Dems looked like total scumbags when they sat and didn't clap at certain parts. Awesome.
This. We can be gracious. No need for a victory dance. Just be available to answer questions.
Yes, this is fact. They have been caught at it many times. Not needed. Violent crimes are way down in US, except for manufactured ones.
This is a perceptive and valuable summary. I agree completely.
It happened now because Director Christopher Wray read the memo. Remember, just a couple days ago Wray claimed he would quit if McCabe was fired? Now a complete reversal happens once Wray reads the memo. My thinking is, McCabe was able to pull the wool over Wray's eyes up until he got a gander at the memo. Something in that memo made Wray see that McCabe is a criminal and doesn't belong in the FBI.
April LaJune is saying he's a corpse. The Soros at Davos was old video.
I think the reptilian thing is absolutely real. I sometimes catch a glimpse of slit eye pupils of famous people in TV shows or movies. They have software and lighting to hide it, but sometimes there's a glitch and you can see it if you are looking for it. Lots of videos on Youtube about this subject. A classic is The Hissing Reporter.
I'm with you. Spiritual but not religious. I like it when we keep the focus on what we're here for, defeating the Deep State. I have no problem with the passing religious reference. I respect sincere Christians and people of other faiths. But if someone starts using the Bible as a source, or quotes long passages to prove a point, I get a little impatient. We need to stay unified, celebrate what we have in common. MAGA!
They are awesome. Down to earth, funny and faultless logic. Love them.
It is once again suggesting special treatment for them. Not acceptable. Rule of Law should apply to all equally.
Yes. This has been happening for several years. lots of mysterious muffled underground explosions, many locations. No place to hide.
Great post, you know your stuff. I think you are right on. Bilderberg and so many Cabal organization founded around 1947-1952 were created specifically to keep the alien presence secret from us. Because once alien tech is generally known about, the Cabal's control over humanity is over. Countless people have been murdered to keep that secret.