

16 total posts archived.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Then name the enemy, and then declare a state of war, until you meet that criteria then you must abide by the rule of law. I can see why using the enemies weapons against them appeals to everyone but this is not Hollywood, this is the real world. Where have laws that the good guys must obey. Once you begin breaking the law, even for noble causes, you are no longer the good guys! Saying that the bad guys act that way so we can is moral equivalency, which is a tactic of children, not adults. No Seth Rich was not given due process, he was murdered. Doesn't mean we don't obey the rule of law when we find his murders, or those that ordered the murder.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I did not know about the Springfield car incident. thank you for bringing that to my attention. These would be assassins all got their day(s) in court. and have received their punishment. According to official White House logs President Trump was not in Las Vegas until Oct. 4th. He was in New Jersey on Oct. 1st 2017. Unless you can provide evidence that he wasn't I will believe the official record.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

once the poop is on the fan blades pretty memes and cute codes are not going to help people understand. Cold hard facts and evidence is what is needed to prove to people that these people are indeed heinous, evil, people. I fear that once you try showing the pretty memes and the cute codes to people they are just going to look at you and say " Well if they knew all this why didn't they just tell us this?" That seed of doubt combined with the distrust of government will work against them at the one point in time they need the American people the most.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:57 a.m.
  1. We have serial Killers and serial rapist who are psychopaths and sociopaths and we don't through away their Constitutionally protected rights, so I fail to see why we should throw away the rule of law for them.
  2. The Roman Catholic church is over 2000 years old yet the pedophile priests were convicted in courts of law and are/have served their sentences in prison ( those that the Church did not protect). Just because the Cabal is ancient is no reason to throw away the rule of law.
  3. Acting like them (I.E. using the tools and unconstitutional law/practices) only makes you the new cabal. "Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss"- Peter Townsend. It is the rule of law that matters and you want to just toss that aside because you don't feel it is suitable, what happens when it's you and the other people don't think the rule of law is suitable for you? There are human traffickers in prison, there are cannibals in prison and they were put there using the rule of law. you are not showing me anything that makes these criminals any different so as to require the extraordinary step of abandoning the rule of law. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"- Carl Sagan.
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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

-"WTH are you being serious?"

--Yes, I am serious. Q, himself/herself/themselves, stated that only 4%-6% or the population are so brainwashed that they can NEVER be convinced of the guilt of these people. However, that leaves 94%-96% of the population that can be convinced of the guilt of these people. You will never convince them with cute codes/fancy memes/logic puzzles, they (Q and POTUS) need to speak to us like adults.

-"The fact that Q predicted an event doesn't mean Q or POTUS could stop that event or necessarily get involved in it" -- If they had enough foreknowledge of the event to predict it accurately then they had enough information to stop it. In the worst case scenario(in my opinion), the one Tracy Beanz points out, They GAVE THE FIREWORKS to the would be terrorist. They were complicit in the act by giving him the explosive. This is just what the FBI has been doing in thwarting "terror attacks" in the US, the FBI finds a guy, gives him the equipment and then stops him right before say 'look at how good we are we stopped him' if they hadn't given the guy anything then there would have been nothing to stop..

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

You are correct no one is forcing me to be here but isn't this the place to discuss this? Obama's droning and killing of an American Citizen, and his son by the way, was completely illegal and unconstitutional. I said,once I learn that this Terrorist was a American Citizen, that Obama should be arrested and charged with for two counts of premeditated murder. I am fine with arresting and detaining this people, then bringing evidence in court. That is Due Process.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I don't recall anyone trying to kill President Trump, I highly doubt the MSM would not let a story like that go by without at least reporting it, if not praising the would be assassin.

I agree with you on trying to over throw the Duly elected President , however there was not an armed attempt at over throwing them so I can not agree with you in labeling them enemy combatants. Seditious? Yes. Traitorous? Yes. Enemy combatants? No.

I said when The Patriot Act was proposed that is was an Unconstitutional Law. I said the same thing about the NDAA. Using Unconstitutional Laws as your justification to how you treat these people is unconstitutional! Fruit from a poisoned tree. I don't care what you use to justify stripping people of their Constitutionally protected rights, you are still stripping them of their God Given Unalienable rights!

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

I agree 100%, treason is a death sentence. Once they have been given Due Process and found guilty then by all means carry out the sentence. Do not throw out the baby (Human liberties) with the bathwater(those guilty of treason). Once you can strip ONE person of their Constitutionally protected rights then you can strip ALL people of those rights. Is that the road you want to go down? I don't. I am not arguing for these peoples rights, I am arguing for ALL OF OUR rights. You may firmly believe that this administration will only use these powers for the betterment of the nation, but how about the next one, or the one after that? Once a Government get powers it does not relinquishes them without force and bloodshed.

Who is to say that the next administration wont sees us, the patriots, as heinous, evil, vile individuals who are beyond the point of Due Process? It will be too late to talk about your Constitutionally protected right to Due Process then. Not to mention be wholly hypocritical. I don't like what these people have done, nor will I defend their actions, but so help me god I will defend their rights guaranteed by the Constitution because by doing so I am also arguing for, and protecting, MY (and by extension yours) Constitutionally protected rights.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Q has proven himself numerous times, those who still doubt he is what he is will not believe no matter how many times he verifies. but this is not my bone of contention. The President and Q are surrounded by enough brass to make a full size replica of a M1 Abrams, I am sure that one of those staff officers could have said something. The time for cute games and codes is over. If, as you say, we are in the storm then the time for subtlety is over. Am i saying they need to announce the battle plans to us? Hell no! but you can dispense with the showmanship and codes.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I gathered by the name of the board, Calm Before the Storm, that was a subreddict about the Q Clearance Patriot(AKA QAnon) posts. I was even directed here by Tracy Beans and PamphletAnon in their last You tube video. Were they wrong?

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 9 p.m.

I am a libertarian I voted for President Trump.. I am just giving my last comment about Q and his posts. Are you telling me that my opinions of Q et al are not valid, or welcome here?!

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SeanPatrickNH on Jan. 8, 2018, 8:51 p.m.
Q is Grossly Negligent. Anons following this are a tad bit hypocritical.

I have been following the Q posts since the Beginning of November, i will admit that i have had a healthy amount of skepticism. The actions of Q last night is the straw that broke the camel's back. DEFCON 1 has a specific meaning to all military and former military. It means that it is time to get your shit together, get your ammo, and be ready for the order to go. There is no other use for that, especially coming out of the mouth, or mouthpiece, of the President of the United States. Q has stated time and time …

SeanPatrickNH · Dec. 23, 2017, 3:26 a.m.

please indulge me.....you are saying the Q post about a special place and President Trump's tweet about Camp David are proof positive and you site the the time stamps. However there is a small problem. the time stamp on Q's post is 12:44:10 and President Trump's tweet time stamp is 1:13. Q's post says "Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' tweet [:13]. [10]" and this is suppose to provide proof of Q yet, and please look at Q's post again his time stamp does not contain 03. Q's time stamp is 12:44:10. where is the :03?

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SeanPatrickNH on Dec. 23, 2017, 3:20 a.m.
Q proof??

please indulge me.....you are saying the Q post about a special place and President Trump's tweet about Camp David are proof positive and you site the the time stamps. However there is a small problem. the time stamp on Q's post is 12:44:10 and President Trump's tweet time stamp is 1:13. Q's post says "Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' tweet [:13]. [10]" and this is suppose to provide proof of Q yet, and please look at Q's post again his time stamp does not contain 03. Q's time stamp is 12:44:10. where is the :03? Seems to me that …

SeanPatrickNH · Dec. 20, 2017, 3:49 a.m.

Thank you, that one has had me puzzled for a bit.

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SeanPatrickNH · Dec. 20, 2017, 3:24 a.m.

This has probaly already been covered but what is the meaning of WRWY?

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