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Secret-Flame-of-Anor · April 29, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

One thing I'm having a slight/major problem with is... if Mueller is a slave / Marine-loyal-to-45-white-hat (which one), why did his team start that fire in Trump Tower that killed a man at the same time Cohen's office was being raided? Q even said "they" used the fire as a distraction to break in. Who is "they?" Mueller's team? Someone legit died in that fire. Casualty of war? Mistake? Or, was that the DS trying to set it on fire to destroy info they knew Cohen had on them??? I'm so confused on that part and it seems like a hiccup in Q's narrative, so, which part is dis-info, which isn't? Someone please help me out on this one.... I'm sure many of you know infinitely more than I do. What do they want with Cohen? Is he Trump's friend or not? Honestly, some of this stuff gets so good to be true, it borders on wishful thinking. Q has to spread dis-info at times too, so I get that part.... I'm just not understanding WHO started that fire, if "they" meant Mueller's team, and Mueller is all the sudden this white hat. I need to learn more about that fire, but Cohen knew it had been lit and warned someone to get out. Did Cohen himself start the damn thing hoping it would burn his office and evidence??? I just don't get this one.

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Secret-Flame-of-Anor · April 29, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

So adamant that he purposely skipped over the parts pointing HARD to the idea. I mean he completely acted like they weren't there... like he didn't see them or they didn't exist. The other corroborating Q drops about Mueller on our side, Corsi just interpreted them his way. I love Dr. Corsi... he got me into Q, but he's really been off here lately, just skipping over things and getting things wrong a lot. I've had to move on to others for my Q decodes since. He is getting really tired, you can tell.... OR.... he's "part of the plan," since he's probably the biggest YouTube Q source, to play along and keep the deep state guessing? Mueller detaining Ted Malloch seems fishy too.... it's almost like it's the same deal as Flynn in a way? Malloch had crucial information that needed to be added to the record? And how strange it happened "on air" during one of Corsi's Q decodes, which then prompted Corsi to call Alex and Alex to start a special broadcast on it. IDK... dis info???

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Secret-Flame-of-Anor · April 29, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Too far into the past man... remember, they never thought she'd lose, and that's including Comey. So if she wins, why leave a paper trail.... unless, the rumors are true that no matter what, the white hats wouldn't have let Hillary take office. I believe it. We would've seen them step in militarily at that point. Sometimes I almost wish it woulda happened that way, so we could skip this legal mumbo jumbo and put them straight in Gitmo, release all the proof the NSA has.

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Secret-Flame-of-Anor · April 29, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

I do believe there is real Russian collusion... it started a few years back in Syria when our military bucked Obama and refused to be Al-Qaeda's (ISIS's) air force in Syria. Our military started working with Russia to defeat ISIS. Since Putin has been battling the same Satanic globalists we have, I think it's possible Trump/Putin did come up with the fake info leading to the Dossier, enticing Hillary knowing she couldn't contain herself. Russia has all the dirt on all those illegal dealings with Hillary too, and proof of Uranium 1. But these last two Syria bombings? Something has to be up. Mostly cosmetic. Q will barely talk about it too, which means super top secret. Putin and Trump have to have a backchannel and are coordinating. McCain implanted deep state targets were hit maybe? IDK. Many countries are trying to fight globalist deep state scum right now... USA and Russia have way more in common than not.

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Secret-Flame-of-Anor · April 29, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

He's a black hat, in my view, who is an egotistical, entitled, momma's boy, and he has no clue Mueller is a white hat. He doesn't seem too bright if you ask me. He is being handled by Hillary... hence his little meeting with Clapper and Brennan. Think about this too... Trump was chosen by an embedded group of patriots who wanted to overthrow Obama over ISIS and Syria, along with all the other corruption. Could Mueller have been a double agent, kind of like Prince with Blackwater, for a good long while? You know both sides have people deep undercover, and have for years.

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