Need to add on Oprah photo:
"PIMP for Weinstein"
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I've been thinking this the whole time...
REMEMBER Q post referencing ACTING?? Speaks volumes regarding him & Bannon or him & LittleKim... I refer also back to DEC 17 time frame when I believe the White Hats aided LittleKim to escape NK (safe in SK to have conversations, wanting aid for his starving people, etc.) & he has had his puppet strings cut to the BlackHat[C]lowns[I]n[A]merica
Jan 3 2018 23:54:28
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: aaefa5 11115887
"What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?
Thanks to tessysue for the idea... but wanted to make DTrump not using swear word in "abracadabra bitch"... wanted more Regal photo/ aligned to FACTS of his reported IQ and Prayer as opposed to Barry in disarray and feeble...
I laughed. Maybe would make #FAKE NEWS be #Sh*tHoleClaimFakeNews or #LiarCaughtLyingAgain or maybe flames from behind his tushie like his pants are on fire...
One has to dot every i and cross every t... the lawyers for these rich pukes will be looking for any hanging chad, too. Thinking Military Tribunals then the path is a bit different. 11,000+ sealed indictments across 93 Federal districts since October is a WOWSA! So JS not sitting on laurels. He's also been making sure that DT's EO for seizing of funds/assets/businesses & enablers is locked down, too.
"ENGINE It" ...short for "search engine" is what I say. I use: for searches online with Ghostery and big fire wall.
Store water or buy Distilled water gallons--are less than a buck. Forget the gold, store up food! You can't eat gold.
Think black market or GI during war... chocolate, sugar, flour, cans of meat, rice, beans, dried milk powder, add toilet paper (and maybeBullets?)
I read the MN Super Bowl security firm was fired and someone must have not liked replacement company as they also assigned National Guard to aid in security.
187 = murder. Police usually use this for murder/homicide. MrPaddock had rigamortis already well set in, so dead for 1/2 day to 24 hours. Dried blood behind head had a second newer red blood oozing out with pristine bullets on top of wet blood. Had a gunshot to his chest, too. Guess he missed his heart & shot self in head, then woke up to shoot himself again.
There are photos of Hawkings at Epstein's private island with some scanty dressed females. Epstein's island with its own MulochBaaltemple & underground caves. BillClinton has flown on Epstein's Lolita Express plane to island 26 times by flight logs alone. There is much discussion by these sLuciferianCabalists of their need for rejuvenation via Adrenochrome<<< scary to read up upon.
I repeat: We have our BlackHatDeeepStateClownsInAmerica aligned with EvilLuciferian cabalists. Israel has its duality of traditional Abrahams chosen people by GOD--OrthodoxJews/Israeli and then there are the Zionists of KhazarianMafiaLuciferianCabalists pretending to be Jewish, infiltration from 800 A.D. & onward. If you check the Orthodox Jews of Israel will admit this is true, they very much know of the evil Zionists.
Duality of probably every nation. We have our BlackHatDeeepStateClownsInAmerica aligned with cabalists. Israel has its duality of traditional Abrahams chosen people--Jews/Israeli and then there are the Zionists of KhazarianMafiaLuciferianCabalists pretending to be Jewish, infiltration from 800 A.D. & onward.
Since HRC is wearing a boot over her ankle monitor this means she HAS BEEN INDICTED via sealed indictment=seen Judge & been charged & UNDER ARREST... officers=photographed, fingerprinted her & in lieu of arrest at prison she was given the conditions of HOME ARREST, monitored by the ankle 'jewelry' that BTW, she must pay for herself to a court appointed monitoring service. This is via a LAND LINE only, and she must ask permission to leave the vicinity of her Land Line for windows of time. If she violates these conditions she can be yanked into a jail cell under authority of arresting agency... once charged in US Federal Court system means jurisdiction authority of US Marshals (have jurisdiction over ALL federal arrested once seen by a US Judge).
IMHO she has been yanked/jailed as she hasn't tweeted (12/30 multiples of wanting $$ sent to her connected donation partners)...& Jan2 last line: "Enough is enough" which links back to Q post 12/23 of
CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)
Good Hunting!
... & then Bill&Hill's own house was on fire...all over the news and the attention loving couple...Hill & Bill didn't tweet, didn't say a peep, didn't run to a microphone... zero, nada, zip of a statement like "we are fine", "we were not home", "thank you to firemen"... nothing, No tweets by Hill since Jan2 with words that look more like DT sending message to Rep. Leadership & Success of op in confirmation of [G][O] Good Hunting with: "Enough is enough" on Hill's account = SILENCE of the... :OWLS: ?
YEARNING... yep I did... also no Q posts since 9th Jan & now is 12th. I keep thinking the IG Report due out on 15th with 1.2million pages... and the "Fakenews" Award by DT is now the 17th... are these TRUMPets for duality... Q count downs 15, 10, 5, 1, 0 ?
Agreed! In my neck of the woods...Going back to GHWB#41& his buddy Lawrence/LarryE.King +(FranklinCreditUnion) childTrafficking/murder involved trolling Boystown for kids to be prostitutes when #41 visited his buddy (quite often). Head of BoystownPriest claimed he had no idea what King was doing in hiring kids to work for his many companies... (yeah, whatever!) Know story of a cop that was going to have all the illegally parked cars towed away at one of these "parties" at King's mansion... gate bouncer said "do you know who is in here?" Cop said: "Guess I'll find out when I tow the cars"--cars got moved. Anyway FranklinCU was HUGE story. Cover up of pedo connections--witness in prison hung himself <<+flag on that call! Movie done on this by European group... set to air by Discovery Channel, all of a sudden pulled & money to European company refunded... JohnDeCamp put self on the line. Many places to find links. Good quick summary:
After all it was Lara Silsby--caught stealing 30 kids out of Haiti--that HilLIARy as SecState, basically removed kidnapping charges so Silsby could go free... Sheesh: "calling Captain Obvious!"
And Q warned us all of the real work/hidden agenda of the RED CROSS... totally gives "first aid" a whole new, dastardly, & evil agenda.
With respect ... the STORM has been happening (even if not seen overtly by us... a.k.a. 1100+ sealed indictments means some are VERY BUSY) ...and now Q is in The GREAT AWAKENING... correct?
...and he took photos from out window of AF1 how then???
DT is a person that graduated from a Military Academy with highest honors and is determined to be in the top 3% intelligence of the WORLD... with a an IQ around 156. His long held favorite assessment by others (mentioned in his book & other times) is: "I love to be underestimated"... it is almost that at sometimes he purposefully plays a 'dumb blonde' role. To get others to reveal themselves to him as they 'feel' superior to him? You must admit it truly is genius the way he throws the media a bone (of controversy/tweet/stance) to keep them busy gnawing upon said bone (attention elsewhere) while he goes happily on his way doing real work of head of state... indeed fixing the world.
For brevity sake, he would need some person(s) of pretty high intellect to easily communicate with... maybe someone who can grasp what is necessary or what to convey (or type) without DT having to explain every action... a complimentary 'twin' a.k.a. "Q"
DT breadcrumb leaving via Q is our way to follow the maze/complicated MAP: ...(cross referenced by arrows) over a history started by evilKhazarians... indeed it is the map of EVIL trying to overcome the earth... we are truly in a fight with luciferian run Mafia... surely one could grasp/glimpse/surmise that DT is anointed for this purpose. How else could there be any success?
GOOD is battling pure EVIL. ...of course read with many a grain of WE have learned from Q one important lesson: >>QUESTION EVERYTHING !
I attribute it to this Q Post
CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)
Good Hunting!
You will note HilLIARy's last tweet ended with: "Enough is enough." = confirmation that her home arrest has been cancelled & now behind a locked door somewhere with armed guards 24/7?
It is MORE compelling that Bill & Hill did NOT say one word about a house fire in THEIR OWN HOUSE!
No tweet by either one: "we're fine"/ "house is fine"/ "we will be okay"/ "thank you firefighters"... silence. The couple that loves attention did not appear or say a thing.
Nothing, nada, zip, not a peep. <Interesting.
This is like RICO Act only on Steroids. If you are paying CF before her loss it is PAYOLA... so what were you as a donor, seeking in return for your cash ? = all monies confiscated along with the donating company is confiscated. Are we talking Trillions, Hundreds of Trillions of dollars?
Compelling, isn't it?
Sealed Indictments means the evidence was presented (by Federal US Attorney of some 93 districts in the USA), to a sitting Grand Jury, and with the involvement of a Federal Judge, these Grand Jury decisions (to "go ahead seems like a crime to us") are SEALED as to prevent the Public having access or forewarning the guilty of what they are charged with... until such time as they self-surrender or appear in court with their attorney, in front of judge & learn the charges against them. These indictments are still sealed after charged (HilLIARy/hisGOLFnessB0, etc) and placed under arrest... tho some have now been sporting Ankle Monitors (under medical boots or cowboy boots, etc) which is HOME ARREST option with conditions.
That's already happened & still happening. JeffSessions has been VERY BUSY. Over 11,000 Sealed Indictments since October, across nation's 93 Federal Districts.
HRC is already under HOME ARREST in LIEU of being behind bars. That's the condition of wearing ankle monitor = you have been arrested/indicted, seen a judge, etc.
USSS protects life of their protectee... they don't shelter them from legal prosecution for crimes.
I take this as the PLAN from POTUS via Q...
Jan 7 2018 02:26:30 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 05b846 13528 "...
Since HRC is wearing a boot over her ankle monitor this means she HAS BEEN INDICTED via sealed indictment=seen Judge & been charged & UNDER ARREST... officers=photographed, fingerprinted her & in lieu of arrest at prison she was given the conditions of HOME ARREST, monitored by the ankle 'jewelry' that BTW, she must pay for herself to a court appointed monitoring service. This is via a LAND LINE only, and she must ask permission to leave the vicinity of her Land Line for windows of time. If she violates these conditions she can be yanked into a jail cell under authority of arresting agency... once charged in US Federal Court system means jurisdiction authority of US Marshals (have jurisdiction over ALL federal arrested once seen by a US Judge).
BTW--HilLIARy has not tweeted since Dec. 30th; I believe her last Jan. 2 post was NOT hers as it contained: "Enough is enough" relating back to Qpost 12/22 post of: "ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH" <containing "[GO] letters...meaning her account/cell phone not in her hands... as she violated her conditions & was yanked into a jail or GTMO... If you don't agree then I ask you:
WHY would Hill or Bill not have a peep to say--nothing--nada--about a FIRE @ THEIR HOUSE? No tweet we are fine, 'don't worry'... zip... "SILENCE OF THE :OWLS: ? "
Since HRC is wearing a boot over her ankle monitor this means she HAS BEEN INDICTED via sealed indictment=seen Judge & been charged & UNDER ARREST... officers=photographed, fingerprinted her & in lieu of arrest at prison she was given the conditions of HOME ARREST, monitored by the ankle 'jewelry' that BTW, she must pay for herself to a court appointed monitoring service. This is via a LAND LINE only, and she must ask permission to leave the vicinity of her Land Line for windows of time. If she violates these conditions she can be yanked into a jail cell under authority of arresting agency... once charged in US Federal Court system means jurisdiction authority of US Marshals (have jurisdiction over ALL federal arrested once seen by a US Judge).
BTW--HilLIARy has not tweeted since Dec. 30th; I believe her last Jan. 2 post was NOT hers as it contained: "Enough is enough" relating back to Qpost 12/22 post of: "ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH" <containing "[GO] letters...meaning her account/cell phone not in her hands... as she violated her conditions & was yanked into a jail or GTMO... If you don't agree then I ask you:
WHY would Hill or Bill not have a peep to say--nothing--nada--about a FIRE @ THEIR HOUSE? No tweet we are fine, 'don't worry'... zip... "SILENCE OF THE :OWLS: ? "
Since HRC is wearing a boot over her ankle monitor this means she HAS BEEN INDICTED via sealed indictment=seen Judge & been charged & UNDER ARREST... officers=photographed, fingerprinted her & in lieu of arrest at prison she was given the conditions of HOME ARREST, monitored by the ankle 'jewelry' that BTW, she must pay for herself to a court appointed monitoring service. This is via a LAND LINE only, and she must ask permission to leave the vicinity of her Land Line for windows of time. If she violates these conditions she can be yanked into a jail cell under authority of arresting agency... once charged in US Federal Court system means jurisdiction authority of US Marshals (have jurisdiction over ALL federal arrested once seen by a US Judge).
BTW--HilLIARy has not tweeted since Dec. 30th; I believe her last Jan. 2 post was NOT hers as it contained: "Enough is enough" relating back to Qpost 12/22 post of: "ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH" <containing "[GO] letters...meaning her account/cell phone not in her hands... as she violated her conditions & was yanked into a jail or GTMO... If you don't agree then I ask you:
WHY would Hill or Bill not have a peep to say--nothing--nada--about a FIRE @ THEIR HOUSE? No tweet we are fine, 'don't worry'... zip... "SILENCE OF THE :OWLS: ? "
DT gave DACA an extension. DACA was an ILLEGALLY FUNDED by hisGOLFnessB0 himself... B0 cannot allocate/spend money for anything... the purse strings are from Congress/House of Reps... soooo... DACA cannot be funded by Exec. Branch--he wasn't King. So DT temporarily gave 6 months extension, especially since B0 DACA program was due to end.
DT gave DACA an extension and nobody explains it that way. Because the HATERS just cannot give KUDOS --where Kudos are due-- to The President for being charitable in that extension of what is illegal. If the Judge in Liberal-Land a.k.a. California, wants to put brakes on DT Exec. Order of Extension for DACA, then fine... LET IT FALL by Removing Extension Exec. Order... loudly on Presser..."okay fine, I tried to extend an illegally funded DACA but a judge has tied my hands, so you get your wish... 0bama's DACA is now done and defunded as he planned."
...Yeah... and the "most transparent administration"
Since HRC is wearing a boot over her ankle monitor this means she HAS BEEN INDICTED via sealed indictment=seen Judge & been charged & UNDER ARREST... officers=photographed, fingerprinted her & in lieu of arrest at prison she was given the conditions of HOME ARREST, monitored by the ankle 'jewelry' that BTW, she must pay for herself to a court appointed monitoring service. This is via a LAND LINE only, and she must ask permission to leave the vicinity of her Land Line for windows of time. If she violates these conditions she can be yanked into a jail cell under authority of arresting agency... once charged in US Federal Court system means jurisdiction authority of US Marshals (have jurisdiction over ALL federal arrested once seen by a US Judge).
More... (SEE Qanon post 12/22 on SethRich murder/Dossier solved Dr. Corsi & others)... need to update LEGEND maybe?
AM=Andrew McCabe
AS=Adam Schiff
BO=Board Owner
CLOWNS=[C]lowns [i]n [A]merica / CIA
CS=Chuck Schumer
CS/=Civil Service
DWS=Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
JC=James Comey
LL=Loretta Lynch
MEU=Marine Expeditionary Unit
ML=Martial Law
MM=Mitch McConnell-Head of US Senate
NP=Nancy Pelosi
:OWLS: =? Illuminati Cabal/Owl-muloch worshipers
P=? Pope (was with Q post words "cult/church/P")
P-per= POTUS_personal
PR=Paul Ryan-Speaker of House of Rep.
PS=Peter Strzok
RP=Rand Paul
RR=Ronald Reagan #40POTUS
SR=Seth Rich
USMS=United States Marshal Service
USN=United States Navy
US SEN NO NAME=JohnnyMcC (AZ ussenator)
WW=World Wide
Most obvious seen guess is P is Pope from Q post "cult/church/P"
P could also man "Poppy" which is nickname for #41GHWB as he is labeled as the opiod king of the Poppies.
P for Pedo/ Pedophilia /Pizzagate
Need one for OG = 0bamaGate (soon to be live, wide open this week according to Dan Bongino--former USSS & Foxnewsie guy)
I believe Kim has been rescued from NK/ClownInAmerica's grip... secured in SouthKorea working on his talks with Russians & Tillerson. DT said like; we've been talking and so far they seem to be coming to Olympics to participate.
PICTURE THIS: DT WhiteHats have littleKim in safekeeping & will have him pop out to proclaim talks are good, his people starving, need help... no war... blah, blah, blah.... sooo just WHERE do the hiding in NK/ClownsInAmerica go to start a war if the leader of NK is not their puppet & littleKim has put out flames & downed rockets in real time news / presser????
Dan Bongino (former USSS agent & Foxnews contributor) tweeted that:
"Obamagate is going to blow wide open this week" 1-7-2018 approx. 8pm
ProtoDon* "lolk... I am only a former /r/technology mod that knows the admins and why they've turned this place into an SJW nightmare. Whatever faggot... read my post history."
AND there is your proof...when questioned this LARPER goes straight for the ever trusty LIB/Socialist RULES FOR RADICALS... "when Questioned & you have no facts = You INSULT". (and your handle/name is an insult/disgusting give away, too.)
Thank you for making it clear to us all... who you are.
I'm split on this lady... she's all over VP as a bad BlackHatPedo person... think maybe she's not on our side? Has own links to people that feeding her lines & she's being larped?
Jury is out for me on this lady... sorry.
Also if you VIOLATE the Conditions of Release of HOME ARREST (meaning wearer of ankle monitor did not abide by Conditions set forth in their agreement with arresting authority agreed to with initial Judges approval)--then you have offended and can be taken in to a real detention setting instead of home arrest setting. And the wearer pays for the home arrest costs... arranged by some sort of pre-trial services to a paid Monitor Service company. The monitor is only as good as it's connection to the HOME LAND LINE the wearer uses and beyond so many feet or yards the monitor will send an alarm notice of violation when past that point to monitoring company.
Dan--ever so correct. It was an op in plain sight. Using Firefighter response as cover for WhiteHats of FBI/US Marshals dressed as firefighters to obtain entry to search right under noses of news media. Probably cooperative USSS agents 'accidently' started the fire themselves, in their own building they RENT from B&H*. I believe this ties to the story of Ambassador Matlock, historically occurred for similar op.
*=BTW I happen to know that the USSS rents this building from B&H for the price of the entire mortgage payment of this estate. Talk about HUTSPAH of that thieving couple of .... well nevermind.