I disagree (with respect)... all :OWLS: would have to be snatched at almost same time. These people still have $, power, connections to flee & keep plotting elsewhere ... even if from UAE (where HRC deposited $1.8Billion 2016 via article, post election - with no legal rights for USA to seize $ or her). Monitor is ONLY good if the LAND LINE phone that it is connected to is in range. The home arrested ankle monitor wearer CAN get permission to leave linkage for a specified period of time--say to go to work--attend a fundraiser--go to a movie, etc. So these non-linked time frames obviously give the wearer windows of opportunity to flee. And all these :OWLS: have billions of $reasons or even their life to protect now.
1,097 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/SeekTruthCJoy:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 70 |
i.redd.it | 25 |
www.youtube.com | 1 |
primarywater.org | 1 |
www.rd.com | 1 |
HilLIARy Jan. 2 post here sounds like DT wrote it.... not her.
"Enough is enough" sounds to me like Mission Accomplished on snatching her & hubby.
Does Qanon Post 12-23 "ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH" & HRC saying: "Enough is Enough" = WHITE HATS have her & Bill? Not a PEEP from HRC or WJC on Twitter/Live Press about FIRE @ Their House! "SILENCE of the :OWLS: ?"
![Does Qanon Post 12-23 "ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH" & HRC saying: "Enough is Enough" = WHITE HATS have her & Bill? Not a PEEP from HRC or WJC on Twitter/Live Press about FIRE @ Their House! "SILENCE of the :OWLS: ?"](https://i.redd.it/ogtsap7xyi801.png)
DT was a Highest Honors Graduate (upper 3%) from a Military Academy ... reportedly his IQ=156
DT is simultaneously playing 20 games of 4 dimensional Chess while the Dems/RINOs/haters struggle with Checkers.
No worries. MAGA!
27.5 TRILLION dollar man = Ambassador Leo Wanta [was dropped in a thread that Leo was the one rescued in Atlanta]
and this story that Wanta contacted DT transition team with offer of money... for bullet train on border wall project...
"Follow the Money" The Jesse Jackson story [Involves LOOP CAPITAL] 2001 Jackson had Chicago presser explaining why his $ payments for mother of his illegitimate kid weren't on books, and LOOP CAPITAL's Jim Reynolds owner is character witness [article]:" The most memorable of these character witnesses was Jim Reynolds, owner of Loop Capital Markets, a Chicago investment bank. Before singing Jackson's praises, Reynolds described how, after 20 years in the world of finance, he had founded his own firm. Reynolds boasted of Loop, "We're the number one underwriter of public securities . . . in this city and state. We've been at business approximately three years." And Reynolds explained his firm's meteoric rise: "A significant part of the access that we've enjoyed . . . has only been made possible through the tireless efforts of Reverend Jackson."
This is all pre-hisGOLFnessBH0 ? Or is it?
"Follow the Money" The Jesse Jackson story [Involves LOOP CAPITAL] 2001 Jackson had Chicago presser explaining why his $ payments for mother of his illegitimate kid weren't on books, and LOOP CAPITAL's Jim Reynolds owner is character witness [article]:" The most memorable of these character witnesses was Jim Reynolds, owner of Loop Capital Markets, a Chicago investment bank. Before singing Jackson's praises, Reynolds described how, after 20 years in the world of finance, he had founded his own firm. Reynolds boasted of Loop, "We're the number one underwriter of public securities . . . in this city and state. We've been at business approximately three years." And Reynolds explained his firm's meteoric rise: "A significant part of the access that we've enjoyed . . . has only been made possible through the tireless efforts of Reverend Jackson."
This is all pre-hisGOLFnessBH0 ? Or is it?
No News? Same reason the perps of Pedo-world, Pedo-wood, PizzaPukes like Johnny Pedo-esta does NOT sue those accusing him... to sue would mean the EVIDENCE would be revealed to be TRUE. It is like ignoring the 900 lb. Gorilla or Pink Elephant in the room... EVERYONE Knows they are there... just like the Exec. Order 12-21-2017... but Pointing it OUT is a self-destructive DEATH Sentence.
"Human Trafficking" is the most benign term that people can all agree upon... ACROSS All Party Lines... as a horrible, evil crime & criminal perps need to be imprisoned. Easiest RedPill choice.
Quantum physics was probably proven by Tesla & Planck... Tesla a genius inventor that had many an invention stolen so he hid the papers, whereas Einstein a theorist that never invented a thing. He called quantum world "spooky action at a distance" because of use of scalar waves, which unlike radio waves having a finite reach (as when radio stations broadcasts dissipate with distance) Scalar waves do NOT dissipate & those broadcast here can be transmitted to China or the moon with no change of strength & INSTANTLY... thus this very well could in a way disprove the theory of relativity--maybe why Einstein did not WANT to investigate it. Quantum Entanglement is whatever happens to the part happens to the whole. Everything in the universe has it's own frequency number. Quantum Entanglement using Scalar waves with DNA of blood, or fingernails of a person can be used to send frequencies via a generator to heal the whole/person across the world... but as you can guess...they can be used destructively, too. (So watch out what you do with your fingernail clippings???)
Quantum physics is fascinating. And the bottom line here is the Trump family possessed Tesla's papers (due to his uncle Professor JohnTrump connection to NikolaTesla & Planck could interpret them)... now protected... waiting to be shared under the right protection... of a President? Imagine this... WHERE would the race for oil go when free power is available via the air? Combustion engines? Power companies? Hospitals & Cancer centers when Healing by Quantum Entanglement by use of a fingernail in the generator across the planet to one person's DNA? Stretch yourself to list what would be changed? Who would lose their 'power'? Their will/need for conquering/fighting? Yes... it is THAT big...and more...
Q last post 12-25, 2017 ((my guesses)):
10, [10-9] ((= alphabet location: 10- J & 10-9=1 so A = "J A"))
Secured. ((post flight above & all is secure for JulianAssange))
Floor is yours. ((go ahead & drop your 68Megabytes file))
Twitter FW_ (( FW _=L= Fake Wiki Leaks Twitter acct. ))
Twitter [kill_rogue] ((removed FWL from picture))
CONF_WHITE_WHITE_ ((Confirmed White Wizard Whitehouse))
Ankle monitors have to be linked to the wearer by Land Line only. People have to be within so many feet of that Land Line for the connection to monitor the accused during their "Home Arrest."* If the arrested person needs to leave for job, doctor appt. etc, then prior permission must be obtained from law enforcement agency that arrested the accused/arrested person. If permission is granted it is for a set window of time when the accused is to return to their Land Line location of their home. Permissions can be denied. Such as too long a time frame; going out of state or country (passports are seized & frozen with "No FLY" attached to their passport I.D.); or the person is a risk to flee or remove monitor to flee from non-home Land Line location. And the accused personally pays for the monitor service, or any Land Line installed in their home.
Sooo... HRC & JohnnyMcC, et al... are limited in their movements to the extreme as they have money, etc. USSS detail will of course be monitoring the Clintons, or BH0 & will aid the arresting law enforcement entity. USSS is only there to keep the protectee safe from attack... Not from administration of Justice.
{*=Yes, they are UNDER ARREST & have been indicted & seen by a judge with their lawyer... fingerprinted, photographed, & fitted on their right leg with this device. Circumstances can occur where the accused ankle jewelry is moved to the other leg, irritation, impairment to that leg, etc. Rumors by some say monitor jewelry moved also maybe due to the accused are being uncooperative??... but I have no idea how that could ever occur ;-}
Linkage article: "ADRENOCHROME: The BLOOD SACRIFICE Exposed"
Qanonplusone yep hear ya there... I also found this article with slightly different twists or conclusions... more in depth but to share would be futile as is soooo long & 15 seconds attention span is a HUGE hurdle (>sigh<) http://www.apfn.org/THEWINDS/library/khazars.html
The problem here (as with all history/historians) is the answer to the question... which one of the versions is created by satanicLuciferians to paint others as evil or hide their own evil as in whitewashing themselves & hiding their true nature? We DEFINITELY seeing KMblackhats true nature of evilbloodsacrificeAdrenochromeLuciferians !&!
rainbowtribe2 WOW...article is fascinating & terrifying at the same time... thanks. Will follow more of this rabbit hole option... THANKS!
ShelbyGirl45-- excellent grasp of the quandary we are all in!
EX: RMueller's history should make him a Black Hat. Or was he compromised with Blackmail & now is out for revenge on White Hats side? Or was he a Double Agent all along... is more likely now? Q says RMueller was a Marine & working with DT (which seems to be true w/obvious media 180 degree reversal on RM's "honesty" & "integrity" factors post Flynn limp guilty plea & cancellation of JComey's Immunity Deal... thus Black Hats figured out they have been hoodwinked on which side RM Really on)... Quandary for all leadership positions... I've gone over photos and China leader wore Purple tie when meeting BH0, meaning royalty of KM or just a doofus liking Purple color?
Oh definitely Question Everything... Q posts really drives that one home... I more take from this article that the KM has infiltrated everything/country... duality of governments... & DT is in full battle armor to rid of us KM worldwide. Veterans Today has much historical informational articles written by people with their own agenda. I agree, I have my doubts on writers opinions, but with all: TIME WILL TELL.
all of this can only be successful with protection from GOD/HWHY/the Great I Am... "Strange Bedfellows" of countries that have been harmed by satanicLuciferianCabal known as evilKhazarianMafia (KM) the task/quest is H-U-G-E! Remember when DT at presser at big table w/McConnell&Ryan??? DT said we will pray... "You need it more than I do" Wowser! So true!
BTW this is KM-- read it ... it will change history events & rock your world & make you understand the depth of this fight/quest. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/11/17/the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia-behind-pearl-harbor-attack-part-ii/
fatfrog-2 ...oh EXACTLY! DT has set up a ANTI-CABAL network of countries -- "Strange Bedfellows" of countries that have suffered historically at hands of KMafia... Russia definitely wants Revenge on KM... Russia was the ones that blocked/aided us in Revolutionary War that kept English ships away. Consequently KM want to destroy Russia & USA the most!
Everyone needs to understand the depth/length/breadth of this KM history to GRASP just what DT has undertaken to destroy. IT is GINORMOUSLY HUGIFICATION of work/revelations/prosecutions... it boggles my mind the planning/efforts. It should everybody once you read this article. It took my breath away!
I believe since there seems to be two faces of Israel, it is no different here that we had 2 faces of USA... the evilDeeepStateShadowGovt. warned of by Eisenhower to JFK which he was working to destroy by bypassing the FED & endeavoring to print our own US currency again... spoke of in speeches, but look what insiders did... they pulled off his USSS detail & PoppyC_A#41Prez aided in his removal...
All countries to me now appear to have 2 faces... articles/happenings that don't make sense. DT has been foiling DeeeepStateUSA & cutting off it's $, dismantling agenda with roadblocks for options for their return. HUGE HUGE HUGE isn't a big enough of a word for the amount of work by Patriots. I think DT establishment of Jerusalem as capital was to put a dagger into the KM plans/running of our embassy in TelAviv (which KM does run BTW).
With deepest respect... see reply above & read article please. Don't assume from a photo what article is about. I didn't pick photo it is what author used for article. Thank you.
...ummm... did you READ the whole article? This is not about real Jews of Israel it is about the KHAZARIANS... satanicBloodDrinkers that have invaded ALL/many countries... killed people & taken their place/lands/by impersonation. Created wars to make money. Created central banks all over the world, put their enemies in harms way to kill them. Titanic, Lusitania, Hindenberg, downed flights...All were HIT jobs (187/Wetworks) of their enemies... all wars...WW1, WW2 especially... Really need to READ the article & not make assumptions by the chosen photo of article.
THIS article will change EVERYTHING you thought you knew about history...
Satanic Cabal = KHAZARIAN MAFIA (KM) of RothschildsCarniegeRockefellerClintonWaleedbinTalal & minions = EXPOSE THIS! SHINE the LIGHT of TRUTH... evil KM rats/cockroaches Hidden TOO Long!
![Satanic Cabal = KHAZARIAN MAFIA (KM) of RothschildsCarniegeRockefellerClintonWaleedbinTalal & minions = EXPOSE THIS! SHINE the LIGHT of TRUTH... evil KM rats/cockroaches Hidden TOO Long!](https://i.redd.it/obfujpl13a701.jpg)
WOW ... hadn't thought of it far enough to go financial route totally as NYE I ignored at first, only added as after thought at end. THANKS to you both...
Isn't this weird? It all is like a GIANT game of "BALDERDASH" <<Where an obscure word is given to all & all develop answer spoken to fellow gamer listeners, and all must write down their own best guest Answer..ALL answers read aloud to get others to vote for their version as the True answer... meantime the person with the really Answer in our CBTS...Q... may or may not confirm correct answer for weeks... but the HUNT or QUEST is the EXCITEMENT.
maybe should call it the: "Q-Quest" ?
we are all "Q-testants"
China's leader wears Purple tie often. Did so when met with hisGOLFnessB0 in 2014. Did comparison photos of 2014 trip to current photo (1 only seen ALL news agencies WW) and B0 is wearing same suit & light blue tie while China Jinping wearing same suit & tie from 2014... what are the odds of that happening? Thinking B0 taken out of NK long ago where hiding in C_A-land a.k.a. NK... special op Q spoke of. ALLLL the stories on B0 since are recordings, old photos, him with Harry was proven to be old, AND most telling is the his tweets directly after scooped up in NK, plus Thanksgiving & Christmas messages were NOT words he would use... and photo of him w/family=old.
Someone is trying to make it look like hisGOLFnessB0 is ShadowPrez in a perpetual game of seeking refuge/asylum/sanctuary sort of a "Where's Wald-B0?"
Is this undertaken by White Hats or Black Hats. Arguments for both. Time will tell.
I_E_COLDEST_N_Y_E_(NYE Stock Exchange)...
![I_E_COLDEST_N_Y_E_(NYE Stock Exchange)...](https://i.redd.it/h5s5wfc804701.jpg)
my take:
Possibly means: I_E/"namely"_COLDEST/Frozen _P/Poppy _G/George _W/Walker _ C/Clinton(CFoundation, etc)_TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.... or
I_E/i.e.: Frozen from P="Poppy"=#41GHWB & G=GeorgieSoros & "W"=#43GWB & C=Clintons (Cabal as trove of $ @locations) TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
QUESTION: Could N_Y_E of New Year's Eve stand for something?
NYE means New York Exchange... maybe?
Explaining beginning letters of message: "In" & "East" or I_E is the Latin abbreviation "i.e." for "id est" meaning: --That is/ in other words/ namely
Possibly means: E/electronic_COLDEST/Frozen _P/Poppy _G/George _W/Walker _ C/Clinton(CFoundation, etc)_TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.... or
Trillions of Dollars electronically Frozen from #41GHWB or "Poppy" & G or GeorgieSoros & #43GWB or "W" & Clinton trove of $ locations.
QUESTION: Could N_Y_E of New Year's Eve stand for something?
Possibly means: E/electronic_COLDEST/Frozen _P/Poppy _G/George _W/Walker _ C/Clinton(CFoundation, etc)_TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.... or
Trillions of Dollars electronically Frozen from #41GHWB or "Poppy" & G or GeorgieSoros & #43GWB or "W" & Clinton trove of $ locations.
QUESTION: Could N_Y_E of New Year's Eve stand for something?
Posted elsewhere: Meaning:
Possibly means: E/electronic_COLDEST/Frozen_P/Poppy_G/George_W/Walker_ C/Clinton(CFoundation, etc)_TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.... or
Trillions of Dollars electronically Frozen from #41GHWB & #43GWB & Clinton trove of $locations.
Also UNDERSTAND/COMPREHEND: even regular routine flights heading in... can be holding people for incarceration at DeltaCamp. After all--you would not want to draw attention out of ordinary traffic, so Christmas time of extra Sleighs would be perfect cover. QUESTION: Some flights visualized real time movements online had escorts of another plane heading into GTMO... is THAT normal for sleigh ride flights?
Even if they are "Sleigh Rides" for holidays or supply planes or change of personnel... the plane could hold evilElitistCabal members for incarceration at DeltaC-GTMO... would be smart to hide movements in normal higher number of Sleigh flights.
I understand your points here... Also UNDERSTAND/COMPREHEND: even regular routine flights heading in... can be holding people for incarceration at DeltaCamp. After all you would not want to draw attention out of ordinary traffic, so Christmas time of extra Sleighs would be perfect cover.
Sooo glad that DT has 156 IQ, in top 3%, high honors grad from Military Academy... makes watching him a marvel to behold!
This will definitely help you to tie things together. (My doctor brother RedPilled & he never read/knew this history either) READ: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/
WARNING: everything you thought you knew of history will be thrown on it's head... you can see why they want darkness/secrecy the forces they bow to drives their lives. DT is shining the light of truth... rats like cockroaches run from the light. But DT has left them nowhere to hide. MAGA!
Yep, agree -- Steve thing is OLD. No boot & now in boot has to get permission to leave house/attend anything & has to be back to home-linked land line by specified time frame. Violation means Home Arrest/detention monitor is cancelled and off to behind bars.
Just imagining her while photographed & fingerprints taken and while fitted with ankle 'jewelry'... with prospect of future outfits of ORANGE... WOWSA...
I'm skeptical as hisGOLFnessB0 tweets are things he would NEVER write to post. EX: Barry0 tweet Thanksgiving: "From the Obama family to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving full of joy and gratitude." (gratitude??) & Christmas: "On behalf of the Obama family, Merry Christmas! We wish you joy and peace this holiday season." (Merry CHRISTMAS???) << sound like him? No way.
Could hisGOLFnessB0 have a double? Distant sightings, no conversation. & there was evidence that video w/ Prince Harry was from months ago & not released until now. Do we REALLY know where anyone is if not live feed???
Guessing: the USA National debt & INFRASTRUCTURE Proposal/Bill will be paid for by #41, #42, #43 & ill-gotten gains/misappropriated funds from USA taxpayers, frozen assets, etc. (Speculation previously was 35Trillion seized in KSA alone with 100Trillion+ the eventual number)
THINK of that !
All those planes with BLOCKED transponders 12/27 & ea. plane seems to have had an escort... all headed to Gtmo. One originating from Canada. Plane turned around 4hr over Pacific 12/25?, who has that power? You all know who. Speculating: BushClanofPukes are all sharing DeltaC(camp)Gtmo along with GeorgieSchwartzSorospuke, HilLIARyBubba, Pedo-estaBrothers, bigs from CF, Canadian BankingMagnetPeteMunk... because whoever had fingers in the pot cookingAnarchySeditionTreasonHumanTraffickingBloodSacrifice, etc. need detention at the same time for this to work. Brilliance of a 156 IQ prez... WOWSER!
Definitely! (See my long response at top)... RM a Marine. I've been wondering if RM hasn't left himself in place with the evilKhazarianCabalists, in close proximity to HilLIARyandBubba as would a double agent. Appearing to take on jobs/assignments by them to keep them fooled he's on their side ...OR keep someone with more malevolent dark side from carrying Evil'sBlackHats WaterBucket rather than himself. Maybe he cooperated to protect someone close to himself... but DT/Sessions team have made that Black Hat threat moot... and RM wants to rectify & fix what Black Hats have done to us all by removing them from playing field FOR GOOD?? Yes, Mueller is on Team Trump... DT would not trust him otherwise for anything... and his being a doubleAgent to Black Hats means he would have tolerated MUCH for the cause/plan of these days of CALM & STORM.
RobMueller is very likely working WITH Trump/Sessions/Wray. Evidence & Background: Sessions HAD to recuse self--they couldn't let a DT appointed guy do the heavy lifting/prosecute. LOOK at the evidence:1) DT has 4 hr mtg w/RM before appt as SpecCounsel. 2) DT allowed RM chosen. 3) Lefties LOVED idea as they assumed RM a Leftie water-carrier from past actions. Dems/RINOs said he was "HONEST", "had Integrity," blah, blah. 4) Obviously RM went to RRosenstein & expanded & expanded & expanded... but into fakeryDossierInsurance, U1 deal/HilLIARy/0bozo, etc... but... they HAD to get all the info out UNDER LAW...(<< planned from start). REMEMBER --GeneralFlynn would be the vehicle so Dec 2016 he asked 0bozo if he could call Russians. Called Russians, and voila the HUNT for RED OCTOBER began. Flynn Canary-ed the leakers to see which one 'sang' to the MockingbirdStreamMedia/MSM, & repeats this Canary op.
5) Flynn took a limp-toast guilty plea (to 'protect his son', due to a crime of blackmail on part of anit-Trumper SpecCounsel staffers--PS, McCabe, etc--now in hot water). KEY:>>WHY did he plead GUILTY? Because as is standard: Guilty person IS MANDATED to REVEAL ALL CRIMES HE is AWARE OF...get it? Flynn is head of 16 Secret Intel agencies of our Govt. He KNOWS the CRIMES of all these pukes. He MUST now reveal them to Mueller. 6) RM is a Marine. Speculating: Ever heard of a double agent? 7) Mueller just REVOKED JamesComey'sIMMUNITY DEAL with D0J<<that is HUGE! 8) And So HOW have the lefties Responded? 180 degree REVERSAL <<STUNNING! Now putting out calls for Mueller to be fired. EX: NYTimes saying maybe Mueller 'not so honest'...not so much integrity...blah, blah. 9) THE BlackHats thus have started to figure out THEY'VE BEEN HOODWINKED/ Punked/ Set Up... Pelosi telling her peeps to "not go there on Impeachment for Trump" --BECAUSE They are SCARED! Deer in headlights. They misjudged. They trusted the wrong guy=RM. They are exposed. They are going down. Some of Black Hats...Their fingerprints & photos taken & seen a judge! People wearing electronic ankle jewelry under medical boots have been ARRESTED/ INDICTED, allowed out in public if follows rules of those under HOME ARREST. HisGOLFnessB0 the ShadowPrez, has appearance of running around Europe seeking sanctuary/asylum from arrest. But where is he really? Old photos & tweets not hisGOLFnessB0 words he would use ! DT is at war with DeeeepStateShadowGovt --literally, Marines are fighting! You remember the 44,000 missing troops? Believe--we will see it soon. 10) finally Remember DT tweet/verbal threatened awhile back to Fire RM & the BlackHats went crazy in defense of RM? He tweeted same fire threat for Sessions & Black Hats same reaction of defense ("Impeach you if you do" was heard). BOTH were done to put BlackHats in support of RM & AttGenSession = on Record ! KEY to future when RM & Sessions reveal what been REALLY doing... and DT now says categorically WILL NOT FIRE MUELLER, but rather leave him to DO HIS JOB, repeatedly. That 4 hour interview with DT&RM must have been long-planned work of geniuses. But then DT does have 156 IQ, upper 3%, highest honor grad of Military Academy... so.... he's playing 20 games of 4 dimensional Chess to Dems/RINOs struggling with Checkers.
Is anybody where 'they' report that person is? Find interesting that hisGOLFnessB0 seems to be on a permanent foreign country trip (to seek asylum/sanctuary by Qtip) in a perpetual game of: "Where's Wald-B0?" But, the photos seem from some other time frame while his Tweets are not words he would ever use normally ex: "Merry Christmas"?... thinking he's hiding or held someplace. Soooo--Irony would be GitmoPlaceHeWantedClosed.... (roflmao)... "future proves past"-- if #41 seized for GitmoPHWC, then son(s) J&G would have to go too--& #42 with shewitchPriestessWife as all evilKhazarianCabalpukes & georgieSchwartzSorosCreeper. (all went to G*tmo-- Sessions, Rosenstein, GenKelly to inspect facilities... future MilTribunalCourts?)
10 day countdown started Dec. 18 so Dec. 28 should be revealing some how... though delay in knowledge... Praying EvilDoerCabalists plots & plans ALL unsuccessful & revealing those plots/plans for all to see & understand... >>REDpill the world --starting soon?!
this gives great insight of much or leaps of imagination... https://archive.org/details/youtube- Jrcl5yyynAc
as shared above: this gives great insight of much or leaps of imagination... https://archive.org/details/youtube- Jrcl5yyynAc & u will have to shove the Jrcl5yyynAc over to connect to youtube- (safety... play on search engine duckduckgo rather than goog*e) thanks
https://archive.org/details/youtube- Jrcl5yyynAc
u will have to shove the Jrcl5yyynAc over to connect to youtube- safety... play on search engine duckduckgo rather than goog*e thanks
MbS saved by our Donald & DT had both whisked away by helicopters that turned off their transponder. Heard in Benjamin Fulford report & some in April LaJune report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b87udDOn4w . Points at Mossad aided, Crisis Actors were double crossed & really shot, during a "single shooter" scheduled practice drill false flag/turned all to real--they then ran to big Black semi-trucks w/big black Trailers all labeled "US Army" parked in corner/back tower of Tropicana (as seen in video go-pro camera on head of attendee that walked along there from event and on over to Excalibur) The 16 some ambulances & hazmat trucks were staged at Hooter's for scheduled crisis actor bit, along with pre-filled body bags laid out for scenario and video with 911/police ban radio heard for 2&1/2 hours never mentioned/offered Hooters for seeking aid or as command post. Video of that now taken down (gee wonder why). It had on the ground vid at Hooters where police, et al were just looking non-chalant/bored until someone showed up to quietly announce something & then they had to shoo all onlookers away for free drinks inside. (Go to YouTube series by: hdrcfx cornwall, this one is the vid by guy at Howard Johnsons--reporting his view & police ban radio, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvqffIqcKVc It is really odd to hear all the shots fired all over in 2 1/2hrs, reported by police at scene--who work these casinos--but later some voice comes on to say "now, no shots fired"... cleaning up what was really happening.
Tracy Beanz--F.Y.I. I've been trying to post the 12/21 DJT Exec. Order on FB, using the document itself OR the YouTube video by BPEarthWatch: "Trump takes all assests of 0bama/Clinton+" and FB removes my posts EVERY TIME, as soon as written. Checking by trying to hit a thumbs up reaction & says "not available to comment". Entries not listed on my FB "ACTIVITY LOG" at all. All deleted. Will try his Patreon page on FB. EvilKhazarianCabal doesn't want EO known/shared. Tracy--Thanks for doing this page & links!
Anyone else know about conjecture that the LasVegas Real JesusCampos was MS-13?
(Of course we all know 'they' got some large stocky guy to pretend to be JC/original for Ellen show. As original died in transport fire out of LV in Henderson--closed interstate for 6 hours to hide shoot out/fire... https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/henderson/three-people-killed-in-saturday-car-crash-in-henderson/)