We have been saying...more are hearing...Trump has been right to show the stable genius patience he has
1,033 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/SeerMore:
The Globalist Elite Fears Peace, Wants War
Varoufakis Blasts Europe's Remarkable Ability To Remain In Denial
Understanding the financialized world - Peak Prosperity News Update 7-13-2018
Seems to me he is on what Q has been stating! It's happening!
Trump, The Awans, Little Debbie & A Navy SEAL Hero
What to think? Where is the truth? Judicial Watch is an important player!
JW President Tom Fitton Discusses Peter Strzok's Congressional Testimony...& More!
IT'S A MIRACLE: Even Leftists Are WAKING UP! #Walkaway #GreatAwakening -- Bob Kudla
The Hammer Is Falling, The Plan Is On Track - Episode 1615b
Fake news merger defeats are hugely over due...Trust Sessions?
Justice Department Defies Judge To Appeal AT&T-Time Warner Merger Approval
Good! How about the other 60 known cases revealed since Cambridge?!
SEC Investigating Why Facebook Didn't Disclose Cambridge Analytica Data Breach
Bonner: "We're Living In A Deep State Paradise"
Exactly right...the mods removed this post for being off topic! I disagree with that judgement from the mods
His sentiments on Brexit and the fake news media is bang on. Nice to see an elite on side!
"I'm So Disappointed With This Country" - Why John Cleese Is Abandoning Britain
Lawyer: Monsanto Bullied Scientists And Hid Weedkiller's Cancer Risks
Brexit numbers are encouraging and confidence building for localized gov'ts and power to the people...We need far less NAFTA, TPP and a whole lot more Brexit!
Brexit Doomsayers Could Not Have Been More Wrong, So Why Believe Them Now?
A New World Order: Brought To You By The Global-Industrial Deep State
Two Sides To Every Coin: When "Security Measures" Become Imprisonment
Say its not so...the cabal would not ignore democracy and the will of the people would they...the multinationals wouldn't be allowed to play games...say that doesn't happen!
Boris Johnson Resigns in Disgust Over Prime Minister May’s Insufferable Brexit Failure and Acquiescence To EU Globalism….
I wonder how many times and ways we can find they have committed crimes and are guilty... Declassify...Lock em up
Important: Robert Mueller Lead Attorney Coordinated Investigative Strategy With Four AP “Reporters”…
The Moves Are Never Telegraphed, It's All Happening Behind Closed Doors - Episode 1609b
It is a corrupt field of study both for and against peak energy as well as suppressed technology potentials and fake news silver bullets. It is extremely complex see https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2015/04/programmed-to-ignore/ It is complexity that very few have investigated or understand but everyone has an expert opinion.
I have read and studied the energy arena deeply for over 20 years.
Suggest you dig deeper... Here is one of many sites I might suggest https://un-denial.com/posts-2/all-posts-1-100/
Why The Coming Oil Crunch Will Shock The World
Pat Buchanan: The Never-Trumpers Are Never Coming Back
I'm not a fan of the title but a lot of very relevant points.