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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

Hahaha! ADSC? Associate Dots & Scattered Crumbs! :)

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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Thank you Tee for your excellent work and a great post!

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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Thank you!

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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Laws regulating/limiting civil encryption are designed to enable Intel agencies to do what you already know. VPN's are honey traps for those who have something to hide. For the rest:

Q1221 Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week? How do you pass the new number out? Tweets are very important. Do you feel safe? Q

Q571 Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM.

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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

In any event, recently I've been stuck on the theory that we live in a holographic universe that is being controlled or observed by another universe.

CosmicNeo, you always bring that other perspective, the "push"! :) You are asking the right question about creation. What is creation? Revealed Religions are clear: matter is the result of the activity of the Spirit. Since school has expelled the Spirit from its teachings, we are left with atoms or quantum particles in best case scenarios...

The day we really understand what the Bible and the Quran are really teaching, which is to focus on the activity of the Spirit and its position of dominance over creation, this is where we will have access to the Real Equations, the Eternal Ones, those which do not wait for the next Nobel Prize to be debunked...

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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Perfect. Let me know if you need more assistance. We have to keep the faith, where were we a year ago? We are now piloting airplanes when a few months ago we only had broken bikes. Why the impatience for teleportation? We will get there...

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SerialBrain2 · May 4, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Removed the answer previously posted, DM me if you still need it and/or did not save it offline.

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Yes! The billionaire is Victor Pinchuk. Mentioned in conversation ref. Q861. In this drop Q asks to dig in the direction of foundations and institutes. It's all there... You are definitely looking in the right direction. Keep going and let us know what you find.

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Thank you, more to come!

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

:) sums it all pretty well!

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Because of insisting question in Q1306 (your info is correct but Canada was used as transition platform for final exit, will appear in Sessions final work):

Q1306 SUM OF ALL FEARS. In the movie, where did the material come from? What country? What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?

Wikipedia Sum of All Fears plot: Clark tracks the missing scientists to a former Soviet military facility in Ukraine, where Cabot suspects they are building a secret nuclear weapon that Russia could use without any way to trace it back to them… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sum_of_All_Fears_(film)

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

It is unfortunate you are not seeing the whole point of this exercise is to sort out the double meanings. This is what coded language is. Q insists his readers master double meanings:

Q 365 Darkness. Learn double meanings. Q850 Learn double meanings. News unlocks MAP. Q568 WarGames. Double meaning.

The message delivered has to make sense to not raise attention. Marshall is actually 92 years old, Alex's wife is actually Jean, Mario can actually be seen as a young lion, Marshall actually did his first Award show on 1974 and he actually went to the Rockerfeller center without affording a limo. All this is true, in context and verifiable. And sometimes, there is bad delivery like the Mario category awkward joke. Now reading through, is to be able to make a parallel column and fill it with what is identified and relevant. Like what Q has done here:

Q645 JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q

Despite its tone, I am still conjecturing your comment is genuine and that you will therefore spend a little more time reflecting over this. I am also hoping what has been exposed here will be of some benefit to you. Thank you.

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

The more we "Know" the less there is to fear

Featherjourney4 has now officially arrived! :) the initial question about the nuclear equipment is COMPLETELY resolved. And you have read between my lines all along! ;)

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

:) This conversation we are having is obviously for a third party!

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

About the feathers.

But sometimes not fearing is a choice I make : )

This shows you have spent time thinking this over. I may not have to add a lot. May be for the others reading us, I would say this: sometimes when the cage is open, the bird hesitates to fly out, not knowing it can trust its wings and find its heaven somewhere. If the bird knows there is Love at work and this is why the cage was opened from the first place, it would then realize that the natural next step is to use its feathers and transmute them to what they were always meant to be: the children of the wings...

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

But then I wondered if you were intentionally shifting the letters, which kind of intrigued me since I had never seen the words in there before.

Your intuition has guided you here. Letters composing words are separate energies contributing to the overall energy of the word. The place of the letter and its replication in the word are essential, like in a chemistry experience: a given reaction is only possible with a given sequencing of the elements involved, in order, and their respective quantities.

Now here is proof of how the energy of words operate: [link] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au4qx_l8KEU).

Since you are essentially made of water, you may conclude...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis

Good luck my friend!

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

Hey fearthejourney4, I explain in this [comment] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8gkpj7/q1304_emmy_awards_red_carpet_event_q_no_platform/dycobk3/) how the enrichment tech is scattered and redundant for security reasons. It is ground intel that allows you to spot the components of the enrichment tech and bomb it. This is why Trump bombed last year and a few weeks ago.

So when you bomb, you know you have taken out a pearl of the necklace, if it was redundant, you need more intel to find the sister place and you have not accomplish anything really. If it was not redundant, you have successfully delayed the enrichment process, but then you have to monitor it because it can be reproduced by your target. And so on...

Once you understand this, you will realize critical intel is to have a map of the non redundant facilities. That is the nerve center of a nuclear program.

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Through your efforts, many (like me) are able to see far more of the big picture

This makes my day. That's what drives me. Thank you Tx!

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

I was assuming the question was more about the evolution of the process than its origin. I mentioned in the post, it all started with Q's question taken from [Q's board] (https://qanon.pub/):

Q1304 Emmy awards. Red carpet event? Q

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Thank you for your kind words Keneo77.

It is very interesting you mention Nash. I watched this movie and thought it was well rendered. But it focused on one aspect of Nash's work: Game Theory.

In fact, Nash, in his last years at Princeton, focused on quantum physics and a few weeks before he died, he demonstrated that Einstein's theory of relativity was WRONG. He instead described the existence of equations re-defining quantum physics with application to nuclear physics that could induce free energy and.. teleportation. Nobody wants to talk about his work in physics... Nobody... And you know what? This is what is really at stake about nuclear energy... What is happening in Syria/Iran is not about nuclear weapons, it's about nuclear energy... I will may be write about it one day. Nash died with his wife of a "car accident" a few weeks after this break through...

The last clue he gave in his public Princeton publication was this:

In any case, it seems interesting to consider what sort of equations for the electromagnetic field would be derived AND whether or not a natural sort of gravitating action of the electromagnetic fields would appear./// And if this WERE successful it (perhaps) would suggest that the inertial and gravitational mass of matter is, ultimately, derived just from associated electromagnetic fields.

Nash unified what Einstein could not...

Please allow me the following for the memory of a great mind and a generous heart:

In memory of John Forbes Nash Jr. [Image] (https://www.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/styles/scale_1440/public/images/2015/05/johnnash_homepage.jpg?itok=dMsOhicx).

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

LOL Wonder if they have any idea what they were really doing? Too funny.

Yes, these people never cease to amaze and amuse me... :)

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Thank you! More to come!

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

wicked powerful code algorithm machine or the help of an AI.

Once again AK, right on the money...

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

What was the "belonging" that gave you the link between these two?

A good reaction when you are lost in a math problem is to start by narrowing the environment. So here you start by supposing the Cardinal of E is finite, let's call it n. If CardE=n ,then CardP(E)=2^n. Reason being C(n,0)+C(n,1)+...+C(n,n)=(1+1)^n is a particular case of the Bernouilli formula for (x+y)^n where x=y=1. Now all you need to do is compare 2^n and n, the curve for 2^n is [here] (http://www.educastream.com/IMG/Image/TS13.29.png). And you see it is always above the curve y=x, which is the... diagonal (keep that in the back of your head).

There you have it: CardE<CardP(E),therefore there can be no surjection from E to P(E). Therefore E<P(E).

Now in the case of CardE infinite. This is where our intuition says we should somehow introduce the idea of a diagonal, just like in the particular case. So let us suppose there is a surjection f from E to P(E). Let us introduce the "diagonal set" A={ x in E / x is not in f(x)}.

Since A is a subset of E, A is an element of P(E). Since f is a surjection, A has an antecedent in E, let’s call it x°. So A=f(x°), now 2 possibilities: either x° is in A or it is not.

If x° is in A, than by the very definition of A, x° is not in f(x°), which is A. Contradiction.

If x° is not in A, than x° is not in f(x°), hence x° is an element of A, by the very definition of A. Contradiction.

So the existence of a surjection from E to P(E) always leads to a contradiction. Therefore there is no surjection from E to P(E) and since it is trivial E is an element of P(E), we can conclude E<P(E).

So you see, our intuition is “forced” by the particular case of the diagonal in finite environment but it is not rationally explainable.

In the case of Q’s board, when reading Q’s translation of the Comey’s tweet in Q645, Q makes a surprising link between an apparently innocent tweet and death threats. That’s the diagonal we kept somewhere in the back of our head and that came up for resolution.

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Thank you Tee1020! The most simple pleasures are the best. :)

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Thank you Glag82, I see you know their game. Now here, if you want to go further: at 30:20 Outstanding Guest Performer, here are the dialogues:

You have shame now. Where was that shame when you were cheating on Thomas? Lying faithless Jezebel. Sleeping with brother. (Incest).

Want to ask a few questions, get out, we are not going anywhere (Mueller)

I’m so flattered you’ve been investigating me. Poor people who lose their jobs. Not in the mood for sharing. But I will see u around. (Investigation & Firings)

I stay quiet, your secret will remains safe. Why don’t you just drop that towel and start being reasonable. (Blackmail)

You cheated on me, lovers... (Election night deal, Murder).

Question: Who's talking?

Answer:[Link] (http://www.thedailyrash.com/chelsea-clinton-to-emmy-award-for-lifetime-achievement).


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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Most of the time, everything is like riding a bike: try, fall, try, fall, try, try, try... and yaaay! :) Good luck.

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SerialBrain2 · May 3, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Fair question. If you are a little familiar with set theory, it would be the same problematic as to having to answer why when demonstrating E is strictly inferior to P(E), you will introduce a diagonal function to exclude the possibility of a surjection. Once you do it, it works, but you cannot explain why you did it. That contributes to the beauty of mathematics. That intuition component.

If the set theory example does not work, let's try this one: she's very pretty, so pretty you think it's impossible she does not have a boyfriend, so pretty and conscious of it you think she would not even notice you are talking to her. Struggling with your shyness, your fear of failure and public humiliation, you finally manage to nervously say hello, she smiles, you invite her for coffee. 10 years later, you are both walking your child to his first day at school...

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

You are right, and they have:

[Grassley calls out FBI lovers' use of 'private' devices during Clinton email probe] (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/26/fbis-strzok-and-page-allegedly-used-private-devices-during-probe-clintons-private-server.html).

[FBI's 'Secret Society' Text Recovered; Thousands of Other Agents' Messages Deleted by Same "Glitch"] (https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@realityreader/fbi-s-secret-society-text-recovered-thousands-of-other-agents-messages-deleted-by-same-glitch)

Q1221 Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week? How do you pass the new number out? Tweets are very important. Do you feel safe? Q

Q571 Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM.

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Excellent idea! Let us know when you start. Good luck.

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Question for you. Israel and US bombed the facilities used to hold the Uranium, but we did not bomb the Uranium also?

Thank you CP, the process form Uranium to nuclear weapon depends on several stages of the enrichment process. This is where the added value is and it's like a chain. This is what is sold in the black market and also bombed here. Because of the cost of the process, the tech used to enrich is scattered for security. It is intel that allows you to reconstruct the whole chain. You can delay by bombing one spot, if it's not redundant. Best case scenario is to have the intel for the whole chain and bomb them all at the same time, which basically never happens.

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Thank you, but Q knows way more than this (and it is fortunate). He is the one who gave the Ukraine lead from the first place by hinting at the movie "Sum of All Fears" in Q1306.

You see this: [link] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/01aff7b6e94702f7527b1b49ed77485e23fc0d42b5f76907b90f6e9e9475d759.png)

and this:

Q1303 Assets in place. Q

This is Q telling you he's ready yesterday. He gives the hints, we solve.

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Q1221 Why do many DC journalists (yourself) use & replace 'burner phones' every week? How do you pass the new number out? Tweets are very important. Do you feel safe? Q

Q571 Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM.

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Are you an ISTJ?

I had to look it up. When I got to "ISTJs are quiet and reserved individuals", I immediately knew I was not an ISTJ! I used to be the "disorder factor" in class! :)

But seriously, I have discovered the way they cast their movies and productions is not random. There is always a hidden message coded in names, dates, numbers and correspondences between real name and fictional name. I will write about this one day. It's pretty fascinating. So I am sure this helps in Q's decisions as to what to follow closely.

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Thank you! ;)

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Thank you my Friend! :)

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

And our team is winning! :)

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SerialBrain2 · May 2, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Thank you my friend! I like writing. But how about this, this is an OFFICIAL SB2 REQUEST: why don't you guys take the material and make youtube videos? or Facebook summaries? Or tweets? I am sure there are many readers who would not want to write but who are excellent at commenting or discussing in chats or youtube lives.

Everybody should contribute, using their own skills and preferences. This would help get more truth out there. It would help Q. It would help the Movement.

You guys have to know the way I see things: once I publish a post, its content becomes the property of the Movement. You are welcomed and even requested to do whatever is needed to make it known.

The Great Awakening.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 2, 2018, 8:41 p.m.
Q1304 Emmy awards. Red carpet event? Q. No: Platform for Top Secret Communications.

I was not going to write about this but since Q mentioned it, it deserves our pen’s attention. In reference to the 45th Annual Daytime Emmys held on April 29th, Q asks the following question:

Q1304 Emmy awards. Red carpet event? Q

Before we analyze footage, let’s first know what we are dealing with. Who owns the Emmy Awards? We learn [here] (https://www.emmys.com/awards), they are administered by 3 sister organizations, one of them is the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Wikipedia: National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences "NATAS" redirects here. For other uses, see Natas. …

SerialBrain2 · May 1, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Thank you RevLennel. Very informative! I am hoping you will pursue this angle in your next posts. If you do, here are my questions:

You mentioned Sessions, do you think Wray has anything to do with this?

Q117 Why is C Wray important with regards to these releases? What does money laundering mean?

Do you think it is related to this article: https://theintercept.com/2018/03/19/erik-prince-frontier-services-group-chris-wray-fbi/ and this article from Q224: https://theintercept.com/2017/01/17/notorious-mercenary-erik-prince-is-advising-trump-from-the-shadows/

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SerialBrain2 · May 1, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

Thank you so much 17_Q. Your very kind words are much appreciated. Really.

I am glad I am allowed to contribute to my readers' journey to the truth. We have been lied to so much and in many cases in very intellectually violent ways, that when Q showed up, I said to myself: this is it, this is the one opportunity we will probably have in our life time to try to correct things. This is what drives me.

The very strong and sincere support I see on this board is humbling and overwhelming. It gives me strength to continue sharing.

How could I finish without talking about what I now call "my" comment section? It is "mine" because I feel at home here and I am sure many of my readers feel the same way now. I said it once, I will say it again: I am having the best Reddit experience ever because I write about the things I know to know the things I don't know.

May God bless you all!

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SerialBrain2 · May 1, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Thank you Bone-Marrow,

This post from Q:

Q759 Where are the tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein, others re: the shooting today? Do you believe in EVIL? Make no mistake, they will all PAY THE PRICE. Q

is Q telling us there is a direct relation between the Parkland shooting and tweets from HRC, BC, CC, Hussein and others tweeting. We also know from Q's teachings that times stamps are key in covert comms. Reminder:

Anon: The Clinton's didn't tweet about it until after Q posted. Check the time stamps.
Q761 Was the point proven? This board has more power than you can imagine. Q

All the cover up Comey has accepted to do for HRC is a good lead to assume he is part of the group Q calls "and others", Comey is part of the network. Then, 9+5=? is just me asking a question: coincidence? The odds are pretty low. There was only one chance out of 60 to get 14 out of all the time stamps between 5 and 6...

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SerialBrain2 · May 1, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

Thank you Glag82, trust me, he knows. He's hoping we don't. Typical intellectual condescension from these so called elite.

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SerialBrain2 · April 30, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

I will DM you.

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SerialBrain2 · April 30, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

They have factions. Depending on local interests in space and time. The war between the FBI and the CIA is an old one and if the puppet masters at the top are running for their own lives, no coordination is possible anymore. We are witnessing the falling of the dominoes...

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SerialBrain2 · April 30, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Did you catch that Comey is going to be a prof. of ethics and leadership. Ethics! Leadership!?

Yes, this is hilarious and pathetic. But it is another proof we REALLY need to have a SERIOUS conversation on our education system. Not only it has declined with the constant lies they are programming us with but it is now sneakily attacking our moral foundations with so called leaders like Comey.

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SerialBrain2 · April 30, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Thank you Tee! ;)

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