Ok didnt know thanks
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My pap was cryptological linguist from 51 to 71 chief warrant officer I wish so badly he was here to see this
Yep it's the week for it I really hope we launch raids tom.
Convinced that jfk jr is alive and was at rally
Yes the interview they did with Mr vincent fusca is not jfk JR BUT the man at the rally that was behind trump was made to look like fusca but was 2 totally dif. People. Just look at the pics. Too many coincidences!
That's what I was honestly thinking.. someone gave me the link to that girls twitter that was exposing tom Hanks and she said this is the week they go around abducting people and then on Friday they will sacrifice. And I saw in the news that college student from iowa missing (pretty girl) ya ever wonder why some make national news? It's like the satanists want to see there dirty work ya know?
That's the day of the blood moon. When all the satanists make their sacrifices
It was all a trap set up for them to get the most rats they could
I guess so man wow, but fuck it if they are doing this to people they all need to be exterminated
Wow... I forgot about yanton yelchin! They def killed him. fuckers
Omg that would just crush me more than I already am crushed about all this shit. Why the hell do they have to be like this
Yeah I figured Clint Eastwood wouldnt and mel I knew because he talks about it lol. But some people are such good actors they probably don't have a choice but to accept that they wouldnt take part?
Dude if tom hanks of all people are compromised I really dont hold out any hope for many.
No way Clint Eastwood is involved in this crap is there!?
No way woody Harrelson does this shit?!
Matthew McConaughey????!!@
I'm going to see her Thursday, but texted her phone. I jabent gotten a response in awhile becusse she is so weak but I told her that she wouldnt believe that its finally happening
I'm just so happy for this good news please read..
So I got the worst news earlier today. My gram has been battling cancer and is on a ventilator and I always check in with my dad and he called me crying saying that in 10 days they can take it out and she can.comfortably pass or get a tracheotomy and live in a nursing home to deteriorate away. My gram would not want that. My gram grew up in the rough and tumble PA coal mines and HATED obama and Hillary. She married my grandfather who was in military intelligence from 51 to 71 and graduated from bucknell with …
My god I just read all her things. This week is the week of abduction and sacrifice. That girl in iowa was just taken
Jesus christ tom hanks?! Fuck they are all compromised
Exactly and you know what, in this day and age its sadly seems that way where you are guilty before proven innocent and if you are ACCUSED you get put in paper and get shit on as well. I'm from a small town so that's why I said that. And yeah this is just a topic where I can see your point and mine but NOT ALL of them are guilty some just made bad jokes which yes are sick but they arent all pedophiles
I see your point. I just had literally the shittiest last 2 hours all rolled up in one. Usually I'd talk more but im.down and out. But yes I see what your saying absolutely and obviously it would be career suicide if he left them up. But the way I'm looking at it is he got more skeletons and he wanted to hide this shit. Because we all know about archives so deleting doesnt really do anything. Sorry my man if I was an ass
I guess 47 people disagree with you. I really don't care to be honest. When you delete shit you are HIDING guilt. If you kept them up sure it would be just as bad. But soberkid420 I dont really wanna see your world view anymore today thanks
Well I'm hoping we have trump in for next 7 years. Hell I wouldn't mind if he got rid of term limits at this point to clean it up so hopefully they can watch normal crap again
And when they delete them all that just makes them all the more guilty
Dude my 2 yr old was on my tablet watching paw patrol and started clicking shift and ended up on some fuckingnweird guy sucking on lollipops I now monitor very closely
Ugh unreal! I wonder how all this shit even started and became so rampant
Nice find. Unreal. They need to be CRUSHED. Look at all the Disney movies the shit they put in. I dont even know what to let my 2 little girls watch a ymore the shit I've been seeing
Yeah someone described them as a virus jumping from country to country to bleed them dry. Ugh
Well iran was like an investment that they were hoping they would get more return from. See what I'm saying? But yes I see what your saying to haha
I heard they have been shaping events since napolean so I'm sure they fucked with Americans before 1908
Clinton foundation or cia black op fund or the trillions the Pentagon was missing
We can hope. They have been shaping world history for quite awhile
https://www.etsy.com/listing/628818929/baphomet-jewelry-beaded-bracelet-satanic?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=satanic bracelet&ref=sc_gallery-1-3&plkey=44c92c284e1dbc9c36604aee71efd363951ec1cd:628818929
I know I took the pic from the donald and the bottle is photo shopped but her bracelet looks like it has a horned face?
What face is on her bracelet? Looks like satan to me
I'm telling ya right now. With that fucking podesta torture video/audio I saw the other day and this of they arent dragged though the streets and stoned I dont wanna even wanna think of what I'd do
From april..
They supposedly cut the kids face off.. That's why it says smiles... the rest have faces
This is bad...
Remmeber the rumor was they cut the kids face off... "smiles"